Party and group related > Employees' application for party membership

Application for joining the party after joining the work

Dear party organization:


I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and ask myself at the request of members of the Communist Party of China!

Since I started my childhood, I have been constantly hearing the name of the Chinese Communist Party. I didn't understand the meaning of it at the time, but I kept talking to adults to learn how to say it. As I grew older, I began to understand the meaning of the Chinese Communist Party. I know Maoism. Premier Zhou, I know how the Chinese Communist Party has run the Japanese aggressors under difficult circumstances and established our great socialism. new China.

I began to slowly make up my mind and must join the Chinese Communist Party.

In the great days of reform and opening up for 30 years, I solemnly submitted my application for joining the party to the distinguished party organization: I voluntarily asked to join the Chinese Communist Party because our party is a great party and a vanguard of the proletariat. It is composed of the outstanding advanced elements of the Chinese nation, a faithful representative of the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause.

The bright party flag, like a burning fire, warms my heart. I often dream that I can stand under the party one day and swear to the party to become a good member of the Chinese Communist Party. Through studying history, I have deeply understood that it is the golden scythe and the hoe that smashed the chains that were imprisoned on the working people, broke the shackles of the dark old society, and overthrew the three blocks that had been pressed against the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Dashan, the Communist Party of China, brought a new life to the descendants of the Yellow Emperor who are in dire straits. It is with this kind of high respect for the party that I was active in my childhood, joined the Young Pioneers, joined the Communist Youth League, and strictly demanded myself in the life of the regiment, earnestly become a qualified Communist Youth League member, and learn to fight for the first time. I love you clearly, listening to the party call has passed my flamboyant youth.

My desire to join the party has been around for a long time. Later, after working, in the busy life, I gradually did not dare to have the extravagant hope of joining the party, but just wait and see. Yesterday, when I heard that I finally had the opportunity to join the party, my heart was full of enthusiasm. Yes, twelve years of eagerness, twelve years of eager hope, I can finally have the possibility of becoming a party member, I am extremely excited, very happy. Joining the Chinese Communist Party will give me a kind of persistent and lofty conviction. This belief will give me the courage, confidence and strength to overcome all obstacles and fully invest in the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It will open a colorful and beautiful chapter of my life.

The Communist Party of China uses Marxism, mzd thought, dxp theory, and sange as its own guide to action, and comprehensively implements the scientific development concept. Marxism reveals the universal law of the development of human society, analyzes the inherent contradictions that the capitalist system itself cannot overcome, and points out that socialism will replace capitalism, and communism will be realized in all mankind.

Practice has proved that the Communist Party of China is a great, bright and correct party. It is good at constantly summing up experience, perfecting itself and maintaining a correct course in practice. It is all based on reality, linking theory with practice and seeking truth from facts; it serves the people wholeheartedly. Put the interests of the people first and share the same pains with the broad masses of the people; it adheres to democratic centralism and gives full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members; it implements democratic scientific decision-making, formulates and implements correct routes, guidelines and Policy; it adheres to the four basic principles, strictly manages the party, carries forward the party's fine traditions and style, and enhances the party's combat effectiveness; it maintains and develops the relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance among all ethnic groups in the country, and persists in the implementation and continuous improvement of regional ethnic autonomy. The system helps minority areas to develop their economies and cultures and realize the common prosperity and overall progress of all ethnic groups; it actively unites democratic parties, non-party members, and various patriotic forces to strengthen ties with compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, in accordance with "one country, two systems" "The policy of accomplishing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland; it is actively External Relations, in international affairs, adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace, oppose hegemonism and power politics.

Dear party organization, today I solemnly handed in the application for joining the party. This is the most solemn and sacred thing in my life. It is an oath to life before I join the party. If the party organization can approve it after strict examination, I will conscientiously fulfill all the requirements in the party constitution, strictly demand myself, accept the supervision of party organizations and comrades, be strict with self-discipline, diligent and enterprising, and strive to be a qualified and advanced. Communist Party members have contributed my life's energy and blood to the cause of the party and to the cause of modernization for the socialism of our country.

Even if the organization believes that I have not qualified for a party member, I will strictly follow the standards of the party constitution, sum up my experience, and strive to join the party organization as soon as possible.

If the party organization refuses my application for joining the party, it means that I am still not doing enough. My level and thinking are not meeting the requirements of the Communist Party members. I will not feel discouraged and sad. I will only be in the years of work. Actively improve my own personal qualities, strive to unite everyone around me, and raise my quality to a new stage.

If the party organization approves my application for membership, I will not feel proud and complacent. This only shows that I have performed well in the past year or earlier. It does not mean that I will not make mistakes in the years to come. Therefore, I will work harder to insist on the requirement of being a member of the Communist Party of China. I can't be disturbed by the outside world, and maintain the advanced nature and self-discipline of a Communist Party member.

Now that China's development is changing with each passing day, we can't be intoxicated in it. We must be soberly aware of the problems our country faces. We must look at our development from a materialist point of view, and we cannot make great achievements.

Ask the party organization to test me in practice!

Applicant: Wang Wei

October 24, 200*

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