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College Trade Union Work Report

Unite the faculty and staff, keep pace with the times, and do a good job in the trade union work in the new era

In the past three years, under the leadership of the higher-level trade unions and the party and government, the school trade unions under the guidance of the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, united and guided the faculty and staff around the center and served the overall situation. Seriously fulfilling the basic functions of the trade unions and successfully completing the tasks of the trade unions. Here, on behalf of the 14th Committee of the Trade Unions, I will report to the General Assembly for deliberation.

First, do a good job in the teaching of the Congress and the open work of school affairs, and promote the construction of democratic politics in the college

1. Conscientiously implement the policy of relying wholeheartedly on faculty and staff to run a good school, open a good teacher's congress every year, and do a good job in the daily work of the faculty.

The teaching representative conference is the basic carrier for the implementation of democratic management and one of the main ways to fully implement the policy. In the past few years, the trade unions have attached great importance to the work of the Teachers' Congress, and the system of teaching representatives has been sound and the procedures have been standardized. Prepare the preparatory work carefully before the convening of the conference, open a joint meeting, carefully review and revise the various files submitted to the conference for discussion and approval; determine the agenda of the conference; make a summary of the review and implementation of the representative proposal, collect new proposals; The agenda of the conference; coordinate the relevant departments to do the conference work to ensure the success of the conference.

The proposal of the teaching representative conference is to teach the representative of the representative to perform their duties and participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of the college. Doing a good job in the proposal is conducive to the faculty and staff actively participating in the management of the college, which is conducive to stimulating the sense of responsibility of the faculty and staff, and is conducive to teamwork and efforts to do all kinds of work. The first, second and third sessions of the Sixth Congress have collected more than 30 proposals. The leaders of the institute attached great importance to the representative proposal. After the meeting, they held a meeting to conduct research and instructed the leaders of the competent departments to coordinate the implementation of various functional departments. In the past few years, the response rate of the proposal has remained at 100%, and most of the proposals have been implemented. The representatives are satisfied with the results of the proposal of the Teachers' Congress.

As a daily work organization of the Teachers' Congress, the trade unions can conscientiously implement the spirit of the Founding Congress and do a good job after the meeting. Such as: convene working conferences of various working groups of the Teachers' Congress, study work regulations, and clarify job responsibilities; the proposal review working group timely summarizes and organizes the representative proposals, submits them to the hospital leaders for review after the case is filed, and urges them to implement them after the instructions, while constantly standardizing the proposals. The program makes the quality of the proposal work improve every year. During the intersessional period, the trade unions convened a joint meeting of the Teachers' Congress in accordance with the needs of the work to discuss the newly introduced archives regulations related to the vital interests of the faculty and staff; cooperate with the organization department to organize employee representatives to participate in the cadre year-end assessment work, cadre appointment work, and further implement the teaching representative conference. Authority.

2. Further improve the school affairs disclosure system and standardize the daily work of school affairs disclosure.

Carrying out the school affairs open work is an effective form for the trade union organizations to maintain the knowledge, participation, decision-making and supervision rights of the faculty and staff in the management of the college. It is also a further supplement and improvement of the teaching representative system. In 2002, in order to effectively standardize and promote the school affairs publicity work, in accordance with the deployment of the party committee, it assisted in the formulation of a series of archives on the opening of school affairs, and at the same time formulated the "Detailed Rules for the Division of Responsibilities of the First-Level School Affairs Public Work Content", and the responsibility was implemented in specific departments. The responsible person is identified. The archives have detailed provisions on the contents of the school affairs disclosure, the form of disclosure, the time of publication, and the sponsoring department and responsible persons. The formulation of these files has laid the foundation for further promoting and standardizing the publicity of school affairs. In 2003, the college actively promoted the work of secondary school affairs. The trade unions actively cooperated and urged the various departments to separately formulate and implement the rules for the work of the second-level school affairs, so that the second-level public work also has rules to follow. All departments have earnestly carried out their work, and in accordance with the principle of openness and transparency, timely publicized the affairs of the department and made the department transparent. At the same time, in conjunction with the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute, a random inspection of the secondary school affairs disclosure work of each department was carried out, which effectively promoted the development of the secondary school affairs publicity work.

Second, establish the concept of centering around the center and serving the overall situation, and contribute to the reform and development of the college education and teaching.

