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"After the goat nurse and the leopard orphan"

After reading the story of "Goat Nanny and Leopard Orphan", I was very upset.

The leopard orphan was born and the mother died. It was the goat's nurse's gray forehead who fed the leopard orphan with his own milk. They lived happily together.

But leopards and sheep are natural enemies.

The leopard orphan accidentally crushed the little mutton sheep and bitten the head sheep, so the sheep were afraid to hide from them.

In order to protect his partner, the gray forehead nurse pushed the leopard orphan down the cliff, but it was reluctant to feed the big leopard orphans and jumped off the cliff. They died together.

I am so sad!

Mom loves children, and children love mothers, so we have to listen to mom.

Only the mother is good in the world, and no mother's child is like grass.

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