Work Plan > Office Work Plan

Middle school counseling room work plan

First, the guiding ideology

With the development of the cause of socialist construction, the country's demand for talents and quality requirements are getting higher and higher. Good ideological and moral standards and deep and solid modern scientific knowledge are essential for talents. It is also extremely important to adapt to the excellent psychological quality of the social environment. With the rapid development of social economy, social changes are changing with each passing day, and students' psychology also follows the social environment. Changes have produced many waves, making psychological problems an important issue of concern to society. Strengthening mental health education in schools, helping students solve psychological problems, and cultivating students' sound psychological quality are not only the needs of students' healthy growth, but also an important guarantee for our school to train high-quality talents. Our school needs to achieve first-class schools, first-class education goals, and school mental health education is a basic education work. During the semester, the school leaders carefully deployed. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the school established the "Sound of Heart" psychological counseling room, trying to educate students through mental health education. Psychological counseling work, comprehensively improve students' psychological quality, and promote students' lively and healthy development.

Second, student problem analysis

The main psychological problems of current students come from academic pressure, emotional entanglement, interpersonal relationship, economic problems, employment pressure and online obsession. The number of students seeking psychological help has also increased rapidly. Many of our students, family living conditions are not rich, but I am alone, greedy for pleasure, weak will, unsociable, and self-development consciousness. Many students have different degrees of Psychological deviation. include:

1, tired of learning psychology. Some students have poor foundations, their attitudes are not correct, they usually do not work hard, and they do not finish the homework assigned by the teachers in time. Therefore, once and for all, failures in learning and failure in examinations have increased their inferiority complex and caused fear of learning and examination. It led to the bad psychology of being tired of learning.

2. Obstacles in interpersonal communication. During the growth of students, influenced by many factors such as family, society, school, and students themselves, many students are more psychologically vulnerable. Especially when they are criticized by teachers and parents, they cannot be treated correctly, extreme, dissatisfied, or even hostile. mood. In particular, students with more introverted personality cannot properly handle the relationship with classmates, teachers, and parents.

3. Lack of autonomy, poor self-control ability, and poor ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

4. Poor students still have bad feelings such as inferiority and embarrassment.

5. Students who cannot be satisfied in their study life will find liberation in the online world, indulge in online games, and have unprincipled chats, leading to disciplinary violations.

Third, the main content of counseling

Learning counseling

Help students adapt to the school's learning environment and learning requirements, develop correct learning concepts, learn awareness, improve learning methods, learn accounting and learning, use learning strategies to learn, and improve learning ability.

Adolescent counseling

Let students understand themselves, learn to overcome the troubles of adolescence, correctly face adolescence, gradually learn to regulate and control their emotions, curb their impulsive behavior, and carry out appropriate sex education activities.

Emotional counseling

Understand the causes of emotions and the negative effects of negative emotions on our lives, learning, behaviors, etc., master the ways to overcome negative emotions, and learn to regulate and control one's emotions.

Interpersonal counseling

Learn the skills of interpersonal communication, strengthen interpersonal communication between teachers, students, students, students and parents; understand the principles of heterosexual interaction, learn normal communication; form good etiquette quality, improve interpersonal skills, and cultivate good interpersonal relationships.

Acceptable self-coaching

Strengthen students' self-awareness, objectively evaluate themselves, be able to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses; gradually adapt to various changes in the environment, cultivate students' ability to resist setbacks, and improve self-confidence.

Life counseling

Guide students to establish correct values ​​and consumption views, form correct and reasonable consumption behaviors and leisure methods, and overcome the unrealistic mentality of blind comparison and advanced fees.

Career counseling

Make students have a preliminary understanding and understanding of the profession, establish a correct career outlook, and grasp the opportunities for employment choices.

Poor student counseling

Poor students must face the contrast from rural to urban areas. They tend to be better in their hometowns, and don't care much about their own economic situation. After going to school, they fall into the low point of life and other people's attention, and their mentality will be especially inferior. The second is the difficulty of interacting with classmates. Lonely, silent, and sensitive, these students often have poor interpersonal relationships, so that they are autistic and hateful; these hidden problems should be given more attention.

