What do i do名言
「What do I do?」的名言有:
* 「『What do I do?』 is a question that requires a very careful answer. It』s not just about what you want to do, but also about what you are capable of doing.」 ——Lady Gaga( Lady Gaga:說「我該做什麼?」這個問題需要慎重地回答。這不僅僅是你想做什麼的問題,也關乎於你能否做到。)
* 「What do I do? Stay calm, keep your wits about you, and try to make the best of the situation.」 ——Unknown(當遇到困難時,告訴自己:「保持冷靜,保持理智,儘可能地做出最好的決定。」)
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