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Do not forget the national shame to revitalize China

Dear teacher, classmates:


In the history of our country, there is a splendid and splendid culture, and there are some powerful inventions, such as gunpowder, compass, papermaking, printing, and the royal garden of the world's civilization: Yuanmingyuan. However, before the founding of New China, China had a century-old nightmare, that is, the War of Resistance Against Japan, how many Chinese compatriots were killed, and the Yuanmingyuan was also destroyed. How cruel the history is!

Like the Nanjing Massacre, during the Chinese Anti-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945, the Republic of China lost in the defense of Nanjing, and after the fall of the capital Nanjing on December 13, 1937, the Japanese troops marched in Nanjing and nearby areas for several months. Mass slaughter. Among them, Japanese war crimes include looting, rape, massacre of large numbers of civilians and prisoners of war. The scale of the massacre, the number of casualties, and the like are not recognized by the world, but it is generally believed that the death toll exceeds 300,000. And this time killed many of our Nanjing compatriots! The death toll is over 300,000. This is an amazing number!

The young people are prosperous and the young are strong. We must revitalize China and not let us be harmed by others in China. Like now, China is strong. On October 1, 1949, China’s new China was established and China was revitalized. After the establishment, our science has also developed, and the space industry has made new breakthroughs one after another. Like we launched the artificial satellite "Dongfanghong No. 1" in 1970, the "Synchronous Experimental Satellite" was successfully launched in 1984, " "Shenzhou No. 1" was successfully launched in 1999. "Shenzhou No. 5" was successfully launched in October 2003. "Shenzhou No. 6" was successfully launched in October 2005, and there was a satellite around the moon "嫦娥一号" in 2007. The successful launch of the year is a new breakthrough in China's space industry and a thing worthy of the pride of our entire Chinese people.

We must have the courage to be a brave young man. We must also study hard, grow up every day, grow up and contribute to the motherland, make new breakthroughs for the space industry, and make outstanding achievements for scientific development. contribution.

Yu Xingguo's first grade: even is

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