Work Plan > Hospital Work Plan

Operating room care work plan for 2019

In order to conscientiously implement the key points of hospital work in xx years, we will fully implement iso9001-XX quality management standards around “taking patients as the center and quality as the core”, continuously strengthen the scientific and standardized management of nursing work, and promote the comprehensive improvement of nursing quality. According to the service spirit of the Ministry of Nursing and the actual situation of the Department of Nursing, the objectives and plans for nursing management are as follows:

1. Update the concept of nursing management and service to improve the quality of care. We will make people-oriented, pay attention to humanized services, and carry out the activities of “patient satisfaction in the department”. Strict implementation of the protective medical system, for the sake of patients at any time, the patient's condition, surgical results, surgical complications, etc., will not be discussed during surgery. Practically change the service concept and work mode, ensure that the patient is served with the best nursing work status, meet all reasonable needs of the patient, create a warm and comfortable operating environment for the patient, and achieve the patient's satisfaction with the nursing work ≥95%. At work, we pay attention to strengthen communication with doctors, collect patient information, gain understanding, trust and support, and continuously improve the quality of internal services so as to better cooperate with surgery to achieve clinicians' satisfaction with operating room nursing work ≥98%.

2. Strengthen the quality and safety management of nursing to ensure that the annual accident rate is zero. Formulate strict departmental rules and regulations, regularly organize analysis and analysis of errors, and propose rectification opinions for recurring problems to prevent the occurrence of errors. Use the morning meeting, nursing business learning and other forms to enhance the nurse's service awareness, to achieve active service, warm reception, and careful introduction. Each treatment and treatment operation should greet the patient, use encouraging language, and be gentle in movement, so that the patient feels the warmth of a loved one.

3. Strictly abide by the "Regulations on Hospital Infection Management" and conscientiously implement the "Disinfection and Isolation System". Further improve the work system of each class and strictly control the flow of personnel. Strict implementation of aseptic technique, timely correction of people and things that violate the principle of sterility, prevention of nosocomial infection, 100% implementation rate of one person, one tube and one tube, infection rate of sterile incision ≤0.5%, and pass rate of sterilization of conventional instruments 100% .

4. Do a good job in the management of first-aid medicines to ensure that the rate of first-aid medicines is 100%. Carefully check each shift when you transfer, and make sure that the account is in good condition. Strengthen the training of first-aid knowledge, rescue work procedures, rescue medicines, and rescue instruments for nursing staff, so that everyone can master and apply. Received emergency patient notification, can quickly start surgery in the shortest possible time, and can be agile, flexible and skilled to cooperate with the rescue work.

5. According to the requirements of the "Standards for Writing Medical Care Documents in Shandong Province", strengthen the writing management of nursing documents, so that writing is serious, timely and standardized, consistent with the actual nursing process, and the qualified rate of nursing documents is ≥95%.

6. Strengthen the on-the-job training of nursing staff and continuously improve the level of business technology. The average level of nursing staff is ≥75 points; the qualified rate of nursing technology operation is ≥95%; the nursing staff are supported to participate in continuing education and training, and the continuing education credits are ≥25 points per person per year. Encourage nursing staff to participate in self-study, correspondence and various classes and seminars, so that nursing staff can keep abreast of the new developments in the development of nursing work and the medical-related education. The collection of new theories and technologies will continuously improve the business of nursing staff. Level, better cooperation with the surgical department to carry out new business and new technology. Encourage the majority of nursing staff to actively write papers, and strive to publish or exchange papers ≥ 4 in general publications at or above the municipal level. According to the nursing training program, the staff will go out for further study and improve the level of specialist nursing, so as to drive the technical level of the general staff.

7. Charge strictly according to the charging standard, so that it should be collected and receivable, and should not be collected. In case of doubts and disputes, timely verification and handling. Regularly collect and collect medical and office supplies from departments to reduce waste and loss. The person in charge is responsible for the maintenance of the medical equipment, so that the performance and use of the equipment are well known and the clinical operation is guaranteed.