1. Teaching is the central work of the school. Improving the quality of teaching is the eternal theme of the school. The basic skills competition for young teachers is an important task for the city education union. This activity is an entry point for union work to be close to the center, close to teachers, and perform trade union functions. In order to strengthen the construction of the school's faculty, improve the scholastic quality and teaching standards of teachers, encourage teachers to practice basic skills, so that teachers can better assume the glorious mission of teaching and educating people. In 2003, the institutes and the relevant departments organized the first In the first basic competition of teachers' teaching, the participating teachers all adopted multimedia teaching methods in the competition. Their good business quality and teaching level won the praise of the judges and the teachers, and set an example for the teachers. At the same time, we also selected outstanding representatives to participate in the basic skills competition of young teachers organized by the Municipal Education Union, and achieved good results in the third prize. In 2004, the second teacher's teaching basic skills competition was held. The competition was strongly supported by the leaders of the hospital. The leaders of each department also attached great importance to it. They actively mobilized and organized teachers to participate, and the teacher participation rate reached over 80%. This is a teaching and training. It has played a very good role in cultivating young teachers, promoting teachers' teaching skills, improving teaching quality and teaching experience. The trade unions will also organize the finals of the competition on an electoral basis, so as to drive more teachers to in-depth teaching and research, improve teaching standards, promote the improvement of school education and teaching quality, and make greater contributions to the successful demonstration of higher vocational education.

2. The school is the base for cultivating talents. Building a high-quality faculty and staff is a guarantee for cultivating high-quality talents. Over the years, the trade unions have actively cooperated with the party and government of the hospital to adhere to the annual "three educators" selection activities. Through the development of this activity, we have established advanced models, tapped the highlights of advanced models, and publicized their advanced deeds for the majority of faculty and staff. Set an example for learning, form a good spirit of everyone's positive and enterprising spirit, coordinate with other work of the college, and work hard to build a high-quality workforce.

Third, pay attention to the health of teaching staff, and actively create a humane environment that cares for the health of teaching staff

According to the survey, the sub-health status and risk of the young and middle-aged people are significantly higher than the general population. The trade unions are very concerned about the health status of the faculty and staff. In addition to the frequent development of colorful and healthy cultural and sports activities, they also actively organize training courses, such as: youth teaching aerobics training classes; twenty-four style Taijiquan training classes; among the faculty and staff The eighth set of broadcasting gymnastics was popularized, and the group gymnastics performance was held at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting. It was welcomed and praised; the joint brothers and universities printed health and health information to the faculty and staff; organized a health lecture, and the union invited the female health education expert Yan Yulan The professor gave a lecture on women's health knowledge for female employees. Through the lectures, everyone not only had a comprehensive understanding and understanding of female physiology, but also learned some knowledge and methods of self-care; in addition, he also invited the secretary general of the Beijing Science Fitness Experts Group. Teacher Zhao Zhixin gave a lecture entitled “Public Science Fitness Exercise” for the staff. Through the vivid speech and demonstration of the teacher, everyone was inspired. Not only did they understand the causes of some diseases, but also learned the methods of scientific diet and scientific exercise, which is very popular. Through these popular science education lectures, the faculty's awareness of scientific fitness has been improved, and the needs of faculty and staff for health education have been well met, which has played a very good role in improving the health of employees.

In order to enrich the faculty's amateur cultural life, the trade union organizes a variety of cultural and sports activities every year, such as: faculty and sports games, various ball games, chess and card games, spring tours, mountain climbing, picking, tourism, party, entertainment, karaoke competition, staff painting and calligraphy exhibition Wait, entertain and educate, and promote the physical and mental health of the faculty and staff.

Fourth, enhance service awareness, eager to serve the faculty and staff, do good things well, and effectively solve problems for faculty and staff

1. Actively do a good job in employee safety and mutual insurance work

Workers' Ankang Mutual Aid Insurance is a self-protection defense line established for employees, and it is the maintenance of the specific interests of the faculty and staff. In the past few years, the trade union has widely mobilized faculty and staff to actively participate in the two risks, including women's four-insurance insurance and employee-friendly mutual insurance. For the female employees who were on the books at the end of April 2004, all women were covered with four-patient insurance. The number of employees participating in the Ankang Mutual Aid Insurance has also reached 96, with more than 600,000 yuan in insurance and the insurance amount has reached more than 3 million yuan. At present, there are 3 cases of compensation, the amount of compensation is 112.5 million yuan, 1 case of condolences, and 1 case is being processed.

2. In the past three years, the Shijingshan experiment Guoxiao and the ancient city of the second country have always maintained a co-construction relationship. A total of more than 40 employees have solved the problem of school admission and relieved the worries of the employees.

3. Maintain the special interests of female employees. Under the administrative support of the hospital, ensure that female employees do a gynecological disease screening every year to achieve early detection of the disease, early treatment, and prevent problems before they occur.

