Inspirational world > Fan Wen Daquan > Experience

Company training experience

Part 1: Experience in attending company training

After the training held by the company, we experienced the military life, and further learned about the company's corporate culture, development goals, and planning. At the same time, we also learned the product knowledge necessary as a salesperson. The details, as well as the listed cases, have helped us a lot, which has benefited me a lot. Therefore, I ask myself to study hard at work and grow up in practice.

First of all, the company arranged for us two days of military training, reflecting the company's focus on employee quality training and the focus of team building philosophy. In these two days, I experienced the glory of being a soldier. , marching ceremony, to running, every action must be done, to achieve uniform standards, neatly arranged, slogan loud, especially in the large collection, each team member should be in the fastest and fastest, the case through the two Training, we can clearly feel our progress, doing things organized, not acting alone, but also cultivated our hard-working spirit, but also honed strong willpower and execution, during the military training, the instructors organized us to sing Playing games not only increases the unity and friendship between our colleagues, but also understands that the strength of the team is the greatest. Only our team can achieve better tasks.

Secondly, the company arranged four days of corporate culture training, as well as time management, business law related knowledge, Runhua's song learning, and more importantly, the chairman's discussion, let me deeply appreciate the company's attention to our new employees, During the training, I learned more about the history of entrepreneurship, the history of development, and the future of the company. This is the overall goal of the third venture. Let us clarify the goal of development in Runhua, do a good job of personal positioning, and give it to the general symposium. I am more moved and surprised. I am moved by the fact that I have taken time out of my busy schedule to participate in this discussion, and I will stand up every time I answer a question and ask, "I am satisfied with your answer." It’s so passionate, so amiable, there is no sense of oppression with successful people. During this period, we always talked about the company’s entrepreneurial experience and future development direction, and answered our question. Some questions have made us have a deeper understanding of the company's corporate culture and the third venture. Finally, when we left, we were the people. Singing songs of Runhua, although only learned less than two days, but we have to do our best work pays off, we get a total of recognized Luan.

In the last four days we learned about product knowledge. I am doing sales. In this training, the training of product knowledge is very rich. From the basic knowledge of the car, to the analysis of the reception needs of the exhibition hall, and the related business of the equipment, we are more aware of being a salesperson. How important it is to master the knowledge. Only by mastering the product knowledge can we better explain to customers and let customers recognize us. This requires me to constantly improve my self-worth, strictly demand myself, and always remind myself to do every sales process. In order to be satisfied with customers, in the future workbench, I will continue to work hard, continue to learn, work hard to be a good salesperson, and strive to be a loyal Runhua four, I believe in the near future. In the future, I will return the company with excellent performance and make my own contribution to the development of the company.

Part 2: Experience in corporate training

Culture is the soul of a company, and it is the foundation of a company that can stand proud of the sea of ​​business. Training the culture of watering, the enterprise is like a passive water, it can not last long. The culture of cadre training has developed to this day. It has been widely recognized that its essence is the way of thinking and behavior shared by all members of the enterprise. The real effect of the training of enterprise cadres is to educate and transform people with excellent culture. China's Haier Group, Handan Iron and Steel Company, US Microsoft Corporation, Japan Training Company, etc., they created miracles and successful corporate quality training programs all tell me: corporate culture is the immortal pillar of enterprise development, cultural construction has The potential cohesive force, it can not only bring a kind of enterprise to the enterprise, but also stimulate the pride and sense of responsibility of the employees, cultivate the spirit of the enterprise, and guide the work of our employees, thus improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

Below I will talk about the personal experience of how to preach the corporate culture of the Oriental company from three aspects.

First, talk about the understanding of the concept of training companies.

As the employees of the company, each of our employees should uphold the company's fine cultural traditions, bearing in mind that "integrity, performance, innovation" is the common value orientation of our company and employees. Development is our first training experience and has a strong core. Competitive international first-class companies are our common goal.

Integrity culture is an important cadre of corporate culture. Enterprises have no trust and no prosperity, and society is untrustworthy. Therefore, honesty is the cornerstone of corporate philosophy. Integrity: Honesty is loyalty and honesty; faith is to keep promises and credibility. Integrity is especially important for the training of the core value of the enterprise. It is our traditional virtue, inheriting and carrying forward this virtue, and has special and realistic significance under the conditions of market economy.