Fourth, the specific arrangements for work

This semester, the counseling room will continue to expand the impact of psychological counseling through the publicity column, "Sunshine Mailbox", "Sunshine Cabin" and the "Voice of the Heart" column of the campus radio station. Attract more students into the psychological counseling room, communicate with the tutor in a timely manner, and improve their mental health.

Coordinate with school work, provide teachers with psychological science knowledge, and facilitate school mental health education. Develop a developmental and preventive psychological counseling for all students, and adopt a friend-style spiritual dialogue to enable students to gradually eliminate bad mentality and psychological confusion and improve their psychological quality.

Please help the class teacher to do a psychological diagnosis evaluation, analyze the students' psychological symptoms, grasp the exact signs of the students, and screen the students' psychological problems, so as to propose measures to eliminate the obstacles, that is, prevent the students from appearing during the school. Promote their mental health development.

Do a good job in behavior correction work, specifically help students with moral deviant, learning difficulties, emotional frustration and social development discomfort, understand their psychological confusion, communicate with the students in a timely manner, help them get out of the psychological shadow, reshape their self-image, Get normal development.

This semester, the counseling room will start from the characteristics of students in different grades. Two or three mental health education lectures and psychological counseling sessions will be held every semester. A series of targeted psychological lectures will be carried out in a step-by-step manner. We have actually solved some problems.

Open the "Sound of Heart" mailbox, promptly reply, do a good job in individual counseling and student case collection, record the students and cases of counseling, and formally establish a complete student psychological file.

Understand the grassroots trends in the excellent information, understand the key points of work from the central and provincial archives, seize the pulse of the times from the ever-changing current events, serve the work of the party committee, and write more and more excellent information. The third is to do a good job in the propaganda work of the united front. In addition to successfully completing the various propaganda tasks assigned by the superiors, it is necessary to use their own computer advantages to do a good job in the united front propaganda. This requires "liberating the mind." For example, the website, this year's website information release has exceeded the sum of 04 to 07. In 11 years, my goal is to double again. At the same time, in order to let the society and more united members pay attention to the united front and participate in the website, I intend to Half a year on the website to open a voting section, enrich the message board, decorate the website, and then do a website promotion in the second half of the year, let more people know the Langfang united front, I think if we release more information about the society and the members of the United Front Similarly, we will win the attention of the society and more members of the United Front. I am looking forward to the arrival of 11 years here. I hope that the leaders will give me the burden in 11 years and let me grow faster. Finally, I quoted Premier Zhou’s words to express my heartfelt words: “I love my career, this is the source of my struggle”.

Thank you for your report.

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In 2019, under the correct leadership of the office, all the comrades of the Information Office focused on the work of the office center and the annual work objectives of the office, earnestly performed their duties, deepened theoretical study, and earnestly strengthened team building, and completed the year. Project target task. The reports are as follows:

First, with the theme of “information work innovation”, continuously improve the quality and level of information work.

In the whole year, more than 4,000 pieces of information were submitted to the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, and more than 700 issues of various information publications were issued. The provincial and municipal leaders instructed more than 120 pieces of information publications. The amount of information submitted, the amount of use, and the amount of leadership instructions have increased compared with the previous year, and the service and support functions of information work have been better reflected.

