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[Boutique] project cooperation agreement

Part 1: Project Cooperation Agreement

Party A: Legal address:

Party B: Legal address:

In accordance with the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B shall jointly participate in the development and construction of real estate projects in accordance with the principle of equality, mutual benefit and good faith, in order to clarify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties, and be friendly. Negotiate and reach the following cooperation agreement to abide by the implementation:

I. Overview of cooperation projects

Party A and Party B initially agreed that this cooperation will be the real estate development and construction of Dahe Grain Station.

project address:____________________

Floor area: _____ square meters

Second, the scope and content of cooperation

According to the negotiation mode of this cooperation mode between the two parties, the asset replacement model, Party A is in Dahe Town, Nanjiang County.

The land of the grain and oil purchase and sale company is _____ square meters. The two parties agree that the price is _____ yuan as the replacement of the house. After Party B's planning and design is completed, Party A will deduct the land amount one time, such as the attached file.

According to the current actual situation and market conditions, the two parties agreed that this contract is the initial contract for the construction of the project. When the project can start construction, the formal contract will be signed. The scope and content of this cooperation are the planning, design and related aspects of the project. Matters, including funds and sales for project development and construction.

Third, the way of cooperation

In this joint cooperation, in the name of Party A's external communication, information exchange, coordination, public relations and other business matters in the early stage, Party B shall complete the work stipulated in this Agreement as the management personnel of Party A and conduct corresponding legal business activities.

4. The work and responsibilities of both Party A and Party B

4.1, Party A's responsibility:

4.1.1. Provide Party B with all relevant information necessary for project activities, such as Party A's land use certificate, organization, management organization, registered capital, company charter, business license, qualification certificate, capital verification report, annual financial statement, A certificate of legal representative, a power of attorney, etc., all documents for the cooperation of the project.

4.1.2. On the basis of the information necessary for the investment and development of Party B, it is responsible for assisting Party B in preparing the project for the promotion and development of the project.

4.2.4. Responsible for coordinating the relationship and making Party B win the bid in the competition for cooperation and development projects.

4.2. Party B's responsibilities:

4.1.6. Undertake all expenses incurred during the cooperation of the project.

4.2.1. Responsible for providing public relations support for project services.

4.2.2. Responsible for all the basic information required for project services.

4.2.5 Other work agreed upon by both parties.

V. Guarantee and commitment

5.1. Both parties have the right to sign and enforce the obligations stipulated in this Agreement and without the consent of any other person.

5.2. Any information, information, data, files, etc. provided by the parties are up-to-date, objective, true and complete, and there are no false, infringing, intentional negligence or false statements.

5.3. Both parties will notify the other party of all matters that may be known to affect this Agreement and prompt the other party's attention.

5.4 Party B shall actively support the Party when making legitimate business activities.

6. Cooperation period

The validity period of this agreement is tentatively set at two years. If there is no progress in the cooperation project, it will be terminated after two years from the date of signature and seal of both parties. If the cooperation project goes smoothly, Party B will win the bid in the competition for cooperation and development. The validity period of this Agreement shall be extended until the closing of the sale of the cooperative project.

7. Liability for breach of contract

7.1. Because this Agreement was signed in the early stage of project development, if it is unilaterally breached, it must bear four times the expenses of the other party of the project.

7.1. If the parties are unable to perform the obligations of the agreement due to reasons beyond the control of either party, including war, fire, storm, political blockade or natural disaster, the party shall not be liable for breach of contract, nor shall it be liable to the other party for any failure due to the above non-performance. Loss or damage is responsible.

Eight, applicable law

8.1 The conclusion, validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China.

8.2. If there is any dispute between the parties regarding the validity, interpretation or performance of this Agreement, the parties shall first adopt friendly consultations. If the negotiation fails within 30 days from the date of the dispute, either party has the right to file a lawsuit in the court where the project is located.

8.3. Except for the terms of the dispute, the continuation of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected during the settlement of the dispute.

