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College students' autobiography

I was bathed in the sunshine of the party and grew up under the education of the party. In the course of my growth, I deeply felt the song that the motherland wrote under the leadership of the party and the common efforts of the people of the whole country. Qu Huali's Huazhang. I grew up in an ordinary peasant family. My father was a good worker who respected the party and loved the party. He taught me the history of the party, the discipline of the party, and taught me to sing party songs. My father told me that today's happy life is hard to come by, and countless martyrs exchanged their lives. The Communist Party of China led the people to overthrow the three mountains, established a new China, and led the people to become prosperous and strong. I am deeply impressed that "there will be no new China without the Communist Party."

I just went to the National Elementary School when I was just seven years old. Since then, I have entered the hall of knowledge from the childish playboy, and I have walked out of the key first step of my life. I received formal education there. The teacher not only teaches cultural knowledge. I also taught me to study hard from a young age, become a person with both ability and political integrity, and grow up to work for the country. In the school education from the small to the middle school, I not only learned the cultural knowledge, but also got a preliminary understanding of China's long history and the basic national conditions at the present stage, and initially accepted the communist ideological education, accompanied by "We are communists... ..." This beautiful young pioneer team song, the first grade of the national small, I first solemnly raised the right hand, gloriously joined the Chinese Young Pioneers. From the first year of the National Primary School, I became a class, and it was five years. With the help of the teacher, I worked diligently with my classmates to actively participate in the various activities of the school and read the national minimum with excellent results.

In the middle of the year, I was admitted to middle school. In this strange environment, I am determined to live up to my parents' expectations and the efforts I have made. I should strictly demand myself: learning, meticulous; in life, mingle with my classmates, become them. Intimate friends, help each other and make progress together; work, serious and responsible, is a good assistant to the teacher. In the second year of the middle school, I finally hoped for the long-awaited oath! Since then, I have always been strict with myself, and I have taken the lead in all aspects. I have been rated as a good student and an excellent member. I consciously accept the Marxism-Leninism education of Mao Zedong Thought and lead the whole class to participate in various meaningful activities, which not only enriches the amateur cultural life of the students, but also enables the whole class to closely unite and make progress together. I accepted the party’s education in the regiment, constantly improving myself, and eager to join the Chinese Communist Party one day.

. In the summer of the year, I was sent to the high school in the middle school with excellent results. The familiar school has a new environment. At that time, I was full of hope for life. I learned a lot, I was energetic, and my grades were one year later. Excellent for one year. During my high school years, I was also very concerned about current affairs politics, focusing on my own ideological improvement, the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the great senseless spirit demonstrated by the People's Liberation Army and the majority of party members and cadres during the 98 floods, and the solemn military parade of the 50th anniversary of the motherland. The Chinese Embassy in the South was bombed by NATO missiles. The Chinese government has submitted the most formal protests. The two have deeply felt the strength of the motherland and the unity of the people.

. I graduated from high school in the summer, took a college major, and opened a new page in my life journey. I started a new struggle and trek to the new goal. Soon after I entered school, I submitted my application for joining the party to the party organization with great excitement. From then on, I am determined to fight for the cause of communism. I always use the standards of party members to strictly demand myself. I have not lived up to the teacher and The students' hopes, practical work and study, often do some things for the students, care about the students' study and life, and play a leading role in all aspects. As a student, I must take the school as the mainstay. Due to my efforts, I have won many honorary titles such as the outstanding second and third scholarships and outstanding members of the school. I deeply understand that people can only live more meaningfully if they establish a correct outlook on life, establish a lofty ideal, and pursue without end. I am asking myself to a higher standard. Actively making progress on the ideological side, striving to move closer to the party organization, earnestly studying Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, the party's charter, and gradually understanding the party. At the same time, I also know that my understanding of the party is still superficial and requires continuous learning and exercise. Improve yourself. The party organization tested me, helped me to educate me, and sent me to participate in the training class of the party school. Through the study of the party school, my political theory level was further consolidated, my understanding of the party was further improved, and my motivation for joining the party was further improved. Correction has helped a lot. Since then, I have been more eager for party organizations, and I have become more and more eager to join the Chinese Communist Party. I have always used the standards of party members to demand myself, honing myself, eagerly studying the party's theory, and using these powerful weapons to guide me forward.

Looking back at my growth process, in addition to my own efforts, mainly the school party organization's training for me: not only inspires me to improve my political consciousness, but also gives me the burden and creates opportunities for my growth, making me politically It is becoming more and more mature. Under the care and education of the organization, continuous learning, constant improvement, continuous practice, and continuous harvest. Long-term study and profound thinking and extensive social practice have made my desire to join the party stronger and my beliefs firmer.

Now the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has successfully closed. As a young man of the age, a member of the party’s activist, a member of the party that is about to enter the party’s organization, will be elected to the party’s central committee headed by Comrade Hu Jintao. The three representatives, as the party’s guiding ideology, wrote into the party constitution and expressed their firm support; they were encouraged by the 16th National Congress’s goal of building a well-off society. I firmly believe that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and through the joint efforts of the people of all nationalities in the country, the development of the motherland will surely flourish, and a well-off society will surely be realized. I believe that the future of the great motherland will be even better. I will also study the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China more seriously, and use this as a guide to strengthen ideological construction, bear in mind the nature, purpose and mission of the party, keep the party's first move with its own exemplary actions, and take the party school's three-footed forum as a position. Loyalty to the cause of the party, constantly strengthen political cultivation, study hard, work diligently, and work together with the entire party and the people of the whole country to build a well-off society in an all-round way and forge ahead for a better tomorrow of communism!

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