Innovation is to abandon the old and create new ones. Innovation is the soul of a company's prosperity. Only by advancing with the times and constantly promoting concept innovation, management innovation, technological innovation, institutional innovation, and innovation in all aspects can we achieve new development and create new glories. Use the advanced management office director training class, technical level and business performance, to fight hard, go to the cadres; depending on the quality of the company's life, actively participate in the training of corporate cadres, and strive to build a first-class geophysical company in Harbin Vocational Training School. Any corporate culture construction is centered on the "integrity, performance, innovation" corporate values. We must educate every employee to abide by corporate etiquette and form a thinking computer training class and behavior habits that advocate integrity and pursue perfection. Because, if the enterprise's enterprises can share such thinking ways and behavior habits, the easier internal communication and coordination will train everyone's network, which will have a very positive effect and influence on enhancing the cohesiveness within the enterprise and improving the work efficiency of the whole enterprise.

The company advocates the business philosophy of “Customer Satisfaction, Win-Win and Sustainable Development” and advocates the service concept of “pre-service, advanced service, and value-added service”. The significance of this is important. As a community leading cadre of Oriental Company, he has publicized the corporate philosophy of daily network management, actively carried out operational skills training, enterprise service standards, service etiquette training, perfecting various management systems, establishing quality systems, etc. As soon as possible, I will be proficient in the operation of this post, and have a full-fledged work style to work. Infiltrating the corporate culture concept into management work, management work and service work; running through the work requirements, work standards, and work assessment, taking the corporate philosophy as our guide to action is my unshirkable job responsibilities, all of which are user-oriented, The user thinks and provides the most satisfactory service to the community residents.

Second, measures for corporate culture construction.

In the critical period of rapid and sustainable development of the company, corporate culture construction is a complex system engineering. It is necessary to raise awareness, strengthen leadership, develop and innovate, advance with the times, and strive to create a new situation in corporate culture construction.

It is necessary to raise awareness, unify thinking, and effectively put corporate culture construction on the important agenda of management work. The construction of corporate culture is an important part of the overall work of an enterprise. It is of utmost importance to earnestly grasp it. Regularly organize grassroots leading cadres and employees to study and study the theory of corporate culture construction, master the basic principles and basic content of corporate culture, enhance the understanding of the importance and necessity of corporate culture construction; timely research and solve corporate culture The emergence of new situations and new problems, grasp the direction of corporate culture construction, adhere to the use of advanced socialist culture to occupy cultural positions, and constantly promote corporate culture.

It is necessary to strengthen leadership and coordinate management, and establish a working mechanism for corporate culture construction. Corporate culture construction is a comprehensive work. It is necessary to actively build a unified leadership of the party committee, and the party and government work groups will jointly manage and jointly engage the employees to jointly promote a new working pattern of corporate culture construction. Establish a corporate culture construction leading group, set up a corporate culture construction work organization and full-time staff, and clarify work responsibilities. In the institutional reform, the construction of corporate culture can only be strengthened, can not be weakened, and can not be replaced; efforts to explore new mechanisms and methods for the construction of corporate culture under the modern enterprise system, and continuously lead the construction of corporate culture.

It is necessary to meticulously organize and plan overall, and steadily promote the construction of corporate culture. As a community cadre, I assume the role of organizer, breeder, advocate, and demonstrator in the construction of corporate culture. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to improving the level of corporate culture construction through out-of-production training, on-the-job learning, and observation and exchange. It is necessary to carefully plan corporate culture activities, publicize corporate image, create a good cultural atmosphere for enterprise reform and development, and implement the task of corporate culture construction.

Part 3: Experience in the training of employees in insurance companies

With an empty cup of mind and expectation, I was fortunate to participate in the 4th training course of the Fujian Branch of China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Through more than 20 days of active participation and dedication, I have made great progress and gratifying achievements in all aspects of life insurance knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits. All this is achieved with the help and guidance of the leaders. Inseparable, if there is no concern from the leaders, I will not have the opportunity to participate in such high-level, high-standard, super-strength, and ultra-limit upgrade classes. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leadership for this care!