8. Establish a sound monitoring system for nursing quality. The quality control team of the department will increase the self-examination and find problems in a timely manner. Regularly search for hidden dangers and analyze and feedback to make the work stylized and standardized. Through the statistics of operating procedures, satisfaction surveys, whether there are errors and negligence and complaints, inspection of health areas and other indicators, improve and promote nursing work, and constantly improve the quality of operating room care.

9. Strengthen clinical teaching management and do a good job in teaching. According to the requirements of the internship program, we will formulate teaching plans and arrange special personnel to teach. We will continue to improve the teaching methods according to the clinical teaching experience, strengthen the training and improvement of the teaching ability of teaching teachers, conscientiously implement the "360 Project", and successfully complete the teaching work. .

10. Prepare for the relocation of the ward building. Conscientiously implement the ISO quality management standards, strengthen the undergraduate nursing quality control, further standardize the nursing work process, conduct quantitative assessment and quality analysis on time, and all quality control indicators meet the iso quality target requirements. Organize the knowledge of the laminar flow clean operating room and prepare for the relocation of the ward building.

11. All the nursing staff of our department will cooperate closely with clinicians under the leadership of the hospital and the nursing department to ensure medical safety, improve service attitude, improve the quality of care, ensure that all quality control indicators meet the requirements of iso quality objectives, and create good results. Social and economic benefits.

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I often hear people say that teachers are the most brilliant career in the world. Now I have to say that nurses are the same. Because the nurses have made positive contributions to the health of the people, they have been respected by the society. In the blink of an eye, I have been working as a nurse for two years. Looking back on the past two years, my heart is full of joy and bitterness. I have always treated the patient with a modest attitude, and it has become my mission to reduce the pain of the patient, so I am not known as the "white angel" title. In this new year of 2019, our nursing work should be further upgraded. For this purpose, we will develop a 2019 nurse personal work plan:

First, strengthen the on-the-job education of nurses and improve the overall quality of nursing staff

According to the standardized training of nurses and the on-the-job continuing education implementation plan for nurses, the "three basics" of nurses and the training and assessment of specialized science and technology can be done.

1. Focus on strengthening the assessment of new admission nurses, employed nurses, and low-grade nurses, and strengthen their learning awareness. The Ministry of Nursing plans to strengthen basic nursing knowledge in the first half of the year, and increase the number of assessments until reaching the standard.

2, basic skills assessment: nurses who are standardized training targets, all of the 16 basic skills must be up to standard within the year, the assessment requirements in the actual work to take the test. Other levels of nurses plan to operate the exam once and the theoretical exam twice.

3. Strengthen the training of specialized science and technology: each department develops the training and assessment plan for the special theory and skills in the cycle. It organizes examinations and assessments 2-3 times a year. The theoretical examinations must have papers and the head nurses organize closed-book examinations. Pay attention to practical results, not in the form, to lay a solid foundation for the training of specialist nurses.

4. Strengthen the learning and mastery of relevant knowledge, organize an actual assessment of the rules and regulations, combine theoretical tests with clinical application, and check the implementation of compliance.

And update professional theoretical knowledge to improve the level of specialist nursing technology. With the current situation of imbalance between the level of nursing and the development of medical technology, the head nurses of various departments organize the study of specialist knowledge. In case of new technology projects and special difficult diseases, doctors can be taught, literature can be retrieved, and the nursing department organizes nursing ward rounds. Update knowledge and skills in the form of nursing consultations and other forms. At the same time, some of the nurses who plan to send some of them go out to study and study to improve their academic standards.

Strengthen the study of humanities knowledge and improve the overall quality of nurses

Organize the hospital service etiquette culture, strengthen the nurses' modern nursing culture awareness, first discuss at the head nurse level, and after reaching consensus, carry out the promotion literacy activities within the whole hospital, formulate training programs and specific implementation plans.

Arrange the whole hospital lectures and strive to send out, please come in to learn the nurses' social etiquette and professional service etiquette. Conduct a nurse etiquette competition, and use the "5.12" during the nurse's day to celebrate the etiquette and literacy activities, and organize a festive evening for educational and entertainment.

Second, strengthen nursing management, rigorous work plan for head nurses, improve the management level of head nurses

At the beginning of the year, we held a training course for head nurses in the hospital, mainly to update management concepts, management skills and humanistic spirit in nursing services, the demand for nursing services in today's society, the outlook for new year nursing work and the emotional communication of head nurses. Communication, etc.

