Work Plan > Party Committee Party Branch Work Plan

Party Committee Party Affairs Work Arrangement

+++ After the party committee-year party affairs comprehensive inspection feedback was issued, we immediately convened the members of the branch committee to study and analyze, focusing on the shortcomings pointed out in the feedback, carefully analyzing the causes, finding loopholes, and making work arrangements on a case-by-case basis. In order to promote and promote future work.
I. Strengthening the Party Committee's innovative work mechanism
1. Strengthen theoretical study and “three-turn” education, carefully compare the implementation opinions of the innovative work practices issued by the community party committees, and combine the recent research on “decision”, increase capacity, and promote development of educational activities to learn the matching schedule, and organize party members and cadres. In-depth study of the important thinking of xxxx and the advanced nature of the Communist Party members and the genre of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's XXth session. The study form is mainly based on organizational learning and self-study. The members of the team regularly participate in the central group learning, and the party members pass Organize the life of the three sessions, the employees participate in the study through pre-class and post-class meetings and political study days, so that party members and cadres and every employee can recognize the situation, consciously change their thinking, change their concepts, change their style, and take the spirit of xx And xxxx focus on their own guide to action, emancipate the mind, advance with the times, enhance the concept of development, market and innovation, strive to achieve "eight profound understandings", achieve eight enhancements, and improve the "eight capabilities" at work Constantly explore, strive to innovate, and promote the smooth development of various tasks. 2. Launch the "one party member flag" campaign, party members wear printed with party emblem Zhi’s badge reminds party members to remember their identity at all times, consciously demanding themselves according to the standards of party members, maintaining their advanced nature, and taking the lead and exemplary role in their work. At the same time, they guide the people’s supervision so that party members can continue to accept criticism and corrections from the people. Constantly strengthen their own study and work, consciously publicize the people, educate the people, and be the leaders of the people. 3. Carry out the "Red Flag Team, Posts" competition, combined with the "warm home" and "warm project" construction and daily work, The team conducted quantitative assessments. In addition to the rewards and penalties, the flag system was implemented, which was divided into superior flag, qualified flag and unqualified flag. The inspection and assessment were carried out at the end of the month, and different flags were hoisted according to the results, thus stimulating employees to enhance their image awareness and initiative. Consciousness of consciousness and dedication, constantly promote community marketization and refined management, calculate each economic account, and ensure the completion of the task of water and electricity heating. 4. Implement the dressing, listing, and certification mechanism in the whole center, and conscientiously implement the community party committee. The work of eight special education projects, actively carry out the construction of "integrity community", and continuously improve the reform intention of party members and cadres and the majority of employees Knowledge, development awareness and brand awareness, as well as innovation awareness and crisis awareness, make it consciously invested in all kinds of work. 5. Continue to carry out the study of five books, such as Sending Letters to Garcia, to continuously enhance the self-consciousness of employees. There is no excuse to complete the tasks of his own work and the superiors.
Second, to strengthen major issues democratic decision-making system must first adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, adhere to the collective leadership division of responsibility system, the members of the branch should bear their responsibilities and support each other, so that "six communication" means regular work, regular communication, major The problem is communicated in a timely manner, prior to the decision-making, and the decision to change the communication. The situation is communicated after an emergency, and the communication is not repeated, the arbitrariness of the act is eliminated, and collective decision-making on major issues is effectively implemented. Second, while continuously strengthening the democratic management of the workshop, we will continue to strengthen the democratic decision-making system for major issues, and in accordance with the requirements of the community, seriously open the Workers' Congress, the Civil Administration, and the Democratic Joint Conference, involving community reform, district management, and bonus distribution. As well as difficult relief and other major issues involving the vital interests of employees, they should widely seek public opinions and submit to the democratic decision-making of the conference, which not only safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the workers and staff, but also enhances the management awareness and participation awareness of employees, and continuously improves the management level.
Third, strengthen the management and supervision of leading cadres and management personnel First, firmly grasp the construction of a clean government is not relaxed, to implement the "Responsibility System for Clean Government Construction" as a content, seriously organize the study activities, warn leading cadres and management personnel "do not evil If you are small, do not be good or small, and always remind yourself to strengthen your sense of self-discipline and build a line of defense from your thoughts. It is necessary to be strict with self-discipline, but also to manage comrades and achieve a high degree of unity in safeguarding national interests and protecting themselves and protecting comrades. At the same time, publicity and education will be strengthened, and alarms will often be sounded and warnings will be given. Second, further improve and improve the measures of clean government, focus on the implementation of the system, and carry out severe criticism and education and economic sanctions on leading cadres and management personnel who violate the principle system only. At the same time, strengthen supervision and inspection. First, strengthen inner-party supervision, on schedule. Convening a democratic life meeting within the party, carrying out criticism and self-criticism, especially the members of the team should carry out item-by-item inspection and reflection on the scope of duties, style of work, and clean government, to see if there is any dereliction of duty, misconduct, and change The principle of coronation without any increase is to continuously improve the sense of initiative and reflection, and improve the ability to work. Second, democratic supervision, adherence to the democratic appraisal and debriefing reporting system, and the holding of a democratic council every six months to let the workers and the people lead the cadres and management. The personnel carried out the "reviewing the foot", pointed out the achievements, found out the deficiencies, made them do their duty and work diligently, and fully completed all tasks.
4. Reasonable human resource allocation According to the actual work situation of each team, post and functional personnel, carry out quantitative analysis and assessment, reasonable staffing, reduce and eliminate the phenomenon of squandering and overstaffing of personnel, and carry out post training and post learning activities to encourage Employees learn to use, learn a success, improve the operational skills and work level of the majority of employees, and strive to build a capable and hard-working team that can fight hard.
XX years is a very important year for +++ development. We must follow the requirements of the ++ party committee to refrain from arrogance and arrogance, carry forward good traditions, overcome the gaps, and work hard to promote the smooth development of various tasks.
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