
The story of Chang'e's Leaving the Moon in Chinese is a very popular mythology that tells the story of a beautiful young goddess named Chang'e who was banished to the moon by her jealous husband, the Jade Emperor. She spent her days in the moon palace painting and singing, and became known as the goddess of music and poetry.

In English, you could tell this story like this:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young goddess named Chang'e who was banished to the moon by her jealous husband, the Jade Emperor. She spent her days painting and singing in the palace of the moon, and became known as the goddess of music and poetry. When she arrived on the moon, she found it a lonely and desolate place, so she decided to entertain herself by making music and painting.

However, this story is also known for its tragic ending, when Chang'e was forced to leave her beloved moon palace forever when her husband ordered her to do so. She had to leave behind all her paintings and music, and she wandered back to earth alone.

Chang'e now wanders in search of her lost home and missing friends on earth, always dreaming of her lost days on the moon. But whenever she thinks of those days, she will never forget that once she had a dream and lost it, then gained it back and lost it again. And in that dream, she is the goddess of music and poetry.

Chang'e is known for her beautiful face, charming personality, and charming behavior. She is often considered a symbol of hopelessness and yearning for lost things. Although this story may seem like a fairy tale to some people, it has always been an inspiration for many people.

The story is told with some differences in different cultures, but its basic elements are generally the same.