1. Focus on the work of highlights and constantly innovate and report to the provincial information work. The main leaders of the municipal party committee attached great importance to information work, pointed out that they should solve the problem of "information asymmetry" and strive to "see things early and solve problems in small", with particular emphasis on strengthening reporting to the province. According to the requirements of the leadership instructions, the Information Office closely follows the highlights of the city's provinces that are the first or leading in the province, effectively improve the quantity and quality of information reported to the province, and submit 2,691 pieces of information to the provincial party committee. 155 kinds of information. It has organized and submitted the highlights of the five major construction, Foxconn Science and Technology City, Huai'an Civil Airport, major event risk assessment system, export processing zone, model work, Ninghuai cooperation, high-efficiency agriculture, etc. It has been adopted to better publicize and promote the experience of the city. New breakthroughs in high-level information reporting, "developing at a new starting point with a new round of ideological liberation", "Huai'an City seizes opportunities to meet difficulties and ensure full completion of the year's goals and tasks" A number of pieces of information were adopted by the provincial "Express Journal", and "Socially Difficult Groups' Views and Suggestions on the Low-rent Housing System" were adopted by the provincial "Social and Public Opinion Information". At the end of last year, we faced difficulties and worked hard to strengthen the draft of the draft and the liaison work for the province, and comprehensively carried out the annual sprint. In the last month, we surpassed Changzhou City and Yangzhou City in one fell swoop. Compared with the previous year, we achieved two in the last year. The target of the provincial government in the provincial government. The Information Office of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee sent a congratulatory letter to congratulate the city on the realization of the information work in the province. The main methods of reporting to the province are: First, carry out target assessment. Each person in the information office has a target task, and returns to the monthly review and internal assessment. The second is to build a big information structure. Regularly take the initiative to dock with the office of each office, find the topic, and find information. In 2019, more than 10 articles were used by the provincial government according to the information submitted by the various departments. Each comprehensive department has a number of information used by the provincial party committee. The third is to strengthen the draft of the draft. From the previous passive reception of information to the initiative to submit information drafts to the municipal departments, a total of 23 drafts of various types of manuscripts were issued, and a large number of social organizations, grassroots reflections, and people's suggestions were organized through key organizations such as the CPPCC and the Municipal Bureau of Letters and Calls. The information used by the provincial government is over 50%. The fourth is to actively contact. I contacted the comrades of the Information Office of the Provincial Party Committee twice a week, actively recommended the city's excellent information, and requested work guidance. At present, it has formed a good working relationship with all comrades in the provincial office.

2. Guided by the work of the municipal party committee center, continuously strengthen the information work reported to the city. The leaders of the municipal party committee pointed out that the information work should take the initiative to focus on the needs of the municipal party committee decision-making and provide reference for the scientific and democratic decision-making of the municipal party committee. According to the requirements of the leadership, this year, we have been closely organizing the report of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Party Committee Work Conference, the Municipal Party Congress, and the Five Major Construction Centers, and submitted a total of XX pieces of information to the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. Issued 251 Issues of "Essence Express", 355 Issues of "Information Special Report", 50 Issues of "Reporting Information Collection", 27 Issues of "Important Newspaper Information", "Leadership Instruction" 2, and "Information Business Newsletter" 14 Accumulated more than 700 periods. Among them, "Important Newspaper Information" and "Leadership Instruction" are newly created information publications in 2019, and four existing publications have built a matrix of three-dimensional information publications. The construction level of information publications is at the forefront of the province. In 2019, we also uploaded more than 600 pieces of information to the office website, which became the main source of content for the office website.

3. With the goal of building a work platform, we will continue to strengthen the construction of information networks. The main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee Office pointed out that the important method of information work is to communicate and establish a good working relationship with all units and counties in the city. According to the request of Secretary-General Zhong, the Information Office has continuously strengthened the working relationship with various localities and departments, and actively organized various types of information activities. On the one hand, it has urged leaders at all levels to pay more attention to and attach importance to information work, and on the other hand, it has stimulated information from various departments. The enthusiasm of the staff. In 2019, the city's party committee system information work conference, three county and district information work symposiums, and a municipal direct department information work symposium were held successively to timely convey the spirit of the latest instructions of the central, provincial and municipal leaders on information work, and to inform the recent submission points. . He has gone to the Economic and Trade Commission, the Construction Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the State Administration of Taxation, the Transportation Bureau, the Statistics Bureau, the Family Planning Commission and other departments to conduct information seminars, with more than 500 participants. We have also set up an online communication platform for information workers in counties and districts and municipal key departments, which has been welcomed by information officers from various departments.