Strengthen the target management assessment of the head nurse, combine the monthly assessment with the year-end assessment, and link the quality of the nursing care with the examination of the head nurse.

To promote the exchange of learning between nurses and departments, organize cross-checks on the quality of care every quarter, and hold a work experience exchange meeting for head nurses to learn from the level of care management.

Third, strengthen the quality control process to ensure that the nursing work is safe and effective

Continue to implement the secondary management system for nursing quality, especially the need to develop and improve the ability of the head nurse to find problems and solve problems. At the same time, it is necessary to give play to the quality control function of the quality control team of the department, clarify their respective quality control points, and enhance the participation of all employees in quality management. Awareness to improve the quality of care.

Establish inspection, evaluation, and feedback systems, and establish a traceability mechanism. The staff of the nursing department often go deep into the inspection, supervision, and evaluation of various departments. The assessment method is to evaluate the nurses on the spot and view the patients, view the records, listen to the doctors' opinions, find the problems in the nursing work, and propose corrective measures.

Further standardize the writing of nursing documents, start from the details, strengthen the three-level evaluation system of the quality control staff-head nurse-care department for each nursing document, regularly analyze and improve the defect of nursing records, and increase the defect of discharge medical records. Decentralization, emphasizing that unqualified nursing documents are not filed. The year-end nursing instruments were judged to be the first, second and third in the collective.

Strengthen safety management during care:

1. Continue to strengthen the three-level monitoring and management of nursing safety. The department and the nursing department conduct monthly investigations on the safety hazards and the attribution analysis of nursing errors and nursing complaints, and analyze them from the perspective of themselves and departments. Reasons, lessons should be learned, and preventive and improvement measures should be proposed. The departments and individuals who repeatedly appear on the same issue are responsible for the management of the head nurse and the individual responsibility.

2. Strictly implement the check-up system, emphasize the implementation of the secondary checkup, strengthen the management of nursing students, clarify the safety management responsibilities of teaching teachers, and prevent serious mistakes and accidents.

3. Strengthen the head nurse's awareness of the routine inspection of the hardware facilities of the department, and regularly strengthen the inspection of performance and safety, promptly find problems and repair in time, and keep the equipment intact.

Fourth, deepen family service and improve service quality

On the basis of cultivating the daily etiquette of nurses, further standardize the language of nursing operation and the communication skills of nurses and patients. Train nurses to establish a good professional image.

Focus on collecting information on the needs of nursing services. The nursing department will provide feedback on the status of return visit cards, interviews with outpatients and inpatients, issue satisfaction survey forms, etc., obtain patient needs and feedback information, promptly propose improvement measures, and give nurses work. Encourage and motivate their work.

V. Do a good job in teaching and research

The nurses who have the title of nurse or above are responsible for the teaching work of the interns, and the evaluation of the church is regularly held to listen to the opinions of the teachers and interns.

The head nurses of each department are the teachers who are the teachers. They attach importance to the teaching work. They often check the teaching attitude, responsibility and business level of the teaching teachers, arrange small lectures, understand the completion of the internship program, and do a good job in the theory of the subject. Operating the exam.

The nursing department will do the pre-job training for the interns, and the quality of the teaching will be checked from time to time. Before the end of each internship, an excellent teaching teacher selection event will be organized.

Enhance scientific research awareness and strive to introduce or launch 1-2 new technology projects during the year.

The project will create a network of nursing homes, upload the nursing dynamics of our hospital, timely transfer the nursing learning materials, and take advantage of the spatial advantages of the regional network to enrich the learning life of the nurses.

We believe that the above work plan for all nursing staff is strictly enforced, and we will certainly achieve good results in our work in mid-2019.

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First, strengthen the on-the-job education of nurses and improve the overall quality of nursing staff

According to the standardized training of nurses and the on-the-job continuing education implementation plan for nurses

"Three basics" and specialized technology training and assessment work

1. Focus on strengthening the assessment of new admission nurses, employed nurses, and low-grade nurses, and strengthen their learning awareness. The Ministry of Nursing plans to strengthen basic nursing knowledge in the first half of the year, and increase the number of assessments until reaching the standard.

