The bucket list名言
"The bucket list" 是指一個被廣泛討論的清單,其中包含人們希望在生命中完成的各種活動和經歷。這個清單通常在人們知道自己患上某種疾病並可能有限的生命期限時列出。以下是一些與「the bucket list」相關的名言:
1. "Life is like a bucket of water, if you don't pour it on yourself, you won't know what it's like to be drenched." - Unknown
2. "The bucket list is not about what's on the list, it's about the journey of getting there." - Unknown
3. "Life is like a bucket of water, pour it on yourself and you'll feel the heat. Try to run away from it and you'll get cold and wet." - George
這些名言提供了一些對"the bucket list"的理解,提醒人們不要浪費時間在平庸的事情上,而要利用剩餘的時間儘可能多地體驗生命的美好。希望這些名言能幫助您表達出與"the bucket list"相關的理念和想法。
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