4. Guided by the performance of information work, constantly innovate the information work system. Under the guidance of the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee Office , the Information Office constantly sums up lessons and lessons, strengthens system construction, and ensures that information work is organized, high quality and efficient. 1. Establish an information meeting system. A regular meeting will be held every Monday morning to summarize the work of last week, formulate this week's plan, and conduct business discussions. The leaders in charge participated in the event and made clear requests for information work in the near future. 2. Establish a quarterly notification system for information adoption. Every quarter, the municipal units and counties and districts use information items to inform the main leaders of various localities and departments, which promotes the work on the surface. 3. Establish a personal work system linked to the county and district. In order to solve the problem of poor information work in the counties and districts, the information comrades are linked to 8 counties and districts, responsible for guiding their work in the province and coordinating their relationship with the provincial office. 4. Innovative information work assessment system. The assessment of the county is based only on the adoption of the provincial office. This is conducive to the comrades of the county and district to concentrate on strengthening the reporting to the province and has achieved remarkable results. It is expected that in most counties and districts in 2019, the province will achieve a leading position in the province.

2019 is an unprecedented year for the company's operating pressure and fierce market competition. At the same time, it is also a year in which the company's market is developing, the support system is optimized, and the corporate image is enhanced. In the face of the new situation, the guiding ideology of the company's office is to strengthen the role of the hub, move forward to the service position, and play the role of connecting up and down, comprehensive coordination, staff assistants, supervision and inspection and service guarantee, further transforming the work style and improving the working methods. Great service, improve service quality, and play an active role in the overall progress of the overall work.

First, we must effectively solve the four contradictions

1.1. The contradiction between the overall situation and the small situation. As an integrated department, the nature of the office is mainly reflected in the service. The office is mainly for the leadership, the agency, and the grassroots. The first is to serve leaders and institutions. This requires the office to take "all obeying the overall situation, all the overall situation of service" as the starting point and the end result of the office work. When the department work and the overall work of the organization, the small bureau work and the overall situation conflict, consciously make the small bureau obey. The overall situation and partial obedience to the whole. At the same time, try to do a good job in the small bureau, because the work of the small bureau is the basis and prerequisite for the overall situation.

1.2. Active and passive contradictions. The service function of office work determines the passiveness of its work, but to do a good job in the office , we must also take the initiative of the personnel, be good at taking the initiative in the passive, and become passive. For certain deterministic work such as regularity, regularity, and stage, don't wait passively, take the initiative to prepare and prepare in advance. For non-deterministic tasks such as tasks, emergency incidents and emergencies that are temporarily assigned by the leaders, they must have flexible resilience and be busy and not chaotic. At the same time, we must actively adapt to the leadership's work ideas, think about what we want to do, seek the leadership of the project, think of the problem ahead, take the work ahead, and take the initiative to do a good job.

1.3. Contradiction between government affairs and affairs. Government affairs and affairs are the two wheels of office work. The government affairs mainly include decision-making staff, investigation and research, government affairs information, government affairs and telegraph processing, government supervision and inspection, and confidentiality of confidential files. Affairs work generally refers to all other tasks except government affairs, mainly administrative logistics work, such as hospitality, food and shelter, safety and health. Affairs work is a prerequisite for doing a good job in government affairs. Government affairs cannot be regarded as a major event, and affairs are regarded as small things or dispensable things. It is even more important to regard government affairs as high-level and to treat affairs as low-level. The work of the office is not so detailed, and there can be no negligence and slackness.

1.4. The contradiction between "over" and "inferior". To lead the idea, when you are a staff member, you must grasp the "degree" and master the sense of proportion. The office is in an auxiliary and subordinate position in leadership decisions, and cannot be absent or offside. If you want to lead what you think, the urgency of the leadership is to provide as much background information as possible for leadership decision-making, but it cannot be replaced. Be proactive, but you can't mix it.

