Work Plan > Party Committee Party Branch Work Plan

2012 Party Branch Learning Program

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and strengthen the task propaganda and education of ideals and beliefs. Study hard, firmly establish a scientific concept of development, closely focus on the goal of “satisfying society, restoring parents, and letting students develop talents”, and comprehensively strengthening party building and establishing a learning-type party branch in light of the reality of the school. Strengthen team building, create a harmonious campus culture, fully promote the political core role of the party organization and the role of the battle fortress in the comprehensive promotion of education and teaching reform, and encourage the majority of party members and teachers to contribute to the realization of the school's new development goals.

Second, the work objectives

1. Strengthen theoretical study, expand the connotation of teachers' morality, and enhance the team's enthusiasm.

2. Seriously carry out the "good teacher in my mind" appraisal.

3. Carry out the activities of “Party Pioneer Post”, “Party Member Demonstration Course” and “I contribute to the inspection” to enhance the party members' business.

4. Consolidate the establishment activities of the "five good" party branches .

Third, the main work of this semester

Enrich learning content and promote ideological and political construction

1. Seriously organize and carry out learning activities, strengthen party members' re-learning of the party's basic theories and basic knowledge, strengthen the party-style training and training of party members, strive to build a learning-oriented party branch , formulate learning plans, and follow the arrangement of the branches from the school. The actual starting point, grasping the key points, overcoming difficulties, researching characteristics, and stressing practical results, initially formed a serious study, democratic discussion, active exploration, truth-seeking and pragmatic style of study in the party branch and all party members, and built the party branch into diligent learning. A learning organization that is good at thinking, brave in practice, and daring to innovate, and strives to cultivate a team of high-level members who earnestly implement the important thinking of the "Three Represents."

2. Implement the system of the branch committee members to take the lead in the party class. Actively participate in the "How to be a good support committee" forum to improve the business standards of party workers.

Give play to the exemplary role of party members and strengthen the construction of teachers' morality

1. Continue to carry out the "Zheai Ai, Three Comprehensive, Three Jeans" as the theme of the teacher's moral education activities.

Focusing on "how to improve teachers' professional well-being", "being a good teacher in the minds of students", and "doing excellent educators", etc., carry out ideological and moral discussion, strengthen the education of professional honor, strengthen the identity of teachers, and enhance the happiness of teachers' work. sense. According to the requirements of the education activities of teachers' morality, focusing on the theme of "doing excellent educators", combining the ideological cultivation of the party members of this branch, focusing on the construction of ideals, beliefs, purposes, values, world outlook and style, and establishing typical people around them To create a good atmosphere of "advanced learning, advanced". In the students, the "good teachers in my heart" evaluation is carried out to promote the harmonious relationship between teachers and students; the teacher-teacher evaluation activities are carried out among the parents of students, and the consciousness and binding force of social public opinion are used to improve the consciousness of the construction of teachers' morality. Effectiveness.

2. "One-on-one" assistance activities

Each teacher should carry out “one-on-one” assistance activities with a student with difficulties in family. Enthusiastically solve the difficulties in learning and life for each student. Every teacher should visit home frequently, fully understand the family environment of students' growth, and do it in depth. Good student education work. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the teacher's moral system, conscientiously implement the relevant provisions on the construction of teachers' morality, resolutely curb corporal punishment, disguised corporal punishment, discriminate against poor students, and prohibit teachers from paying tutors, remediating classes, selling counseling materials or asking for disguised claims to parents.

3. Optimize the working environment and strengthen the establishment of civilized units.

Establish and improve the leadership of the branch, the leadership system of the party and government leaders and the work structure of the party and government work groups, and put the work of civilization establishment into the work schedule of the school, and include it in the school development plan and work plan. Ensuring the promotion of civilized work, striving to create a good public opinion environment, posting school education concepts, service concepts, parental rules, etc., can not only engage in cultural dialogue with parents, but also enable parents to feel the rich cultural atmosphere of the school and improve it in a subtle way. Russell.

Consolidate the party's foundation and deepen the inspection project.

1. The main content of "coordinating party members, uniting the people, and condensing the society" is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of party members and the people, further improve the working mechanism for serving party members and the masses, and enhance the cohesiveness of party branches .

2. Seriously organize party members to participate in the revision of the school charter and system. Party members are encouraged to contribute ideas for school development. Under the overall goal of the school's three-year development plan, party members set their own positions and formulate their own three-year development plan. In the planning, the individual belief pursuit, the goal of struggle, the development concept, the implementation steps, and related measures are stated. The Party branch will carefully review the three-year development plan of party members and strive to make every party member become a banner and become an elite in school education and research.

4. Improve the theme organization life meeting system, and insist on the annual party member democratic life meeting. Strengthen intra-party democracy and improve the system of notification within the party. Through the "Three Ones", a symposium was held to conduct a questionnaire survey and conduct a special inspection.

5. Deepen the assessment of party members' goals. Education is the cause of pursuing excellent service quality. What kind of needs do parents and students have for education? Is there a gap between the school's goal of running a school based on the status quo and the community and parents? What is the root cause of the gap? What is the public's comment on us? How to improve effectively? As a party member, there must be clear work goals every month. The branches must have monthly assessments and evaluations for half a year.

6. Carry out the activities of the branch committee members. During the year, the branch committee members should make a heart-to-heart relationship with each teacher, understand the teachers' ideological status, solve various problems in the teachers in a timely manner, and enhance the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party organizations. 7 To carry out the activities of consolidating the establishment of the “five good” party branches . Strengthen the hard work and innovation awareness of party members, creatively carry out work, and work together for the work of the school.

8. Do a good job in the "two basics" to welcome the national inspection work, unify the ideological understanding to the important work of national assessment and acceptance, put education in a strategic position of priority development, widely publicize, comprehensively mobilize, and actively create a public opinion atmosphere. Using radio, column, newspaper, posting and writing large-scale forms, compiling the "two basics" and the knowledge and answering questions of the education, organizing teachers and students to enter the village to promote the public, and enhance the concept of cadres and people in accordance with the law.

Strengthening the responsibility of clean government and standardizing school-running behavior

1. Strictly implement the "responsibility system for party style and clean government construction." Establish a good image of party members' clean and pragmatic.

2. Carry out warning education, improve the system of debriefing, declaring honesty and democratic life, increase self-examination of collective decision-making in major issues of schools, and enhance the sense of responsibility.

3. Strengthen the construction of education and work style, adopt effective and effective measures to regulate school-running behavior, strictly enforce the provisions of the charging method, and establish a good social reputation of the school.

4. Give full play to the democratic management role of trade unions, improve the system of workers' congresses, further deepen the work of publicizing schools, increase the participation of faculty and staff in the evaluation of cadres, evaluation and evaluation, and earnestly fulfill their duties of safeguarding rights of trade unions.

5, carry out a variety of faculty activities, March 8 Women's Day to carry out female workers fun competition activities, in October to hold a fun games for teachers

6. Do a good job in the development of new party members. Adhere to the principle, strictly control the entrance, and ensure the quality of party members' development. Strictly follow the "16-character policy", strictly control the entrance of the party members, and focus on the development of the object, through the task, pressure, and strengthen the training in important work, key positions and hard environment.

Central small party branch

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