

1. Love is like a butterfly which flies away but leaves its fragrance behind.

2. Love does not consist in looking at each other, but in looking outwardly together in the same direction.

3. Love is like a seed which must fall on fertile ground if it is to grow.

4. Love is like a little fire which burns brightly even in the midst of winter's cold.

5. Love is a sweet song to the heart, and a warm hand to the trembling hand.

6. Love is like a beautiful flower which blooms and fades, but leaves a fragrance behind.

7. Love is patient and kind; it is never jealous or boastful, it is never rude or selfish.

8. Love never fails.

9. True love is like a beautiful dream, it leaves a sweet memory even when it is over.

10. Love is not about how much you give, but about the sincerity of your heart.

