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Survey report on college students' online access

Survey report on college students' online access

Introduction: Among the 26.5 million netizens in China, 18-24% account for 36.8%, which is the age group of college students. Whether the online behavior of college students as one of the net democracy is healthy is directly related to the growth of online civilization and college students. Mastering the basic situation of college students' online access is of great significance to strengthening the network position of colleges and universities and cultivating high-quality college students. As an emerging information dissemination tool, the Internet has become more and more popular in universities in recent years and is favored by more and more college students. Online chat, e-mail to friends, online news... The impact of the Internet on today's college students has penetrated into every aspect of their lives. Despite the many advantages of the Internet, we should be soberly aware that the complexity and openness of Internet information tends to make some students over-reliant on it, which leads to the unhealthy mentality of college students and the unsound development of personality. Then, how does the university campus in the Internet age affect the learning and life patterns of contemporary college students, and how does it change the values ​​and outlook of college students? In order to specifically understand the current situation of college students online, I used this opportunity to make a preliminary investigation of students in our school.

The survey was conducted by 40 students in the first year of the tourism management major and 10 boys in the junior social work. Because the freshman has ample extra time for extracurricular time compared to other ages, the third year is due to the increased employment pressure and postgraduate examinations of college students in recent years, and the attention to the Internet is relatively weak. This survey mainly adopts the questionnaire survey method. The questionnaire consists of 15 multiple-choice questions, mainly asking about the time spent online and other people's views on the Internet and the content of the Internet. In this survey, 50 questionnaires were actually distributed, 50 were actually recovered, 49 were valid questionnaires, and the effective recovery rate was 98%. Such a high recovery rate is more favorable for the survey, and the situation reflected is also true.

According to the questionnaire, 52% of the Internet knowledge is obtained through self-study, and 32% are obtained through classmates. And 18% of the school's acquisition can reflect that the school's network knowledge education is not in place. It may be that there are not many online education courses offered by schools, and the promotion of school network knowledge is not important. Students lose confidence in acquiring online knowledge from school.

College students have a poor Internet environment, accounting for 80% of Internet cafes, 10% of schools online, and 4% of computers. They are very crowded in Internet cafes and schools, and the air is quite dirty. It is an Internet cafe, and the area occupied by each computer is not more than 1.5 square meters.

The motivation for accessing the Internet is 24% due to learning needs, and 28% of the time spent on sending. It can be seen that the extracurricular life of college students is very monotonous. It is customary to rely on the Internet to pass their own time. It is very important to use the Internet to improve their learning. less. In the survey, the freshman girls accounted for 20% of the time, because the freshmen's ability to adapt to the environment is poor, and there are not many people in love, so choose to go online to spend a long extracurricular time. There are very few high school students who may be exposed to the Internet, so 10% of students go online because of curiosity.

In terms of Internet access, 48% of students are 50-100 yuan per month, accounting for almost one-sixth of the living expenses, and only 18% of the less than 10 yuan. This shows that college students still attach great importance to the Internet. 8% of students spend more than 100 yuan on the Internet, almost every day in the Internet cafe. For such a high net fee, the pocket money accounted for 76%, and 2% of the students borrowed money from the Internet. Those who borrowed money should reflect on the use of college students’ pocket money. Internet access accounts for a large proportion.

In the weekdays, the time spent online in the week is 44% in 4-10 hours, and in weekends or holidays, up to 38% in 10 hours. From this point, it can be seen that during the holidays, students still choose to go out to classmates to play or travel back. Home, etc., and in the usual working days, everyone spends these scattered time on the Internet, because the Internet is temporary and does not require a lot of preparation. Therefore, the allocation of college students' extracurricular time is unreasonable, and the time spent studying and reading after class is too small. The Internet has a great influence on students. In the time of surfing the Internet, 58% of students are untimed, and 32% of students choose to go online at night. Our school didn't have to stipulate self-study last night, but everyone in the high school every day was very disgusted. Every year, few people chose to go to study in the evening. In just a few hours, everyone chose to go online. In my online experience, I queued up for the Internet at night, and students had to go to class during the day.

64% of the students think that parents or teachers only know a little bit of online knowledge, and 20% think that their parents or teachers don't know much about online knowledge, only 14% know. It can be seen that the problem of treating students online is very one-sided.
Not scientific. Parents and teachers themselves should deepen their understanding of online knowledge in order to correctly guide students how to face the Internet. On the issue of looking at students' online access, they agree that children can access the Internet properly. 8% of the Internet is banned, and 24% of them are natural. There is no unconditional support for Internet access. This shows that parents and teachers are more determined about the Internet attitude of students. They all adopt a conservative attitude, as if they are afraid of the bad influence that the Internet will have on students. This is also caused by parents and teachers who don't understand the Internet. As students grow up, especially after graduating from high school, the problem of accessing the Internet has been relaxed. But the first impression for them is that it is best not to go online. Parents are afraid of students wasting time on the grounds of opposing students' online access, affecting 68% of students' learning. They are afraid that students are vulnerable to misinformation on the Internet and 30% of them affect their physical and mental health. From this point of view, parents are more concerned about students' learning. And the use of after-school time may be less concerned with the physical and mental health of students. The increase in expenses only accounts for 2%. Parents do not care too much about the money and time spent on the cultivation of students. Generally, parents think that as long as students can take the test, they will also pay for the students to eat iron. However, it only pays attention to students' time and academic performance, and ignores the development of physical and mental health during the growth of students.

There are many purposes for students to go online, but the most important thing is to find learning materials to chat with friends and entertainment music. The most popular is 72% of entertainment music, followed by 70% of chat friends, and only 48% of learning. It can be seen that the use of the Internet by students is limited to entertainment and friends, and the actual use of the Internet to obtain more knowledge is still less, which coincides with the time spent by students on the Internet, and students explored on the Internet. There are too few useful things. While reading news is only 24%, the network information is timely, accurate, and usable, but the students do not make good use of this resource.

Thinking about the results of the survey: The rushing pace of the information age has made it impossible for college students to use and accept the Internet, no matter how much impact it will bring, and how many undesirable components are involved in this shock. College students are ultimately inseparable from the Internet. Why is it that the same applies to the Internet, college students can not dig out the most practical meaning, but just stay in entertainment and recreation? This is probably an attitude issue that recognizes and treats new things. For such a new thing, it can not be regarded as a savage beast, because it will bring some negative effects and ruin it; nor can it blindly advocate its advantages. As a college student,
It should be recognized that indulging in the disadvantages of online entertainment, paying more attention to the truly valuable information on the Internet, accessing the society through the Internet, and improving the ability to recognize and think. The Internet provides a lot of information, and it provides a space for personalization and internationalization in contact with society, giving college students a big stage to show their abilities. It does not deny that the Internet will bring some bad information at the same time. Especially for college students, the complete values ​​have not yet formed, the curiosity is very strong, and it is easy to be influenced by foreign things. The network is completely open and virtual space allows college students to express themselves as they please, but if they are not well grasped, the mentality of hunting and the excessive pursuit of individuality may lead the students to astray. So behind the plethora of phenomena, we should have a clear mind to look at the Internet.

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