The courses in the training courses are tight and orderly, and the atmosphere of the training courses is serious and lively. Looking back on the unforgettable days and nights, I have gained a lot and I am very grateful. I now report to the leaders as follows:

First, attitude determines everything, and ideas produce strength. The 4th group training class has two eye-catching spirit slogans: one is that life insurance is the cause of talents, talents are the cause of education, education is the cause of training, and the other is - I come for life insurance, I am successful Come, I come for the ideal. From the beginning of the training class, I used them as my motto, always keeping in mind, taking the first correct attitude as the beginning of success and harvest. Milu once said: "The attitude determines everything. Only by agreeing with the necessity and importance of learning, can the action become self-conscious and produce good and positive results. The three-week course of the training course is also effective. This is proved. The first class teacher asked us to seriously consider such a question: how to learn in the course of the training course, what to learn, what expectations do you have after learning, I think, first of all, we must clearly define the goal and build confidence. The theory is linked to reality, and discipline is strictly adhered to. Starting from little things, we must go to the big goal in a down-to-earth manner. Not only must we listen to every lesson with full enthusiasm and dedication, but also learn The lecturer's teaching skills, interactive and rich, but also to communicate with partners in various regions, more exchanges, draw more nutrition and inspiration from them, each partner is a teacher, each partner has a flash of light, I have a very good character worthy of my appreciation and learning. Such an opportunity, how many times can there be life, why not cherish and work hard? The attitude is the fundamental guarantee for progress. A good attitude is a valuable asset in itself. It is always more than others. It is always more hard work than others. It is better to learn more than others. It will be closer to success. This is one of the feelings that the training class has given me.

Second, develop good habits and reflect the style of group training.

Intentional practice, no intention to succeed. The so-called success is the achievement of nature. Success is the process of never getting used to habits. Therefore, the development of good habits is crucial to success. The glory of a person is by no means an accident. It is not a matter of overnight, but after years of hard work and the vicissitudes of life. According to expert statistics, the development of a good habit can be formed after at least 37 repeated exercises, and the good habits formed can accompany them throughout their lives. The style of first-class training should start from the cultivation of good habits. There are many details in the training class, such as the timely return of the chair, the mobile phone can not be carried in class, the meal can not be smashed, the surrounding is clean and tidy, the dress is neat and tidy, strictly observe the time and schedule, and strictly perform the leave procedure, etc. The teachers’ good intentions. A recruit is coming, and the troops that can come to fight can be a force with good habits, strict discipline, and a good style. The closed learning and training of the training class is intense and enjoyable. Everyone is committed to the new spirit of pursuing competition, pursuing excellence and pursuing challenges. Integrating old knowledge and learning new skills is the goal. At the same time, I believe that good habits Training is also one of the indispensable content. The development of good habits is a long and arduous process. The training course is a good opportunity for improvement and revision, because there are friendly tips and selfless help from the partners of the Gossip, as well as the strict supervision of the lecturers. Enthusiastic care. A strong learning atmosphere and environment will undoubtedly make learning progress faster and faster. In the three-week course, my discipline is a perfect score, which is inseparable from my efforts to cultivate good habits. As a manager and counselor in the workplace, group training must have a glorious and positive image, lead by example, use actual actions to inspire and influence partners, and do the giants of language and action, in order to achieve good results. The development of the first-class group training style should focus on the big picture and start small. The setting of the big goal is indispensable, because this is the realm of struggle and the realm of expectation. However, the details of daily life can reflect the training foundation of the training. The so-called: the subtleties see the style, the best of the best .

Third, enrich knowledge education and enhance professional skills

The reform of China Life's shareholding system brings new opportunities to the company and also faces higher challenges. How to strengthen marketing management, how to quickly and effectively expand the market, how to improve and improve the education and training system, how to improve the overall quality of the sales force team, how to break through the thinking and innovation, and so on have become a problem that must be solved before us. Question. Facts and practices have proved that only through professional training and standardized education, the overall quality of supervisors and front-line sales personnel at all levels can be improved, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of the company's marketing business, and fundamentally ensuring the sustainable and healthy development of the business. From the strategic level of the company's survival and development, it is the core requirement of the 4th group training class to fully implement the knowledge education and improve the professional skills of China Life. It is also the fundamental requirement for me to participate in this training class.

