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After reading "Afanti"

When the winter vacation arrived, my mother bought me a story book called Avanti. Ah, the cartoons I used to watch on TV, I like it very much. It really makes me love it.

I read this book every day. When I saw the story that only labor can be exchanged for the fruit, I deeply touched me. It is Afanti who has four sons. They all don’t like labor very much, just thinking about it. After the death of Avanti, they were given to them, so they didn’t do anything, they stayed at home all day, so Afanti thought of a way and said to the four sons, my jewelry was buried in one The tree is down. When I am dead, you must first water the tree. When the fruit is born, the jewelry will come out. Soon after Avanti died, their four sons rushed to find their own trees. I went to water, and then I pulled out the tree, but there was nothing under the tree. Only the last tree was left. I found a stone. The stone said, I would use my labor to exchange fruit.

Mom often asked me to pack my own things. I just didn't want to get it. Sometimes my mother got it wrong. She didn't bring it to me when I went to school. I just regret it. Why didn't I get it? In this article, I know that I have to use my labor to get the fruits.

The first grade of the North First National Primary School: Wu Jiaqi

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