

* 願你的生活常溫暖,日子總是溫柔和有趣。 Happy every day with warmth, gentleness and interest. *

* 願你比別人更不怕一個人獨處,願日後想起時你會被自己感動。 May you be braver than others when you are alone, and be moved by yourself when you remember in the future. *

* 你是我明目張膽的偏愛,是我眾所周知的溫柔。 You are my open and obvious preference, and my universally known tenderness. *

* 願你所有的日子都充滿歡笑,未來的每一天都充滿陽光。 May all your days be filled with laughter and every moment of the future filled with sunshine. *

* 願你有一個燦爛的前程,願你有情人終成眷屬,願你在塵世獲得幸福。 May you have a brilliant future, a lover who completes you, and happiness in this world.