8.4. If some of the provisions of this Agreement are terminated or invalidated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, they shall not affect the validity of other provisions of this Agreement.

IX. Entry into force of the agreement, modification, modification, supplementation and other provisions of the agreement

9.1 This Agreement shall become effective after being sealed and signed by both Party A and Party B.

9.2. This Agreement shall be protected by law upon its entry into force and shall not be modified, altered or supplemented by any party. Any amendments, changes and additions to this Agreement are subject to mutual agreement and a written agreement.

9.3. This Agreement is written in Chinese. The original is in quadruplicate. Both Party A and Party B hold two copies and have the same legal effect.

9.4. Any transaction file relating to this Agreement shall be the subsidiary file of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement.

9.5. This Agreement was formally signed in __________ on _____________________________.

person A person B:

Legal representative: Legal representative:

Or an authorized representative: or an authorized representative:

Part 2: Project Cooperation Agreement

Project cooperation agreement: project sponsor and project technical leader

A:, ID number:, hometown

B: ID number: , birthplace

Party A and Party B have entered into cooperation agreements based on the principles of fairness, equality and mutual benefit as follows:

Article 1 Party A and Party B voluntarily cooperate in the operation of plastic and metal paint projects with a total investment of 200,000 yuan. Party A contributes 150,000 yuan in RMB, and Party B contributes 50,000 yuan in technology and customer resources.

Article 2 The partnership forms a partnership enterprise according to law. During the partnership period, the partners contribute the joint property and may not be divided at will. After the partnership ends,

The capital contribution of each partner is still owned by the individual and will be returned at that time.

Article 3 The term of operation of the partnership enterprise is three years. If you need to extend the time limit, go through the relevant procedures six months before the expiration.

Article 4 The two parties jointly operate, and the proceeds from the execution of the partnership firm by the partners belong to all the partners, and the losses or civil liabilities incurred by the partners are owned by all the partners.

Article 5 The fixed assets and surplus of the enterprise shall be distributed according to the proportion of Party A's 60% and Party B's 40% of the net profit obtained.

Article 6 Corporate debt shall be borne by 60% of Party A and 40% of Party B. After either party repays the debt externally, the other party shall pay off the part of the burden to the other party within 10 days.

Article 7 The fixed investment of 10% of the total sales profit of the project products shall be made annually. Sales profit dividend, one year settlement

Article 8 The parties may supplement the provisions of this Agreement, and the Supplementary Agreement shall have the same effect as this Agreement.

Article 9 This Agreement shall be in duplicate and one copy of each of the partners. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature by the Partner.

Article 10 From the date of signing the agreement, Party B shall be responsible for technical and market development and follow-up after sale, and Party A shall be responsible for management and daily affairs.

Article 11 The validity period of this Agreement shall be tentatively fixed for three years, counting from the date of signature by the representatives of both parties, from __ __ years __month __ day to ____ years __ month __ days.

Article 12 Dispute Resolution

1. The disputes relating to this contract arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled in accordance with the principle of friendly negotiation;

2. If the two parties cannot reach an agreement through negotiation, they shall submit it to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration or to the People's Court for legal action;

Article 13 After the expiration of this Agreement, neither party has proposed to terminate the agreement, and it is deemed that they agree to continue cooperation. This Agreement shall continue to be effective if

If the cooperation is no longer continued, the exiting party shall submit the written text of the withdrawal to the other party three months in advance, and shall submit the information about the contract project and the customer resources of the other party to the other party.

Article 14: Default treatment

If a party violates any of the terms of this contract, the non-defaulting party has the right to terminate the execution of this contract and to require the defaulting party to compensate for the damage. Article 15 Agreement is lifted

1. If one partner violates this agreement, the other party has the right to terminate the cooperation agreement.

2. The cooperation agreement expires

3. The two parties agree to terminate the agreement

4. If one of the partners has legal problems and has done damage to the enterprise, the other party has the right to cancel the matters not covered in Article 16 of the cooperation agreement. The two parties may renegotiate the supplementary agreement, and the supplementary agreement is equivalent to this agreement.