Second, play 6 functions, grasp 6 details

2.1. Give play to the staff function and highlight “thinking”. Be more conscientious in order to be good. As a bridge and link for the company to upload and communicate with all parties, the office should be good at standing at the height of the overall situation, focusing on those major issues that affect the overall situation and involve the long-term, and put them on hot and difficult issues with complicated situations and prominent contradictions. It is necessary to understand the overall work on the face, but also to understand the key tasks in the near future. It is necessary to understand the work opinions and requirements of the superior leaders, as well as to understand the actual situation of the unit and the opinions and suggestions of the cadres and employees. Be good at enhancing the overall synergy, establish a team spirit and service concept, be good at strengthening the relationship, strengthen management internally, coordinate well with others, and provide good services. It is necessary to base on the development of new changes, to use more brains, to find ways, to come up with ideas, to enhance the initiative, foresight, and creativity of the work, to provide advice and check for vacancies with high policy theory and business work ability. On the basis of the investigation, put forward feasible suggestions and work plans, give play to the role of staff and assistants, and continuously improve the ability to participate in decision-making.

2.2. Play a coordination function and highlight the “management wide”. The office work has a comprehensive overall situation, coordinates all parties, and has internal and external duties, and has its own job responsibilities and working rules. The office must not only fully understand the work situation in all aspects, but also create conditions for the smooth development of the company's various tasks, but also coordinate the parties, handle the relationship between the top and bottom, and ensure the smooth flow of government orders. For the work within the responsibilities, we must pay close attention to it, and do a piece of it, and the items are explained, and the items are implemented. For work outside the responsibilities but without departmental or unclear duties, the office is “regardless of the ministry”. It is incumbent on the responsibility to ensure that the work of the organs is not left blank and that all work is promoted in an all-round way.

2.3, play the function of doing things, highlighting "doing fine." There is no small matter in the work of the government, and office work is no small matter. This requires the office to be careful and meticulous in its work, and to start from small things. For any work that is handled, it must be rigorous and meticulous, and meticulous, not to be perfunctory and false. Every moment, every place, serious and serious, meticulous and meticulous, so that the work of the leadership should not be delayed in the office , the texts that need to be handled should be kept in the office , and the staff who contact the office should not be allowed to work. Being left out in the office , the image of the company is not affected in the office .

2.4, play a management function, highlighting "hard to touch." Some aspects of the affairs involved in the work of the agency, and some also affect the vital interests of the employees. Dare to dare to be a matter of principle is an important indicator of whether the style of work is too good. Office work must be based on principles and discipline.

2.4.1 Act in accordance with the policy. Regarding the policy as the lifeline of the office , we must never allow people to talk about human feelings on policy issues.

2.4.2 Act in accordance with the law. The office must learn the law, understand the law, abide by the law, and work in strict accordance with laws and regulations.

2.4.3 Act in accordance with organizational principles. Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism and insist on being responsible for the first level.

2.5, play the service function, highlight the "speaking program." The formality of office work is very strong, especially in a large number of complex transactional work, the office should keep a clear head, distinguish between the primary and the secondary, prioritize, and not bother. We must adhere to the principle of reporting step by step to clarify responsibilities. Through the establishment of a scientific and standardized work system, work procedures, work rules, each work has a chapter to follow.

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In order to enrich the students' after-school life, comprehensively improve the quality of students, cultivate students' ability, in order to accumulate the writing materials of the students, improve the writing level of the students, and enhance the students' thinking ability, aesthetic ability and creativity, all members of our language group will Committed to making the Lakeside Literature Society a community that truly cultivates the abilities of students.

This semester is due to the establishment of the Literary Society's probationary period in this school year. The key is to develop new members. It is expected that a literary society member meeting will be held once a month. The first meeting is scheduled to be held in the fourth week, mainly to do the work arrangement and staff allocation for this semester. Each meeting is arranged, and a special person is required to write a meeting schedule to serve as a basis for future work. And effective management and utilization of funds.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. In order to carry out the work better, it is decided that the work of this period will be carried out according to the following plans:

1. It is expected that one or two literary lectures will be held in the 8th week. The school leaders and teachers will fully support and warmly invite teachers with profound cultural background to give a speech to improve their literary appreciation and writing skills.

