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Li Yanhong's classic inspirational quotes

Li Yanhong's classic inspirational quotes

1. People must do what they like and are good at.

Your inner preference is the biggest driving force for your career. It can help you overcome difficulties and persist in the end. If you have a lot of things you like, you should choose what you are best at doing so that you can get more than ordinary people while feeling happy. Achievements.

2, look for it, just do it; don't follow the trend, don't waver

"If you look at it, you will do it." It is about judging power and action. It is necessary to correctly judge the situation and opportunities. Once it is accurate, it must be put into action. If you suffer from loss, you can only miss the opportunity; "Do not follow the trend, do not waver." "It is said that there are many people who can see opportunities through vision and determination, but they can persist in the end, not for the immediate interests, and there are few people who do not change for a while, so the success of most people is short-lived."

3, focus on one

Whether it is a business or an individual, you should focus on your field and stick to it. Because people's energy is limited, the resources available to enterprises are limited. Only by focusing on one hand and applying all the power to one point can we surpass others and achieve lasting and extraordinary achievements.

4, to do things to the extreme

To become a market leader, a company must first have a leader's mentality, that is, to believe that you can do much better than everyone else. In this state of mind, by doing everything to the limit, you can eventually become a leader.

5, a little promise, more cash

When making a commitment to others, be sure to ask for truth, tell the truth, and do it again. If we draw a horizontal line at the point of combination of commitment and delivery, then our commitment to others should be lower than this line, and the results delivered to people should be higher than this line. Because it is done, it is always more powerful than rhetoric.

6, let the data speak

Respecting the data means respecting objective facts. The data may sometimes be one-sided, but it is honest and not emotional, so it can rule out all artificial preferences and thus bring us closer to the truth. So, please keep the following three things in mind: First, before cheering for a great idea, please use the data to prove its feasibility and value to the user; second, the assessment of all work should be based on quantitative data; Third, in front of the data, everyone is equal.

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