Stephen toulmin名言
Stephen Toulmin的名言有:
* 科學不是為了知識,而是為了行動(Knowledge is not for knowledge's sake, but for action.)。
* 科學是一個自我維繫、自我證明的體系,它要求人們用一種特定的方式去理解世界(Science is a self-sustaining and self-verifying system that requires people to understand the world in a certain way)。
* 觀察是一種闡釋(Observation is a form of interpretation)。
* 我們不可能直接理解事物,只能通過語言的媒介間接地理解事物(We cannot directly understand things, but only understand them indirectly through the medium of language)。
* 解釋意味著通過思考、研究或理論建構去理解事物(Explanation means to understand things through thinking, research, or theoretical construction)。
以上就是【Stephen toulmin名言】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。