2. Strengthen the training of specialized science and technology: each department develops the training and assessment plan for the specialty theory and skills in the cycle, organizes examinations and assessments 2-3 times a year, and has examination papers for theoretical examinations and organized by the head nurse to conduct closed-book examinations. Pay attention to practical results, not in the form, to lay a solid foundation for the training of specialist nurses.

3, basic skills assessment: nurses who are standardized training objects, all of the 16 basic skills must be up to standard within the year, the assessment requirements in the actual work to take the test. Other levels of nurses plan to operate the exam once and the theoretical exam twice.

4. Strengthen the learning and mastery of relevant knowledge, organize an actual assessment of the rules and regulations, combine theoretical tests with clinical application, and check the implementation of compliance.

Strengthen the study of humanities knowledge and improve the overall quality of nurses

1. Organize the hospital service etiquette culture, strengthen the nurse's modern nursing culture awareness, first discuss in the nursing doctor-study education-net collection-collecting the ranks of the chiefs, and after the consensus is reached, carry out the promotion of literacy activities and formulate training within the whole hospital. Program and specific implementation plan.

Arrange the whole hospital lectures and strive to send out, please come in to learn the nurses' social etiquette and professional service etiquette. Conduct a nurse etiquette competition, and use the "5.12" during the nurse's day to celebrate the etiquette and literacy activities, and organize a festive evening for educational and entertainment.

Update professional theoretical knowledge and improve the level of specialist nursing technology. With the current situation of imbalance between the level of nursing and the development of medical technology, the head nurses of various departments organize the study of specialist knowledge. In case of new technology projects and special difficult diseases, doctors can be taught, literature can be retrieved, and the nursing department organizes nursing ward rounds. Update knowledge and skills in the form of nursing consultations and other forms. At the same time, some of the nurses who plan to send some of them go out to study and study to improve their academic standards.

Second, strengthen nursing management and improve the management level of head nurses

At the beginning of the year, we held a training course for head nurses in the hospital, mainly to update management concepts, management skills and humanistic spirit in nursing services, the demand for nursing services in today's society, the outlook for new year nursing work and the emotional communication of head nurses. Wait.

Strengthen the target management assessment of the head nurse, combine the monthly assessment with the year-end assessment, and link the quality of the nursing care with the examination of the head nurse.

Promote the exchange of learning between nurses and departments, organize cross-checks on the quality of care every quarter, and hold a work experience exchange meeting for head nurses to learn from the level of nursing management.

Third, strengthen the quality control process to ensure that the nursing work is safe and effective

Continue to implement the secondary management system of nursing quality, especially the need to develop and improve the ability of the head nurse to find problems and solve problems. At the same time, it is necessary to give play to the quality control function of the quality control team of the department, clarify their respective quality control points, and enhance the participation of all employees in quality management. Awareness, improve the quality of care.

Establish inspection, evaluation and feedback systems, and establish a traceability mechanism. The staff of the nursing department often go deep into the inspection, supervision and evaluation of various departments. The assessment method is to evaluate the nurses on the spot and view the patients, view the records, listen to the doctors' opinions, find the problems in the nursing work, and propose corrective measures.

Further standardize the writing of nursing documents, start from the details, strengthen the three-level evaluation system of the quality control staff-head nurse-care department for each nursing document, regularly analyze and improve the defect of nursing records, and increase the defect deduction of discharge medical records. Weights, emphasizing that unqualified care documents are not filed. The year-end nursing instruments were judged to be the first, second and third in the collective.

Strengthen safety management during care:

1. Continue to strengthen the three-level monitoring and management of nursing safety. The department and the nursing department carry out monthly nursing care safety hazard medical education, network collection, sorting out the investigation and doing the attribution analysis of nursing errors and nursing complaints, mostly from themselves and The analysis of the department's perspective, analysis of the causes, the lessons to be learned, and the prevention and improvement measures. The departments and individuals who repeatedly appear on the same issue are responsible for the management of the head nurse and the individual responsibility.

