Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > New Year's Day > New Year's Day Greetings

Give my boyfriend's mother a New Year's Day blessing newsletter

The layers of past events have precipitated in the years, leaving endless memories, and my family has made me feel happy. Thank you parents for giving me life, giving me happiness and giving me another new year. I wish you a happy New Year.

A gecko mistakenly entered the crocodile pool. When he died, the gecko was in a hurry and hugged the crocodile and shouted: Mom! The crocodile glanced at it, and immediately burst into tears: it was so thin, don't go to work anymore! Let's take a vacation. Happy New Year's Day!

The snow flutters, that is the color that I am afraid of your loneliness to add to the world; the leaves are falling, that is the quilt that I am afraid of you coldly adding to you; the eggs are cooked, that is the New Year’s Day gift that I am afraid of you being hungry for you!

Legend: The blessings received a few days before New Year's Day will be realized in the following year, so I will send you a blessing: I wish you a promising future, a good harvest, a sweet love, a happy life.

happy New Year! I wish you a happy new year: the business is just in the afternoon, the body is as strong as a tiger, the money is endless, the work is not hard, leisurely like a monkey, romantic like music, happiness is not yours!

The wind is also pleasant, the clouds are bright, the sun is spotted; the road is open-minded, the road is flat, and the footprints are shallow and shallow. Snowflakes, happiness, and simple life. I wish auspicious New Year!

Give the most beautiful flowers to you and give you the warmest sunshine. I hope that every sunshine in the new year will bring you peace, happiness, happiness and happiness. I wish you a happy New Year!

The cold winter has quietly passed away, the weather is changing, and the mood is constant! May the faint chills scorn the exhaustion of your life, and the bleak north wind conveys my heartfelt concern. happy New Year!

It’s not just such a day that you will think of you, but such a day can harass you in a bright and bright way, telling you that New Year’s Day is to be happy! Happy Spring Festival! Be happy every day!

"Tingting white birch, faint sky, the scenery of the Northland has come." The short-term 2010 is far away from you and me. It is full of countless scenes for the upcoming 2011, Happy New Year! ! !

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