4. Care for the lives of employees and effectively solve practical difficulties for employees.

The trade union has adjusted the allowance standards for employees' difficulties several times, and provided subsidies in time for employees' difficulties in life to help them tide over the difficulties. It also raised funds for employee organizations with special difficulties. The total amount of funds raised was more than 40,000 yuan, and they actively sought subsidies for the administration of the hospital, which solved the urgent needs of the comrades.

5. In the past few years, the trade unions have also actively organized employees and their families to travel to the homeland to help them broaden their horizons, relax their moods, and cultivate their sentiments.

Fifth, strengthen the construction of the trade unions themselves, keep pace with the times, and strive to do a good job in the trade unions in the new era.

1. Strengthening the construction of the trade unions and continuously improving the cadres' own cadres is an urgent need to do a good job in the trade unions in the new era and continuously improve the work standards of the trade unions. To this end, the trade unions used the holidays to hold special training sessions for trade union cadres, systematically studied the new "Trade Union Law" and "the implementation of the "Trade Union Law" in Beijing", and invited the leaders of the hospital to study and coach the trade union cadres. Through training, the trade union cadres have improved their understanding and understanding of the trade union work in the new era, and enhanced their confidence in doing a good job in union work according to law. The full-time cadres of the trade unions also participated in the training courses organized by the Municipal Education Union, which laid the foundation for the work of the trade unions.

2. Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism in the work, fully carry forward democracy and gather ideas. When formulating the annual work plan, the Trade Union Committee will be held to fully discuss the opinions and organize the implementation; pay attention to different opinions during the work, absorb good opinions and suggestions in a timely manner, and constantly correct the shortcomings and mistakes in the work; Reporting work, consciously accept the supervision of the majority of members on the work of the trade unions; plan to organize trade union cadres to conduct political and business studies, and constantly improve the quality and standard of work. Over the years, the trade union has also established and cultivated a team of activists who are enthusiastic about the work of the trade unions. They actively support the work of the trade unions, enthusiastically serve the faculty and staff, and play a pivotal role in the overall work of the trade unions.

3. In order to complete the acceptance of the qualified faculty and staff home as soon as possible, in accordance with the principle of party and government work, joint construction, dynamic management, and constant construction, the trade unions have formulated rectification measures for the problems existing in the construction of the home, and the college has invested 17,000. The Yuan has renovated the chess and card room, further improving the environment and conditions of the staff's activity venues, providing necessary conditions for the acceptance of the “qualified workers' home”, and the trade unions have also prepared for the acceptance of the qualified faculty and staff's home. Always ready for acceptance.

4. Strengthen the propaganda work of the trade unions.

In view of the weak situation of the former trade union propaganda work, the trade unions strengthened the construction of propaganda positions in the past two years, installed trade union propaganda windows, made trade union websites, actively promoted the "Trade Union Law", publicized the spirit of the teachers' association, publicized advanced figures in the school, and publicized employees. A rich and colorful cultural amateur life, while also contributing to the "Beijing Teachers" magazine and the hospital newspaper, so that the trade union propaganda work has improved.

5. Do a good job in the financial work of the trade unions, increase income and reduce expenditures, and provide financial guarantees for the completion of various work of the trade unions and guarantee the development of various activities of the members.

Thanks to the strong support of the hospital administration, the labor union funds can be basically guaranteed, and at the same time, the task of solving the funds can be basically completed. When arranging the financial work for the whole year, the trade unions adhere to the principle of “paying for income, increasing revenues and reducing expenditures” and rationally arranging various expenditures. The labor union funds, the collection of dues are timely, the expenditures are carefully calculated, and efforts are made to improve the efficiency of the use of funds.

In short, in the past three years, the trade unions have been able to conscientiously implement the spirit of the work of the higher-level trade unions and the party committees, closely work around the center of the college, and independently carry out various work and activities independently, and have played a role as a bridge and link between the party and the people, and have completed well. Various tasks. However, there are also deficiencies, such as innovation consciousness and innovation ability to be improved; the four powers of the Teachers' Congress need to be further implemented; with the development of the college, the number of young teachers has increased sharply, and the working mechanism and activities for the characteristics of young teachers are still Relative lag and so on.

Deputies and comrades, in the past three years, the trade unions have performed the functions of the trade unions better and achieved certain results, but this is inseparable from the correct leadership of the higher-level trade unions and the party committees; Strong support; it is also inseparable from the hard work of the trade union activists and the joint efforts and participation of the faculty and staff. Here, on behalf of the trade union committee, I represent all party and government leaders, trade union cadres, activists and faculty members who care about and support the trade union work. The workers expressed their sincere gratitude and lofty respect.

