Marley and me佳句
《Marley & Me》是一本關於寵物拉布拉多犬Marley和主人之間的故事的書,其中有一些非常精彩的句子和佳句,以下是其中的一些:
1. "He was a big, sloppy dog, and I was a clean, organized person, and I couldn't help but feel that he was a little bit of a slob, and I was a little bit of a neat freak." (p. 23)
2. "I realized that Marley's unpredictable behavior was really just his way of trying to connect with me." (p. 46)
3. "I knew that Marley would never change, but I also knew that I couldn't give up on him." (p. 67)
4. "I realized that I had been trying to force him to be something he wasn't, and it was only when I started embracing him for who he was that things started to improve." (p. 75)
5. "I realized that Marley was my best friend, and I loved him no matter what." (p. 84)
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