

1. 「祝賀你升職!願你在新的職位上再創佳績。」

「Congratulations on your promotion! May you make even more achievements in your new position.」

2. 「你的新職位真是令人期待,我相信你一定能夠勝任。」

「I am looking forward to your new position, and I believe you will be able to handle it well.」

3. 「恭喜你升職,願你在新的崗位上一切順利。」

「Congratulations on your promotion, and may everything go well for you in your new post.」

4. 「你的能力得到了認可,祝你在新的職位上取得更大的成功。」

「Your abilities have been recognized, and I wish you greater success in your new position.」

5. 「你的晉升是對你努力工作的最好回報,期待你在新職位上大放異彩。」

「Your promotion is the best reward for your hard work, and I am looking forward to seeing you shine in your new position.」
