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The story of Dream Butterfly Island (2)

Where does the dream butterfly think of an ordinary person with a pair of beautiful wings and will fly? She was ecstatic, and as the song of the creek danced beautifully, the fairy was so fascinated. After the jump, everyone clashed, and the dream butterfly shyly bowed his head. At that time, the The biggest butterfly fairy said: "Dream Butterfly Princess, flying is just our most basic magic. Immediately, we will also teach you to change your stealth, make bad things and so much magic! Now, you know our name first: my name is Dream Lanxin, they are dreamy chilly, dreamy white, dreamy autumn, dreamy autumn, dreamy nostalgia, dreamy blue, dreamy autumn Ling... well, now, I will take you to the house where you live." So Lan Xin took her to a super beautiful castle: I saw that the castle was composed of 300 colorful loves, love is made of crystal, each love has a star, each star They are made of the best gems. After entering, they can smell the scent of flowers. Qiu Ling tells her that this is a mixture of the fragrance of all the most fragrant flowers. Then, I saw a butterfly-like bed. She sat up, wow, so soft. I told her in autumn that it was made of the softest fluff, where the table was made of crystal and the chair was made of agate. The alarm clock is made of diamonds, the door is made of petals, and everything makes the dream butterfly fascinated. At this time, Lan Xin said: "Princess, already 2:00, please go with me to the magic school." The dream butterfly was taken to the magic school by Lan Xin. When I arrived at the magic school, first, the water blue gave her a cup of rose petal dewdrop tea, and whispered with the magic teacher, so the magic teacher took out the magic wand and changed a chair made of pink rose petals. And the fluffy cushion, let the dream butterfly sit down, "叮 铃铃" the class bell rang, the magic teacher first asked the dream butterfly to come up and said to all the students: "This is our new classmate, she is called the dream butterfly, is our country's Princess, everyone welcomes!” The following students all applauded. The dream butterfly smiled and said, “Hello everyone, I am very glad to meet you!” It was another applause. This is the teacher of the magic school. “I am teaching you magic. The magic teacher, in the future, you can call me jerome, well, please sit down in the chair and start class. First we turn the book to page 1, we will learn how to hide ourselves, first of all, to calm the mind, brain I only thought about stealth. Then, I read the spell on my mouth: 'The dream of the butterfly country is blinking stealth', waving the wand on your desk, you can hide it. Now, let's try it!" So everyone Practice Would. In this way, the first lesson has passed. So, the dream butterfly flies home and nostalgia to play with! By the way, take a look at tomorrow's homework! Oh...

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