Work Plan > Class Work Plan

The 5th grade work plan for 2019

There are 45 students in this class, including 17 students in the class; 3 people are transferred and 3 are reserved. Seventy percent of students are more conscious of learning, and 30% of students are not sufficiently active in learning. In order to form a class that is "united, progressive, and enterprising", according to the actual situation of the class, combined with the "school work plan", the special work plan is as follows.

First, the main problems:

1. Students are not working hard enough to achieve their goals.

2. Not enough satisfaction with student cadres.

3. Class students are not disciplined enough.

4. Some students are not well-educated in learning and the methods are not scientific enough.

5. Classes pay attention to and develop students' hobbies and interests.

Second, the main reasons for the formation:

1. Students' participation in collective goal management is insufficient.

2. It is not enough for student cadres to lead by example.

3, the degree of self-discipline is not enough: Some students regard learning as a homework account, do other homework during class, and feel nothing to do after class, do not study hard; students with better academic performance do not hurry to review and preview after completing homework. Also relax discipline.

4, the learning method is not scientific enough, some students lack the idea of ​​pursuing clever learning, pre- and review work is poor.

5. Some students can't temper their own thoughts and wills: learning is satisfied with completing homework, and after completing homework, they don't seriously review and preview; more students are afraid of hardship and lack of training.

6. Problems in parenting education. There are many left-behind children, and the supervisors have strict requirements for the study of left-behind children. A few parents have low expectations for their children.

Third, the main objectives:

1. Form a good learning atmosphere of “unity and mutual assistance, and strive for progress”. The learning goals of each subject set by students are over 90%.

2, regular safety and health education for students to ensure that there is no accident.

3. Standardized management, so that students develop good study habits and behavior habits.

4. Class guides, teachers and parents of students often keep in touch and communicate with each other to make the class form a harmonious and stable learning park.

5, teachers and students lead by example, strict self-discipline, due diligence, student satisfaction rate of more than 95%.

Fourth, the main measures

1. Set up a class committee to clarify responsibilities. At the beginning of the school, the students were democratically elected to class cadres.

2. Improve the class meeting system. Seriously attend the weekly class meeting, and work on the summary last week.

3. Regularly strengthen the coordination and communication between the teachers in the department, and divide the work to guide the students to implement the goals.

4, select role models, select advanced organizations with strong discipline, hard study and exercise, and scientific learning methods;

5. Set up an interest group and schedule weekly activities.

6. Strengthen the teachers' own learning and improve their business standards and management capabilities.

7. Hold regular class meetings, make records, and discuss emerging issues in a timely manner.

8. Conduct weekly education and safety education for students, and quantify the daily behavior of students once a week.

9. Do a good job in the semester assessment, write student reviews, complete the summaries, and arrange the students' winter vacation life.

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