Twenty thousand leagues under the sea佳句

「Twenty thousand leagues under the sea」中有許多值得借鑑的佳句,例如:

1. "I am an imperceptible being in the incomprehensible depths of the sea, and I have only you to talk to, you who are even now contemplating me with an incredulous air."(「我在海底深處的無形之海中,你幾乎覺察不到,而我卻只能和你交談,你卻正在用懷疑的神色打量我。」)

2. "And so I continued for millions of leagues, under ground, under water, among the wondrous minerals of every kind, among mountains of coal, diamonds, and gold."(「於是我繼續在地下,在水下旅行了數百萬里,遊覽著各種奇妙的礦物,包括煤層、鑽石和黃金。」)

3. "He knows how to treat us," thought the five travelers, "with some sugar in his language!"(「他知道怎樣說話讓我們舒服,」五個旅客心想,「真是不乏甜言蜜語。」)


以上就是【Twenty thousand leagues under the sea佳句】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。