Mark twain名言原文


1. "A man can be as humorous as he pleases and never be more than a gentleman - and no one would dare to say he was a wit - until he became a little drunk, and then every man in the room would claim him as a wit."(一個男人儘管想幽默多久都行,他充其量只能是個紳士-除非他喝得有點醉了,到那時屋裡所有人都會叫他「機智」之人。)

2. "If you pick up a starfish and crush it, it may die, but it also dies a slow death - it dies knowing it's life was crunched and wasted."(如果你撿起一顆海星,並捏碎它,它可能會死,但它同時也在慢慢死去,因為它知道自己的生命被壓碎和浪費了。)

3. "The difference between the almost right word and almost wrong word is really a large thing."(『幾乎正確的詞』和『幾乎錯誤的詞』之間的區別真的很大。)


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