2. The work of the Literary Society in this semester should be carried out carefully and actively, and actively encourage students to submit contributions, and promote the influence of the Literary Society through various channels.

3. During the semester, part of the work in the Literary Society is more reasonable and clear.

4. This semester, together with the radio station, actively carry out various campus activities. If circumstances permit, it is expected to open the "Noon, Hello" radio program, and the multi-channel rich students' cultural literacy.

5. Hold an essay competition, and award the first, second and third prizes for the entries, and award certificates and prizes.

6. At the end of the semester, a summary meeting will be held to give affirmation and praise to the good work in one semester, and to make mistakes and loopholes in the work as lessons and to pave the way for future work.

I hope that all members of the Lakeside Literary Society will participate more actively and actively, support the work of the Lakeside Literary Society, showcase the style of the language group of the Eighth Middle School of Wuhu City, and make the stage of the Lakeside Literature Society more lively, attracting more literary youths to gather. Around us.

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In 2019, under the leadership of the party and government of the school, the office will conscientiously implement the party's educational policies and policies, follow the instructions and decisions of the higher authorities, and focus on the overall work objectives of the school, thinking that the school, the teachers, and the students serve their own duties. Strengthen learning, strive to improve one's own quality, carry out work with purpose, orderly and high-efficiency with the support and cooperation of the faculty and staff, and give full play to the functions of the office . This year's school office plans to do the following:

First, regular work

1. Send and receive written and online files in a timely manner, and submit them to the principal for review. According to the review opinions of the principal, they will be transferred to the relevant department to handle or notify the relevant teachers.

2. Report the work materials of various schools to the county education committee and other higher authorities in a timely manner.

3. In a timely manner, notices such as notices of meetings, notices of work arrangements, arrangements for holiday holidays, etc.

4. Do a good job in the recording of school executive meetings, teacher meetings, and other important meetings.

5. Responsible for drafting and drafting various school plans, plans, resolutions, conclusions, notices, notices, etc.

6. Arrange the administrative duty work of the school every week and on holidays and holidays.

7. Manage the school seal, and truthfully ask for various certificates and school introduction letters.

8. Further strengthen the management of office supplies, as well as the reception work of visitors.

9. Consolidate the work of the school and other units and departments to promote the smooth development of all aspects of the school.

10. Increase the school's propaganda and report, expand the school's influence and knowledge, and create a good atmosphere for the school's development.

Second, the key work

1. Assist the principal to supervise and urge all functional departments in the school to do a good job in the work, insist on monthly statistics on the regular work of each department, make good records, and timely report information to the principal to provide staff for school decision-making.

2. Further improve the overall coordination of various departments. Adhere to the report of major issues; the situation should be timely and accurate; the bridge between the various departments should be maintained, the unity of the school team should be maintained, and the work efficiency should be improved.

3. Extensively understand the external information and superior spirit related to the school, do a good job of uploading and uploading, broaden the information radius, increase the information density; timely understand and collect the development of the school's work, strengthen the communication with the various rooms, and timely The written and small blackboard form informs the faculty and the society about the work dynamics and school achievements of the school.

4. Strengthen contact with the news media. Efforts will be made to expand the influence of schools in society, increase the visibility of schools, promote the understanding of the society and parents, and enhance the credibility of running schools.

5. Promote the standardization of file management. According to the requirements of archives work, further establish and standardize various types of documents such as documents, infrastructure, teaching, photos, etc., improve the efficiency of file access, and strive to serve the school work and serve teachers and students; Prepare and archive work; carefully and correctly do the statistics and verification of various types of statements, submit them in time, and file them in a unified manner.

6. Establish a system of responsible persons for the safekeeping and use of documents.

7. Do a good job in the statistical work of attendance, assessment and other aspects of the school, and report to relevant leaders in time.

9. Further improve the job responsibilities of the management and management personnel, and regularly supervise and check the implementation.

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