Rick and morty金句
Rick and Morty有許多經典的金句,例如:
* GoFundMe: "the reason we're not doing it ourselves is that it would interfere with the game we play when we don't have to take responsibility for other people's actions."(通過GoFundMe籌集資金的原因是我們自己不做這件事會乾擾我們玩的遊戲,即我們不需要為其他人的行為負責。)
* Rick: "I'm a genius, I'm a murderer, and I'm your favorite uncle."(我是天才,我是殺人犯,但我還是你最喜歡的叔叔。)
* Morty: "It's a car, it flies, it has a missile launcher, and it can change shape."(這是輛車,它會飛,它有飛彈發射器,還能變換形態。)
* Jerry: "This is what it's come to, we're driving around in a flying car with a guy who we don't even know?"(這就是我們現在的狀態嗎?和一位我們都不認識的傢伙一起兜風、飛行、發射飛彈?)
以上就是【Rick and morty金句】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。