Job suggestion

In 2005, the focus of trade union work should be to continue to study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, and continue to study and implement the new Trade Union Law and the Measures for the Implementation of the Trade Union Law in Beijing. Lead the trade union work. It is necessary to further establish the education reform and development of the maintenance college, which is the consciousness of maximizing the fundamental interests of the faculty and staff, further standardizing and perfecting the construction of the teaching representative conference system, focusing on the in-depth development of the school affairs open work, and actively promoting the democratic political construction of the college. Taking the construction of teachers' morality in the new era as the core, strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and strengthen the ideological and political work of the staff. Continue to focus on the work and goals of the college center and creatively carry out the work of the union. It is necessary to govern the society according to law, to be people-oriented, and to serve the faculty and staff wholeheartedly. It is necessary to build on the foundation of the trade union itself and comprehensively improve the standard of trade union work.

First, further strengthen the construction of the teaching representative conference system, carry out the work of publicizing school affairs, and cooperate with the party committee of the college to do a good job in building democratic politics in the college.

The teaching representative system is an effective way and basic carrier for the trade union organization to play its maintenance function, and the school affairs disclosure is a further supplement and improvement of the teaching representative system. The trade unions must gradually improve the working mechanism to do a good job in these two aspects. It is necessary to further strengthen the construction of the teacher's congress system, so that the teaching congress will be institutionalized, standardized, and stylized, improve the quality of the work of the teachers' congress, and implement the four functions of the congress. It is necessary to strengthen the representative consciousness, improve the representativeness, and effectively play their role in the college. The role of democratic management and democratic supervision; it is necessary to rule the meeting according to law, fully perform the functions of the trade unions, maximize the maintenance and mobilization of the enthusiasm and creativity of the faculty and staff, and actively create a democratic and harmonious campus environment.

Second, with the construction of teachers' morality in the new era as the core, further strengthen the construction of the teaching staff.

The construction of socialist morality is an important part of the development of advanced socialist culture and a basic project to improve the quality of the whole people. The school is the base for cultivating talents for the society. It is especially important to shape the teachers' good image of teachers. The trade unions should focus on the construction of teachers' ethics and often carry out activities in various forms and contents. It is necessary to further improve the evaluation and commendation work of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals of the "three educators", establish a model of morality and morality, and give full play to the demonstration and guiding role of the ethics. It is necessary to actively organize the social practice activities of young teachers, provide opportunities for them to understand the society, serve the society, and contribute to the society, so that they can broaden their horizons, update their ideas, grow their talents, and constantly improve their ideological and moral and political consciousness. It is necessary to continue the basic skills competition for teachers, encourage teachers to practice basic skills, improve teaching standards, and better assume the social responsibility of teaching and educating people. Efforts should be made to create a good atmosphere of respecting science, encouraging innovation, dedication and dedication.

Third, further strengthen the construction of the trade unions and continuously improve the standard of work of the trade unions.

The self-construction of trade union organizations is the premise and basis for doing a good job in trade union work, and is the key to comprehensively improving the overall standard of trade union work. Only by continuously strengthening the construction of trade unions themselves can we advance with the times and create a new situation in trade union work.

1. The upgrading of the construction of the home is the key to comprehensively promoting the standard of the trade union work. It is to strengthen the outline of the trade union's own construction and further summarize the experience and deficiencies of the founding of the family. Work hard in the weak links and enter the ranks of the advanced workers' homes as soon as possible. Make the "home of workers" truly become a paradise for faculty and staff to learn new knowledge, new technologies and carry out cultural and sports activities; become a carrier for the life and study of faculty and staff, and unite the position of faculty and staff.

2. Fully perform the functions of the trade union. We must actively mobilize and guide the faculty and staff to invest in the teaching reform and development of the college, effectively bring into play the role of the trade unions in organizing the party and the people to connect with the people, constantly improve the working mechanism, and create a new situation in the trade union work.

3. Further strengthen the training of trade unions and part-time cadres, strengthen the training of employee representatives, and work hard on the training results to continuously improve their comprehensive quality to meet the needs of trade union work and the work of the representative conference in the new era.

Fourth, we must give full play to the specialties of the trade unions, extensively carry out various cultural and sports activities, organize faculty and staff to actively participate in the national fitness campaign, strengthen physical fitness, cultivate sentiment, and improve the combat effectiveness and cohesiveness of the faculty and staff.

Dear delegates and comrades:

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee pointed out the direction for the work of the trade unions, let us work hard, work hard, keep pace with the times, work hard, actively participate in the educational reform and development of the college, unite and mobilize The majority of faculty and staff make new contributions to the goal of the college!

thank you all!

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