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Inspirational quotes against fear

1. What we are most proud of is not to fall, but to climb up after each fall.

2. Even the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person to insist on doing it, in the end there will be hope.

3. The world will make way to those who have goals and visions.

4. Without saliva and sweat, there is no tears of success.

5. People who lose money lose little, people who lose health lose a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.

6. When you can't get from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not done overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

7. What makes us want the most is to make us fear.

8. There are two types of power. One comes from fear of being punished, and the other comes from the good deeds of love. The latter’s power is thousands of times greater than the former.

9. The little bat screams because he is afraid: "I am afraid of light! Turn everything black!"

10. If you have no confidence in yourself, then believe what you think is truth. You know what must be done. Maybe you don't have the courage, lack of trust, can't understand, or don't want to do it at all, but you know what you have to do. You can't go back. There is no answer behind you. If something you don't know makes you feel scared, then go face it and try to understand it. Facing difficulties, study hard. Go and do what you have to do. —— Patricia A. McKillip

11. Any restrictions are started from your own heart.

12. In order to prove yourself to others and to the world, once you have achieved your achievements, you will understand that people do not have to prove anything to others, as long as you can surpass yourself.

13. I heard the seeds singing the song of hope in the mud.

14. Poverty does not require planning, and getting rich requires a careful plan – and practice it.

15. When a little mind becomes a behavior, it becomes a habit; thus a character, and a character determines the success or failure of your life.

16. I am far from defeating myself more than others.

17. If we do or don't do it, someone will laugh. If you don't do well and do well, someone will laugh. Then we simply do better and give people a smile!

18. The world is not in the hands of those who are ridiculed, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism.

19. Success requires cost, time is also a cost, and cherishing time is cost savings.

20. Action is a cure for fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

21. Investing in knowledge is wise, and investing in knowledge in the Internet is more sensible.

22. Hope, even if it is unrealistic fantasy, is also needed, useful, and beautiful, especially for young people.

23. The compass always moves in one direction, no matter where it is.

24. The "electromagnetic wave" of hope, radiating every young cell of yours, the "flying bird" of hope, sings you a song that is intoxicating.

25. The curtain of the stage of life may be opened at any time. The key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid.

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