The courses of the training courses are from shallow to deep, and they can be understood in a simple way. They are carefully considered by the teacher, thoughtfully arranged and carefully designed. The first week of the course is imported and structured, mainly including the job responsibilities and basic work mode of the team training staff, the operation and operation of the life insurance marketing team, the organization and structure of the life insurance company, and the corporate culture of the company. The style of group training and so on. The second week of the course is transferred to practical and specific operational, including how to fill in the work log, how to manage the activity, how to manage the log review and guidance, workplace counseling essentials, team subculture construction. The third week of the course includes: how to arrange the calendar, how to carry out business promotion, how to cultivate planning, how to write a business case, how to communicate and encourage, business unit kpi indicator analysis, workplace training elements, XX version of the basic law, love incentives and Business summary meeting, etc. Every lesson is of great benefit to me. Among them: Li Junyong's kpi indicator analysis class has distinct pertinence and very strong practicality. Through the analysis and dissection of the business results of the business unit, the formation of systematic indicators and standardized reports, so that the hard and cold figures produce a strong visual impact, use the numbers to speak, use indicators to correct the target, use analysis to check Explain the problem and solve the problem with the best solution. These have quite realistic guiding significance for the units that were originally operated extensively. The establishment of the business report system is not only intuitive and easy to understand, but also has a prominent orientation. At the same time, the format is unified as much as possible to prevent the workload from being too large and affect the quality of the business reports. More importantly, it is necessary to optimize the available resources and maximize the value. . Accuracy, science, and integrity are also one of the basic requirements for business reporting. The ultimate goal of the system to set up business reports and conduct metric analysis is to identify problems and solve problems. As a workplace training, only the ability to find problems is not enough. Only through keen observation and accurate judgment, the problems found will be locked down, and scientific methods can be used to analyze the causes of the problems, and solutions can be designed according to the reasons. Only such a plan can be targeted. The 7 lessons related to workplace training focus on improving the coaching staff's coaching and training clerk's abilities. Through coaching and training, the knowledge learned by the group training is effectively transferred to the business partners, and the knowledge is transformed into productivity through the business partners' exhibition industry, so as to achieve the good results of the brilliant organization. How to effectively train? First of all, we must create a warm atmosphere, encourage all employees to participate, and stimulate business partners to improve their quality and desire for growth. Secondly, we must take the training ability as the starting point, all the curriculum settings, the topic selection must comply with the business partners. The starting point of demand is to create performance as the destination. Do what you need to practice, what to learn. At the same time, it is necessary for partners to understand that training is a two-way communication, an interactive process, not an old, simple mode of teaching and learning. Professional knowledge is the basis and starting point of the level of training and training. Only by solidifying the foundation can we build a platform for take-off.

Fourth, the skills are essential, the practice is a treasure

If the market often wants to win a war, it is not enough to have courage and courage. Insurance marketing is in the midst of sailing and looking forward to a good period of change. At the same time, the marketing market will also be smoky and sizzling. As an insurance coach, in addition to the rich knowledge, correct attitude, and good habits, practical training is essential. The improvement of skills cannot be completed overnight, and it is necessary to pass a lot of practice and exercise, and finally let the market test the feasibility.

Although the course is over, the new journey has just begun. I will invest in the intense and orderly practical work with the knowledge, attitudes, habits and skills I have learned from the training class. With the spirit of perseverance and serious and rigorous style, I am determined to fight for the glorious cause of China Life!

Part 4: Experience of the company's new employees' induction training

I lost my arrogance, Yang Jun lost the willow, and the willows swayed straight to the top. The old vines of the vines are faint, the bridges are flowing, and the ancient roads are thin and thin. Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon. The road is long and the road is long, and I will search for it. Mu Xinxin began to flow with glory and spring. Two sentences for three years, a pair of tears. Just out of the university gate, I was honored to be a member of Hefei Gree Company. With my good hope and a mentality from scratch, I started a new journey of my life.

