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Meeting notice essay

Let's first look at a sample:
About the XX-year work of the various departments of the convening department
In order to find out the inadequacy of the various departments of the XX year, it is easy to arrange the deployment of the various tasks of the XX-year organs. After the research decision, the bureau will convene a summary of the XX-year work of the various departments of the government and a report meeting for the XX-year work. It is necessary to find out the lack of work, sum up management experience, strengthen development consensus, and clarify responsibility matters through this meeting, and lay the foundation for realizing rapid development, scientific development and harmonious development of enterprises.
I. Meeting time: Year, month, day 2, meeting place: xx compound xx meeting room 3. Main contents of the meeting The heads of various departments of the meeting report the completion of various tasks in XX and the specific work plan of XX.
4. Participate in the leadership of the conference staff, the commissioner, the supervisory committee zhu/xi, all the staff of all departments of the government.
V. Relevant requirements Participants should attend the meeting on time and no leave without special circumstances. After signing the venue, all departments of the agency must submit a report for the XX annual performance monitoring.
All departments of the government should attach great importance to this work, and the work summary should be objective and practical, and the actual lack of work should be found. The work arrangement should stand in the perspective of strengthening self-construction, improving administrative capacity, especially the effective supervision of the departmental departments, and combining the departmental advantages and business characteristics to innovatively determine the work objectives and tasks of this year. The implementation steps and timeliness of leading and innovative work are listed in the report.
After the report materials are formed, it is necessary to organize the personnel of the department to discuss and discuss, carefully modify, improve the quality, and resolutely prevent the lack of things and cover them. The number of words reported in the report is about 1600 words, and the reporting time is controlled within 8 minutes.
Hope to tell each other, then on time reference!
Xxx office
The written notice of xx, x, x, and x is divided according to the delivery method, and there are internal delivery notices, postal delivery notices, newspapers, radio and television notices; and can be divided into notices and formal notices according to their functions. Invitation letters and invitations to the meeting are also written in the notice of the meeting.
Notice of the meeting in the form of written notice in writing. In addition to the formal and solemn features, the written notice of the meeting also has a memo and a role as a meeting admission or registration voucher. The notice of the meeting should be as early as possible so that the participants can have sufficient time to prepare and rush to the venue after receiving the notice, and it is also convenient for the meeting staff to arrange the return of the car, boat and air ticket. Some meetings have a specified time for the notification. For example, the notice of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress should be issued 1 week to 2 weeks before the registration. Of course, there is no need to send a notice to the general meeting in advance to avoid changing the duration of the situation. To do this work well, we need to lay a good foundation in peacetime, and we must not neglect some small and trivial things. For example, the address, work unit, and address of the leaders, committee members, and delegates are inevitably changed. It is necessary to pay attention to timely revision. The written notice issued by the government unit requires the signature of the party concerned. If the party is absent, please ask the person to transfer the notice, and also ask the transferee to sign the notice.
When telegraph notifications are written, it is required to be concise on the basis of clarity. However, the words that cannot be compressed cannot be compressed, and the words that are prone to ambiguity cannot be compressed. The contents must be clearly written and specific, and the other party cannot be guessed. When it is not possible to confirm whether the notified unit or individual participates in the meeting, the other party should be required to call back after receiving the notice.
Fax and computer notifications: Be sure to know if the other party has received or received the notification, and whether the notification received is clear. If only some places are not clear, you can tell each other by phone. If the entire page is illegible, it must be retransmitted once. If it is still ambiguous, consider taking a phone call and let the other party make a record of the phone call.
The wall notice informs the wall report that it is required to write out the elements of what, when, where, and who. If the participants are unpredictable, it is necessary to arrange a larger venue, so as to avoid too many people, the venue can not accommodate, resulting in bad results.
Meeting notice format
1, the title.
There are two types, full and omitted.
1 Completely includes the issuing agency, the cause, and the language.
2 omitting, for example, "Notice about XX".
The content of the notification is simple, only the word "notification" is written, which is also a kind of ellipsis.
2, the text.

Some texts are relatively simple. They only explain why the file is published or approved. What are the requirements? The main details should be attached to the attached file. Some texts are written a few more words, and the questions are played, supplemented with emphasis on relevant requirements, or instructions are given to arrange the corresponding work. That is to say, the specific content of implementation and implementation should be in the attached file, not in the notice of approval. The transfer notice is only a carrier.
Conference notification format example
The units of the ×× Factory’s notice on the holding of the project birth work conference:
In order to sum up the exchange of experience, study and analyze the existing problems, further implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal planning and childbirth work conferences, do a good job in planning and childbearing work this year, and decide to hold a plan for family planning work. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
First, the meeting content:
Second, the participants:
Third, the meeting time, place
×年×月×日中涂协协字第018号 Notice on holding the XX-year pigment industry work conference, all pigment companies and coating-related units:
XX year is the first year of the opening of China's "xxx" plan. How to further implement the scientific development concept, optimize the industrial structure, rationally adjust the product structure, grasp the market positioning, change the economic growth mode, and maintain the healthy and orderly development of the pigment industry in the new year and even the whole "xxx" period. Important issues and tasks that need to be addressed in the entire pigment industry. In order to promote the domestic pigment enterprises to have greater progress and development in the new era, the overall independent innovation capability and level of the industry will be improved. The China Coatings Industry Association decided to hold the XX National Conference on the Economics of the Pigment Industry in Chengdu on May 25, XX.
The conference was co-sponsored by the China National Coatings Industry Association and the various professional branches of pigments. The theme of the conference was “Leading the pigment industry into the future”. The conference will invite relevant government departments, research institutes, professional associations, and experts and scholars who are interested in research in the field of pigment application to conduct targeted lectures and reports.
The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:
First, the main content of the meeting
1. The topics of the conference will strengthen industry self-discipline, raise awareness of responsible care, and enhance the overall level of environmental protection in the industry;
Economic operation and development trend of major inorganic pigments in China in XX;
The status quo and development of China's organic pigment industry;
Domestic major mineral resources reserves and allocation;
The quality requirements and development trends of pigments in the field of coating industry application;
The main methods and measures to deal with EU trade barriers;
Exchange rate changes and foreign trade;
Environmental governance and industrial hygiene in the pigment industry;
The difference between the current standards of pigment products and international standards;
The import tariffs and the tax rate of mineral products for pigments need to be adjusted.
2. The annual meeting of the club will be arranged by the clubs themselves.
Second, the meeting time and schedule
On May 24, XX, all day, and two days from 25 to 26.
Third, the main leaders and professionals of the participants in pigment production enterprises, supporting enterprises, research institutes, science, industry and trade companies and coatings-related enterprises.
Fourth, the meeting place and the route
1. Meeting place: An Rong Hotel
2. Bus route:
North Railway Station: Take bus No. 86 and No. 511 to the tea shop. Take a taxi for about 13 yuan.
Airport: Take the 303 bus to Tianfu Square and turn to No. 4 or No. 98 to Chadianzi Station. Take a taxi for about 70 yuan.
Five, other
1. The membership fee for the member unit is 1,000 yuan/person, and the non-member unit is 1200 yuan/person.
2. The two-day inspection will be organized during the conference. The inspection fee is 500 yuan/person. .
All units are invited to carefully organize their participation after receiving the notice. The return receipt will be sent back to the China-Turkish Association before May 15, XX. .

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