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Investigation report on rural education issues

Education is the key to a country’s continued development. In a developing country like China, in particular, investment in and investment in education should be increased. China is a big agricultural country, with a rural population of 880 million people. The corresponding rural education should be strengthened. In order to better understand the current situation of rural education, I conducted a survey on rural education in Guangdong through visits and inquiries during the holidays, and found that rural education has problems such as insufficient education funds and serious school liabilities. These problems not only affect the education of rural children, but also hinder the peasants' absorption of new knowledge and the implementation of democracy and the rule of law. This is not only a problem but also a crisis in rural education.
I. Rural schools are heavily indebted Because the tuition fees of rural students are difficult to collect, and teachers' office expenses are insufficient. Many rural schools have to pay for private loans to maintain the normal operation of the school. Some schools have built facilities for private lending in order to achieve the "Public Nine Standards" and wait until the beginning of the new school year to withdraw a portion of the payment of debts from tuition and fees. In some localities, the education department has asked some small and medium-sized schools to meet the "Public Nine Standards" regardless of the status quo in the rural areas. This is tantamount to letting the school carry heavy debts. Some schools pay a huge amount of hospitality to cope with the various checks of superiors. As a result, the development of rural education has become more and more difficult. Many rural children and children have not been able to get a fair access to education, which has caused many rural children and children to "study and sigh" and have to leave school. The indebtedness of rural schools will seriously hinder the development of rural education.
Second, miscellaneous fees and book fees make it difficult for parents to learn from the survey. The rural economic development is relatively backward and the farmers are relatively poor. When the government is in a tight financial expenditure and the teachers' wages are difficult to be distributed, the government will increase the tuition and fees, and extract a part of it from the teachers to compensate for the financial deficit. In order to get the rebate of the publishing house, some schools forced some of the "counseling materials" of the publishing house to be purchased by the students; some nine-year compulsory education courses such as art, music, and manuals were not used because of the lack of teachers and conditions. These books are also purchased by students. What are the uses of these books in addition to increasing their burden? There is also a strange phenomenon in the rural areas that there are many apportionments, road construction and bridge construction, etc. They have to pay for them. How can farmers cope with such a heavy burden by planting a few acres of land?
Third, the faculty is seriously inadequate, and there are many teachers.

The teachers who teach in rural schools are mostly private teachers. Their academic qualifications are usually from the middle to the high school level, and they have not undergone formal teacher education. According to the regulations, it takes a lot of money to transfer to the training exam. Due to the limited local financial expenditure, the teachers' wages are difficult to be issued, which puts a heavy burden on teachers. Many teachers who teach in the village also have to bear some apportions, such as the construction of roads and local newspapers. These fees are all directly deducted from the teachers' salaries. These appraisals are basically discussed by different teachers, just like robbers blocking road robbery. These practices directly harm teachers. Interests. On the one hand, the local specialist teacher graduates returned to the hometown to teach, but the government was unable to receive the teachers' salary, housing, welfare and other support. On the other hand, the private teachers who did not have regular teacher education also guided and cultivated the students due to their limited ability. Caused by obstacles. This has led to the wastage of educational resources, and the areas in which children and young people receive knowledge have become narrower.
IV. Unfair distribution of resources In the survey, we can see the phenomenon of unfair distribution of resources: all governments, power, transportation and other institutions have the power to control resources, and they use the powers of the departments to maximize the interests of the departments, or The financial allocation plan gives priority to the required funds, and their offices and staff housing are the best. However, educational resources are few and far between, and the educational needs of the urban population are given priority. The educational resources of the rural population are very limited and far from meeting the needs of the rural population for education. In a rural middle school I saw a phenomenon: the basketball court is a yellow mud, the football field is a wasteland, and the laboratory instruments are old and difficult to use. How can such facilities be effectively taught? On the contrary, in the small towns of cities and towns, there are many kinds of teaching activities. Sports facilities and other teaching equipment can be said to be perfect. Why is this gap? It is the unfair distribution of resources. The unfair distribution of educational resources makes rural children and children in an environment with a shortage of educational resources and cannot receive good education. This not only seriously hinders the development of rural youth but also makes rural youth employment more difficult.

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V. Strategies for changing education issues
According to the investigation, the limited funds from the local government to run rural education cannot meet the needs of the vast rural youth for education. Moreover, some poor areas will also use education funds due to financial constraints. In order to change the status quo of rural education, we must first increase the input of rural education resources and maximize the situation of insufficient rural education resources. First of all, we must focus on the misappropriation of education funds and use limited educational resources. Quickly set up an investigation team to find out the debt situation of rural small and middle schools and the wages of teachers. For the construction of school buildings due to liabilities, it is necessary to pay through financial allocations to make schools work better. Secondly, to increase education for rural areas. investment. Relax private investment in running schools to supplement the lack of government investment education, and establish a mechanism to supervise rural education investment. Thirdly, the education management license is decentralized to increase the school's decision-making power, and provide a good school environment for the school; to improve the teachers' problems in rural areas, to improve the quality of teachers, to add masters and conduct good training, and to improve teachers. Level, establish a good faculty, dismiss unqualified private teachers, recruit graduates with college education to return to the home to teach, and at the same time, improve the welfare of teachers and other issues according to the actual situation. Later, it is to increase the allocation of rural education resources. The local government should take rural education as an important task, focus on increasing the funding of rural education when allocating resources, and provide land resources and other equipment for rural education.

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