In order to let us know more about the company and adapt to the work, the company specially started a one-week new employee induction training from July 8th. The content of this training is very rich, mainly including the company's historical evolution, company organization and corporate culture introduction, company leadership lectures, the heads of various departments to teach relevant professional knowledge and their own experience of teaching, security, management system and file management. systematic learning. After seven days of training, I learned the basic operation process of the company in the shortest time, as well as the company's development history and corporate culture, the current situation of the company and some professional knowledge that I have never been exposed to before. Through this training, I have benefited a lot from the experience.

First, understand the history of the company and the company's organization and corporate culture.

The first day of the training began to introduce the history of the unit. The introduction of the secretary is very detailed, as if to lead us through the storms of more than 50 years, witness the evolution of the company, and understand the hardships. This makes us cherish the hard-won today and inspire us to work harder to build a brilliant tomorrow.

On the same day, Secretary Zhang introduced us to the company's current organization, so that we can understand the major departments of the company and its main functions from the giant view, and lay the foundation for future contact work and improve work efficiency. Zhang Shuji also gave us a detailed introduction to the company's corporate culture. In the past three months of my work, I feel that the company's working atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and even on the way to the company are passionate and relaxed. Passion is because I can learn a lot of knowledge and skills at work, and relaxation is psychological. This is the feeling of "working and happy", which makes me feel very satisfied.

Second, the training has given me a basic perception and understanding of the company's main business.

I work in the company's archives, and I also study professional archives at school. I can say that I am a layman for survey and measurement. This training is my first systematic contact with this knowledge. I really benefited a lot and learned a lot of new knowledge.

After several professional knowledge trainings, I have a general understanding of the company's main tasks, which are roughly divided into surveying, measuring, geotechnical testing, and testing, and are responsible for the corresponding departments. For example, the engineer's office is mainly responsible for geotechnical engineering work, mainly including survey, design, treatment, inspection, and monitoring; the test center is mainly responsible for in-situ testing, pile-based testing, and so on. And I have a general understanding of its main workflow and some terms, and it will not be as good as when it first arrived, even the company's main business is not clear.

Third, I learned about the company's safety management and management system.

After a day, we systematically learned the knowledge of security and the knowledge of the company's management system. I think this is a relatively unfamiliar knowledge for our recent graduates. I think its purpose is to ensure safe production; second, to improve work efficiency, and to enhance corporate image. The ultimate goal is to maximize benefits. On this basis, there are a lot of theoretical knowledge and systems. This also requires us to pay attention to our usual work, such as safety. In any small part, we must pay attention to safety issues, such as people taking power, fire, Anti-theft, as well as some electrical safety and personnel safety, especially at the construction site. These may not be able to notice more problems after the actual work, and write into the system, which is more standardized for safety management.

The company is the first company in the industry to obtain the three standards of the management system, and has a management policy that is in line with the company's actual situation. In the study, we learned a management mode that is constantly changing, that is, the PDCA cycle: from play to do to check to action. Whether it is QHSEMS, EMS, OHSMS, this cycle runs through it. Look closely, this cycle also applies to all aspects of our lives, which is actually a process of accumulation of experience, never going to the meeting, from bad to good, from good to better. I believe that this simple and clear cycle will accompany me throughout my life and become a yardstick for my continuous improvement.

Fourth, I learned about company files and personnel.

On the last day, we first learned about the company's file management system and the main functions of the company's archives. I am familiar with this aspect because I work in the archives and have been internship for 2 months. I believe that the value of archives lies in the use of information. When others need information, they can quickly and timely find the required information. File is the most important responsibility of archivists. The company's archives have a history of more than 50 years, the system is sound, and the warehouses are clearly classified. During the internship, I deeply realized that I did not choose the wrong unit. Have a good basic construction, have a good master, really let me learn what I can use, and can better grasp theoretical knowledge through practical experience. The company's archives also manages the management of the norms and magazines, and has a special reading room. It is a professional technician who can keep abreast of the new norms and master the new developments in the industry.

