

* 「那你還是得哭啊。」狐狸說。 「啊!」小王子說,「你是知道的,我心裡難過……」 「人就是這樣的,」狐狸說,「他們把自己弄丟了。」 「你是使我明白了我對一朵花兒的責任了。」小王子說。 「可能是因為我還沒有真正馴服你。」狐狸說,「你還不屬於我。」 「這是什麼意思?」小王子說。 「『這就如同你某一天看了四十三次日落。』」狐狸回答,「這就是我的秘密。只有用心去看真實的花兒,你才能看見它們本身。美是看不見的。你得用心去領略。」 「你要永遠對我隱瞞這件事,」小王子說,「那麼你就要對我的萬顆星星保密。請你告訴我一個秘密吧……」 「好吧,」狐狸說,「這就是我的秘密:肉眼看不見事物的本質,只有用心靈才能洞察一切。」

狐狸說:「那你還是得哭啊。」 英文翻譯為: "You still have to cry," said the fox. "Ah," said the little prince, "you know, it makes me sad..." "That's how it is with men," said the fox. "They lose themselves." "You taught me the meaning of my responsibility towards a flower," said the little prince. "Perhaps," said the fox, "I have not yet truly domesticated you." "What does that mean?" asked the little prince. "It means that 'it is as if you were always looking for something that is no longer there,'" answered the fox. "And then?" said the little prince. "Then you have to keep on looking," said the fox.

