My dog作文

My Dog

I have a dog named Max. He is a golden retriever, and I love him very much. Max is a very friendly and playful dog. He loves to run, play fetch, and cuddle with me when I come home from work.

Max is a very smart dog. He knows how to sit, stay, and come when he is called. He also knows how to open the door when he wants to go out. I have to lock the door when I leave the house, but Max always manages to open it when he wants to go out. He is very resourceful!

One of my favorite things about Max is that he never barks or growls at other dogs or people. He is always friendly and loves to meet new people and dogs. This makes him a great ambassador for our family and our neighborhood.

Max is also very well-trained when it comes to housebreaking. He knows exactly when it is time to go outside, and he never leaves the yard unless he has permission. He is very well-behaved, and I am proud of him for that.

Overall, Max is a great dog who brings a lot of joy and happiness into my life. He is my best friend and I love him more than anything else in the world. I hope you get a chance to meet my dog someday and see how much he means to me.

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