

* 願往後餘生無憂,百事可樂,萬事芬達,祝生日快樂。 May the rest of my life be without worries, with happiness and joy. Cheers to another happy birthday! *

* 願你有一個夢想,如星河璀璨;願你的每一個明天都比昨天快樂。 Wishing you a dream as bright as the starry sky, and a tomorrow filled with happiness every day. Happy birthday!

* 願你的十八歲生日是你今生最美麗的時刻,願你永遠保持那天一般燦爛的笑容。 May your 18th birthday be the most beautiful moment of your life, and that you will always maintain the same brilliant smile.

* 願你有一個燦爛的前程,願你有情人終成眷屬,願你在塵世獲得幸福。 Wishing you a brilliant future, a love that lasts forever, and happiness in this world.

