

1. 開頭句型

* 直接點題:開門見山提出主題句,開啟全文。如:In modern society, the problem of ________ has become increasingly important.

* 背景引入:先點明背景,再引出主題。如:It is well known that ________ has been a hot issue among people in recent years.

2. 因果句型

* 直接說明原因:The reason for this is that ________.

* 表明結果或目的:The advantage of this method is that ________.

3. 並列句型

* 同時敘述兩件事,可以平衡句式,使句子結構更完整。如:I will go to see a film one day and have a picnic another.

* 加入關聯詞可以加強句子的邏輯性,常用的有:and,or,but等。如:She sings beautifully and plays the piano well.

4. 轉折句型

* 引入話題後,通過轉折詞引出相反的看法或事實。如:However, the fact is ________ doesn't agree with me.

* On the other hand, ________ does the opposite to me.

5. 條件句型

* 提供事實條件:Without these things, ________ wouldn't be able to achieve success.

* 說明不同條件下的後果:Only in this way, can ________ be realized/happen.

