


1. 開門見山型:開頭一般來說要緊扣主題,提出作文主題。例如:「In this essay, I will discuss the importance of reading books to our personal and professional development.」

2. 問題引入型:首先提出一個現象或者一個問題,然後引出自己的觀點。例如:「In today』s society, technology has revolutionized the way we live our lives. However, this rapid advancement has also brought about a new set of challenges.」


1. 總結觀點型:在結尾處總結自己的觀點,並強調其重要性。例如:「In summary, it is essential to embrace change and use technology to our advantage in order to succeed in today』s competitive world.」

2. 建議措施型:在結尾處提出一些建議或者措施,以幫助讀者在生活中套用或避免類似的問題。例如:「In conclusion, it is recommended that we should establish regular exercise routines and eat a balanced diet in order to maintain good health.」


1. 並列論證型:可以使用「首先……其次……最後」或者「一方面……另一方面……」等詞語來組織你的論述。例如:「Firstly, I will discuss the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, such as improved physical and mental well-being. Secondly, I will explore the negative consequences of unhealthy behaviors, such as increased risk of disease and depression.」

2. 時間順序型:用於描述一個過程的階段。例如:「After making the initial decision to pursue a new hobby, I spent several weeks researching different options and preparing the necessary materials.」

