

* 加油,你一定可以的!Come on, you can do it!

* 堅持就是勝利,你一定能夠達到目標!Persistence is victory, you will definitely reach your goal!

* 不要放棄,你一定能夠克服困難!Don't give up, you can overcome difficulties!

* 振作起來,你一定能夠渡過難關!Rise up, you can get through this difficult time!

* 加油,相信自己,你一定能夠成功!Come on, believe in yourself, you can achieve success!

* 不要怕失敗,失敗是成功之母!Don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success!

* 打起精神來,你一定能夠克服自己的弱點!Perk up, you can overcome your weaknesses!
