Inspirational World > Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Labor Contract Model

Hiring a foreign staff contract

____ Hire ____ as a foreign worker, and both parties sign this contract in the spirit of friendly cooperation.

The first employment period is __ years, starting from the date of the __year __month __ day, to the date of __year __month __ day.

Article 2 The tasks of the employed party are agreed as follows:


The employed party shall complete the above tasks on time and in quality. The employer shall provide the employed party with the necessary working and living conditions. The rationale proposal put forward by the employed party at work should be adopted by the employer. The two sides should cooperate actively.

Article 3 The statutory working days of the Chinese government are: eight hours a day, every Saturday and Sunday.

Article 4 The employer shall pay the employed party a monthly salary of RMB ____ yuan and provide various living allowances in accordance with the subsidiary files.

Article 5 The employed party shall abide by the laws, decrees, relevant regulations and the employment system of the Chinese government.

Article 6 Both parties shall not terminate the contract in advance without any reason. If the employed party breaks the contract, it must submit a written application to the employer one month before leaving China. The employer should still work as usual without the consent of the employer. Two weeks after the date of consent, the employer will stop paying wages and stop providing the living conditions of the employed party and their families. All expenses for returning to the country will be taken care of.

The employer violates the Chinese government decree and the employer has the right to propose a dismissal. The salary shall be paid within one month from the date of the dismissal, but the employed party shall arrange to return to the country during this period. The employer shall bear the travel expenses of the employed party and its family members in China, and the international travel expenses shall be self-care.

For the employed party who has lost the job, the employer has the right to propose dismissal, and arrange the employed party to return to the country within one month from the date of the dismissal. The travel expenses of the employed party and their families returning to the country shall be paid by the employer, and all other expenses shall be paid by themselves.

Article 7 Due to health reasons, the employed party may not continue to work after two months of continuous sick leave by the doctor. The employer has the right to terminate the contract in advance and arrange for him to return to the country within one month according to the health status of the employed party. The employer provides the plane ticket for the return of the employed party and its family members and the baggage allowance for the limited amount of baggage.

Article 8 This contract shall take effect from the date of commencement of the term of employment. If any party requests an extension of the term of employment, it shall submit it to the other party three months before the expiration of the contract, and shall be determined by both parties through negotiation, and another contract shall be signed. The engagement contract is an integral part of this contract. The terms of this contract continue to be valid during the appointment period. If neither party proposes to extend the term of appointment or if one party does not agree to extend the term of employment, the contract expires upon expiration.

Article 9 If there is any dispute in the execution of this contract, it shall be settled through negotiation between the two parties.

Article 10 This contract is written in Chinese and ____, both texts being equally authentic.

Party ____

Party ____

__year month day

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