
以下是《Sex and the City》中一些著名台詞:

1. 「Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.」 - Mr. Big

2. 「I love waking up next to you every morning.」 - Carrie

3. 「I』m a gentleman.」 - Mr. Big

4. 「I want a woman who will walk into a room and make other women feel like they are not competing with anyone.」 - Mr. Big

5. 「You can』t get a man with a gun, you need a man with a heart.」 - Carrie

6. 「It』s like being addicted to heroin, except I have to do it every day.」 - Big on Paris

7. 「Life is short, don』t wait for something to happen, make it happen.」 - Carrie

8. 「If it doesn』t come from the heart, it doesn』t belong in your life.」 - Miranda

9. 「If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it』s yours.」 - Charlotte

10. 「It』s better to be single than to be unhappy in a relationship.」 - Miranda

希望這些台詞可以幫助你理解《Sex and the City》的核心主題和理念。