In terms of personnel, Director Li mainly introduced the treatment, holidays and professional titles of new employees. I think this should also be a topic we care about. Director Li introduced the details in detail and introduced the wages of various departments. I also think that the more transparent and fair, the more open and insensitive. I am more concerned about the title of the title. The title of the archive series is to go to the society to test. I think that from now on, we should grasp the professional knowledge and not relax, and strive to get a new level as soon as possible.

Finally, the leadership of the training asked us.

I learned a lot in this training, but the deepest feeling is that every leader basically mentions a requirement, that is, learning, learning, and learning. I can't relax for a moment. Not only do I have to transfer my knowledge to the profession, but I also need to know other professional knowledge. For example, I should know more about the knowledge of surveying and measurement, which will help me understand the contents of the archives and improve my work. Efficiency and quality. In addition, it is hoped that we can enter the working state as soon as possible, and make a good change in ideology, from the recipient to the donor. I think that I have done a good job in this area. After all, I have been internship for 2 months, and I feel that I am slowly getting on the right track now. Finally, I hope that we can work on the ground, develop good work and living habits, accumulate capital for ourselves, and create benefits for the company.

I have been working in the company for 3 months so far. This pre-employment training gave me a deeper understanding of the company, enhanced my knowledge, and more importantly, let me have a new understanding and new The goal of struggle is "the water will not rot, but people will not retreat." In the future work, I will study twice in life and constantly improve my own quality. As the company takes the road of “new, special and refined”, I, as a member of the company, must also have such a concept, develop its own “new, special and refined” and perfect itself to adapt to the company’s evolving needs. , strive to maximize their own interests.

Believe that you can do it, prove that you are true! For the sacrifice of more ambitions, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day. It’s a big straightforward one, and it’s a big deal. The mountains are good, the birds are still there. Lost in a thousand miles, a thousand miles. The people are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of death.

Part 5: Experience in employee culture training

After listening to Wei's two courses, my harvest is quite a lot. In life, each of us faces many choices. We can choose our own career or plan our future. Because each person's experience is different, everyone's understanding of life is different, and their ideas are also very different. People are like this forever! So some people choose to ask for and enjoy, while others choose giving and giving, and there are a lot of ordinary people who are very kind but whose mindset and actions have been swinging. This also creates daily cultural differences.

Mr. Li proposed that the core of our xx company management is “people-oriented”. Some people say that a company should be a school, an army and a family. This metaphor does make sense. He told us that a company must have one. It is perhaps the best way for your employees to continue to improve their quality through learning. First of all, we should realize that what kind of talents are excellent talents of enterprises and excellent talents of enterprises. It should be a company that knows the culture of the enterprise and can be organically integrated into the culture of the enterprise as a whole, and at the same time creatively The ability to do my job well, especially the former is especially important.

When we come to the xx company, each of us has an expectation: we hope to achieve self-worth through our own struggles, while at the same time obtaining a reasonable and fair return. This return is not only material, but also spiritual. Sometimes, absolute fairness is not there, but if basic fairness is lost, a team cannot be united. It is only a matter of time before it collapses. How to make xx this team twist into a rope, to play the biggest and best effect, is the problem we urgently need to think about!

In the process of our work, we should implement the principle of “doing things right and working diligently”, instead of treating it as a slogan, but integrating it into specific work and company business activities.

Innovation, transcendence, unity and pragmatism are the embodiment of xx company's corporate culture. It is based on corporate values ​​and cultures that are subject to organization, teamwork, responsibility, honesty and trustworthiness, and self-criticism. This culture and management is the company. The accumulation and precipitation of years of experience in the development process is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of xx companies.

How does a company establish its own corporate culture? I don't think there is a fixed model. We must continue to learn through the practice of work, actively pay attention to the advanced ideas of other companies, and combine the actual situation of the company with its own employees. culture. Such as business philosophy, management philosophy, service concept, risk concept, talent concept, etc., form a part of the corporate culture.

A company with a good culture can survive and develop in the future market competition. Its capital can continue to increase and become a truly valuable capital. Otherwise, more capital is just a pile of waste paper. Because it will gradually lose in the future market competition.

The company's corporate culture is open, inclusive and constantly evolving, so as long as we inherit this culture and carry it forward, collective solidarity and common struggle, we have reason to believe that xx tomorrow will be even better!

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