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Web page production experiment report

Web page production experiment report

Experiment 1: Site Settings

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment

This example creates a new site through the Advanced tab in the Site Define As dialog.

Second, equipment

1. One multimedia computer per student, set up an internal regional network, and access the international Internet.

2, install windows xp operating system; establish iis server environment, support asp.

3, install web page three swordsman and other web design software;

Third, the experimental principle

Create a new site from the Advanced tab in the Site Define As dialog.

Fourth, experimental methods and steps

1) Execute the “Site\Manage Site” command, click the “Add” button in the pop-up “Manage Site” dialog box, and select the “Site” command in the pop-up shortcut menu.

2) Click the "Advanced" tab in the "Site Defined As" dialog box that pops up.

3) Enter the site name in the "Site Name" text box and select the created site folder in the "Default Folder" text box. In the "Default Image Folder" text box, select the folder where the image will be stored. When you are done, click the "OK" button to return to the "Manage Sites" dialog box.

4) Click the "Finish" button in the "Manage Sites" dialog box and the site is created.

V. Experimental results

Discussion and conclusion

Before the experiment begins, a root folder should be established. In the process of the experiment, the site is stored in the folder built by itself, so that the experiment can be organized and not find its own site after the experiment. Some options will appear during the experiment. The computer usually has a default choice. Don't change it at the end. If you want to change it, you should fully understand the meaning of the option and the effect it will cause, otherwise the result of the experiment will be distorted. Getting familiar with the operating software before the experiment is the key to doing the experiment.

Experiment 2: Page Image Settings

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:

The purpose of this example is to set the background image of the page and create a mouse pass image.

Second, equipment

1. One multimedia computer per student, set up an internal regional network, and access the international Internet.

2, install windows xp operating system; establish iis server environment, support asp.

3, install web page three swordsman and other web design software;

4, install acdsee, photoshop and other graphics processing and production software;

5, other animation and graphics processing or production software.

Third, the experimental principle

Set the background image of the page and create a mouse pass image.

Fourth, experimental methods and steps

1) Set the background image of the page in the Page Properties dialog.

2) Click "" in the page document to insert the mouse through the image.

V. Experimental results

Discussion and conclusion

After the experiment, we can see that the background of the page has become the image we inserted, and when the mouse passes, it will become another image, which is the effect of the mouse passing through the image. Of course, this kind of experimental effect is difficult to show in the screenshot of the experimental results. The key to this experiment is the selection of the background image. If the background image is too large, it will not only affect the opening speed of the webpage, but even the image will be distorted when inserted. Therefore, the necessary processing can be performed on the image before insertion. Make the experiment work better.

Experiment 3: Form Making

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:

This example is to create a table with a line of 1 pixel.

Second, equipment

1. One multimedia computer per student, set up an internal regional network, and access the international Internet.

2, install windows xp operating system; establish iis server environment, support asp.

3, install web page three swordsman and other web design software;

4, install acdsee, photoshop and other graphics processing and production software;

5, other animation and graphics processing or production software.

Third, the experimental principle

Create a table with a line of 1 pixel.

Fourth, experimental methods and steps

1) In the document, click the table "" button and set "Cell Spacing" to "1" in the dialog box.

2) Select the inserted table and set the "Background Color" to "Black".

3) Select all the cells in the table and set the Background Color to "White" in the "Properties" panel.

4) After setting, save the page and press the “f12” button to preview.

V. Experimental results

Discussion and conclusion

This experiment mainly uses the difference between the color of the whole table and the cell to bring out the experimental effect. The effect of the spacing is mainly to express this color difference. The background color of the table and the background color of the cell are easily confused. In the experiment, it is necessary to seriously judge, and once the operation is wrong, the experimental effect is not obtained. The width of the table on the right side of the "Table Width" text box, including "pixel" and "percent", is easy to confuse. To fully understand the meaning of the two units, you can choose correctly, otherwise you can't reach your own. The desired effect, the setting error will seriously affect the experimental results.

Experiment 4: Establish an anchor link

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:

The purpose of this example is to establish an anchor link.

Second, equipment

1. One multimedia computer per student, set up an internal regional network, and access the international Internet.

2, install windows xp operating system; establish iis server environment, support asp.

3, install web page three swordsman and other web design software;

4, install acdsee, photoshop and other graphics processing and production software;

5, other animation and graphics processing or production software.

Third, the experimental principle

Establish an anchor link.

Fourth, experimental methods and steps

1) Insert a table with 1 row and 4 columns in the page and enter the navigation text in each cell.

2) Select the text of each cell separately, click the “” button, and enter “#01” “#02” “#03” “#04” in the “Link” text box on the pop-up “Superlink” dialog box. ".

3) Enter the text in the document and set the anchor name "01", press the "Enter" button to change the line and enter an article.

4) Wrap the line at the end of the article, enter the text and set the anchor name "02", press the "Enter" button to wrap the line and enter an article.

5) In the same way, enter the text and the named anchors as "03" and "04" respectively on the page and enter the article.

6) Save the page and press the “f12” button to preview.

V. Experimental results

Discussion and conclusion

The purpose of adding sights is to help readers quickly find the articles they want, and at the same time make the pages more streamlined. The key difficulty of this experiment is that the name entered in the link text box and the name of the target must be consistent to achieve the experimental effect. At the same time, remember to enter the text and set the name of the target at the end of the previous article, and remember to input the corresponding The article may not be used. Low proficiency In the experiment, various tools were not used well, and it was impossible to find the proper position at one time. In the experiment, I forgot to select the "invisible element", and several experiments failed, and finally I got the correct conclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare well before the experiment, otherwise the experiment process will be more difficult.

Lab 5: Setting the css style

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:

The purpose of this example is to create a dashed line of the table by setting the css style.

Second, equipment

1. One multimedia computer per student, set up an internal regional network, and access the international Internet.

2, install windows xp operating system; establish iis server environment, support asp.

3, install web page three swordsman and other web design software;

4, install acdsee, photoshop and other graphics processing and production software;

5, other animation and graphics processing or production software.

Third, the experimental principle

Create a dotted line of the table by setting the css style.

Fourth, experimental methods and steps

1) Create a form on the web page.

2) Click the "" button in the "css style" panel, make settings in the pop-up dialog box, and click the "OK" button when finished.

3) Make the settings in the pop-up dialog box, and click the “OK” button when finished.

V. Experimental results

Discussion and conclusion

There are certain difficulties in setting the indicators and attributes in the dialog box. If you are not proficient, it is easy to make mistakes and the experiment fails. Not enough familiarity with the various buttons used in the "ccs" style is very blunt when used. The key to the success of this experiment lies in the degree of mastery of the software and the degree of understanding of various attributes. As long as the various operations of the software are fully grasped, and the meaning of each attribute is fully understood, the experiment can be completed well.

Lab 6: Creating a Form

First, the purpose and requirements of the experiment:

The purpose of this example is to create a fundraising form.

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