Article 17 This contract is made in two copies, each party holds one copy and has the same legal effect.

Party A: Party B: Address: Address:

Contract signing location: ___________

Contract signing time: ____ years __ month __ day

Part 3: Project Cooperation Agreement

person A person B:

The co-investors of the above parties have been negotiating friendlyly. According to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the two parties have reached the following agreements on the principle of mutual benefit and mutual benefit in order to cooperate with each other. The first joint investor's investment amount and investment method

Party A and Party B agree that the company incorporated by both parties shall be the project investment entity.

The capital contribution of each party: Party A accounts for _________% of the total capital contribution; Party B accounts for _________% of the total capital contribution.

Article 2 Profit Sharing and Loss Sharing

The co-investors share the profits of the co-investment according to the proportion of their capital contribution to the total capital contribution, and share the losses of the co-investment.

Co-investors are each responsible for co-investment within the limits of their capital contribution, and co-investors are responsible for the joint-stock company to the extent of their total capital contribution.

The shares formed by the co-investor's capital contribution and its indecent assets are the common property of the co-investors, and are shared by the co-investors according to their capital contribution ratio.

After co-investment in the share transfer of a company limited by shares, each co-investor has the right to acquire property in proportion to its contribution.

Third transaction execution

1. The co-investor entrusts Party A to perform daily business of co-investment on behalf of all co-investors, including but not limited to:

In the establishment stage of the joint-stock company, exercise and perform the rights and obligations as the promoter of the company limited by shares;

After the establishment of the joint stock company, exercise its rights as a shareholder of the joint stock company and fulfill its corresponding obligations;

Collecting asphyxiation resulting from co-investment and disposing it in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement;

2. Other investors have the right to inspect the implementation of daily affairs, and Party A is obliged to report the operating status and financial status of the joint investment to other investors;

3. The losses generated by Party A's execution of the joint investment firm are owned by all the co-investors, and the losses or civil liabilities incurred shall be borne by the co-investors;

4. Party A shall be liable for compensation if it causes losses to other co-investors due to its negligence or non-compliance with this Agreement in the performance of its affairs;

5. Co-investors may object to Party A's implementation of joint investment matters. When an objection is filed, the execution of the transaction shall be suspended. In the event of a dispute, it is decided by all co-investors.

6. The following matters of joint investment must be agreed by all co-investors:

Transfer of shares jointly invested in a company limited by shares;

Expropriate the above shares;

Replace the executor.

Article 4 Transfer of Investment

1. When a co-investor transfers all or part of its capital contribution to a co-investment to a person other than the co-investor, it must be approved by all co-investors;

2. When co-investors transfer all or part of the investment amount in the joint investment, they shall notify other co-investors;

3. If a co-investor transfers its capital contribution according to law, under the same conditions, other co-investors have the right to be given priority.

Article 5 Other Rights and Obligations

1. Party A and other co-investors may not transfer or dispose of the jointly invested shares; 2. The co-investor shall not transfer the shares and capital contributions held by the co-investor within three years from the date of registration of the company limited by shares;

3. After the establishment of a joint stock limited company, any co-investor shall not withdraw the capital contribution from the joint investment; 4. When the joint stock limited company cannot be established, the debts and expenses arising from the establishment of the joint venture shall be shared according to the contribution ratio of each joint investor. .

Article 6 Liability for breach of contract

In order to ensure the actual performance of this Agreement, Party A voluntarily provides all of its guarantees to other co-investors. Party A undertakes to assume liability for breach of contract to other co-investors in the event of default and damage to other co-investors.

Article 7 Other

1. If the matters not covered by this Agreement are agreed by the co-investors, a supplementary agreement shall be signed separately.

2. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and seal by all co-investors. This Agreement is in the form of _______ shares, and each co-investor holds one copy.

person A person B:_________

_______Yearly__________________ _ __Year__ _月__ _ Day Signing Location: _________

place of signing:______ ___

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