Rick and morty名言
"Rick and Morty" 是一部流行的美國科幻卡通片,它的名言眾多,以下是一些常見的名言:
1. "Everybody happy!"
2. "Beth doesn't have time for this!"
3. "Damn, that's some serious retard!"
4. "Now that's how you pull a goddamn space-stork!"
5. "Gotta love the universe's sense of humor."
6. "I'm Rick Sanchez, you don't want to mess with me."
7. "I'm not a monster, I'm a scientist."
8. "I'm not a bad guy, I'm just a guy who enjoys watching bad TV."
9. "I'm the smartest person you'll ever meet. Except maybe Morty."
10. "We're all gonna die, but until then..."
這些只是一部分名言,Rick and Morty 的劇情和角色經常說出許多富有哲理和幽默感的話語,您可以查看原劇集以獲取更多名言。
以上就是【Rick and morty名言】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。