Sex and the city名言
以下是Sex and the City中比較著名的一些名言:
1. "I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm looking for Mr. Right."(我不是在尋找一個關係,我是在尋找我的真命天子。)
2. "Life's a journey, not a destination."(生活是一場旅行,而不是一個目的地。)
3. "Men -- they're like suits, all clones and no personality."(男人就像西裝,都一個樣,沒有個性。)
4. "What if it was love and it didn't live up to the magazines?"(如果那是愛,但它沒有達到雜誌的標準怎麼辦?)
5. "A girl should be two things: beautiful and kind."(女孩應該具備兩樣東西:美麗和善良。)
6. "He's either too busy or too uninterested."(他不是太忙就是沒興趣。)
7. "The only thing that scares me about getting old is I won't have enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do."(我唯一害怕變老的事情是我一天的時間不夠多,不能做我想做的事情。)
這些名言在Sex and the City的劇情中經常出現,表達了主角們對於愛情、生活和自我價值的看法。
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