2. Strictly implement the check-up system, emphasize the implementation of the secondary checkup, strengthen the management of nursing students, clarify the safety management responsibilities of teaching teachers, and prevent serious mistakes and accidents.

3. Strengthen the head nurse's awareness of the routine inspection of the hardware facilities of the department, and regularly strengthen the inspection of performance and safety, promptly find problems and repair in time, and keep the equipment intact.

Fourth, deepen family service and improve service quality

On the basis of cultivating the daily etiquette of nurses, further standardize the language of nursing operation and communication skills. Train nurses to establish a good professional image.

Focus on collecting information on nursing service needs. The nursing department will provide feedback on the return visit card, interview with outpatients and inpatients, issue satisfaction survey forms, etc., obtain patient needs and feedback information, promptly propose improvement measures, and give incentives to nurses' work. To mobilize their work enthusiasm.

V. Do a good job in teaching and research

The nurses with the title of nurse or above are assigned to take charge of the intern's teaching work, and the evaluation of the church is regularly held to listen to the opinions of the teachers and interns.

The head nurses of each department are the teachers who teach, attach importance to teaching work, often check the teaching attitude, responsibility and business level of teaching teachers, arrange small lectures, understand the completion of the internship plan, and do a good job in theory and operation. examination.

The nursing department will do the pre-job training for the interns, and the quality of the teaching will be checked from time to time. Before the end of each internship, an excellent teaching teacher selection activity will be organized.

Enhance scientific research awareness and strive to introduce or launch 1-2 new technology projects during the year.

Plan to create a network of nursing homes, upload the nursing dynamics of our hospital, timely transmit nursing learning materials, give full play to the spatial advantages of the regional network, and enrich the learning life of nurses.

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The maternal and child health work in 2019 is driven by the scientific concept of development, fully implements the requirements of maternal and child health care work at the higher level, effectively implements the public functions of maternal and child health, guarantees maternal and child health, reduces maternal and infant mortality, and controls and reduces birth defects. To comprehensively improve the quality of the birth population. According to the spirit of the archives and the work plan for the maternity and child care of the county health care station, combined with the actual work of the hospital, the following plans are formulated:

I. Overall objectives and specific work indicators

Overall objective

Reduce maternal deaths in the town and eliminate neonatal tetanus; infants and under-five mortality rates are controlled below 5‰ and 6‰, respectively.

Specific work indicators

(1) Early pregnancy card rate is 90%

(2) maternal system management coverage rate of 80%

(3) The management rate of high-risk pregnant women reaches 100%

(4) Hospital delivery rate reached 100%

(5) Management coverage of children under 7 years old reaches 80%

(6) High-risk children have a screening rate of 90%, and high-risk children have a project management rate of 80%.

(7) The prevalence rate of infectious diseases before pregnancy reaches 90%

(8) prenatal screening rate of 80%

(9) gynecological examination rate reached 65%

Second, take effective measures, it is strictly forbidden to avoid maternal death and reduce child death

Strengthen the management of high-risk pregnant women

In the process of maternal system management, all high-risk pregnant women who are screened out should be followed up, followed up, referred to the hospital , and promptly referred to the second and third-grade hospitals according to regulations.

Establish a convenient and smooth emergency maternal rescue green channel

Strengthen the treatment of high-risk maternal women and ensure maternal safety. To give full play to the role of high-risk maternal rescue bases in town health centers, on the basis of 11 years, we must further standardize and improve various rescue systems and measures. In case of maternal critical conditions, we can get in touch at any time and prepare for rescue.

Strengthen obstetric management and strengthen the reporting system for maternal mortality.

Strengthen the systematic management of maternal maternal, adhere to the reporting system for maternal mortality, standardize and strengthen the maternal mortality review system and death reporting system, play the role of perinatal associations, and regularly carry out maternal health knowledge publicity activities.

3. Implement interventions for major health problems of women and children

We will comprehensively launch gynecological examinations for women of appropriate age, focus on standard technical operations, and strictly control quality to ensure the health benefits of beneficiaries.

Increase social propaganda, promote natural childbirth; promote appropriate technology; strict cesarean section indication management, strengthen supervision, regular publicity, and gradually reduce cesarean section rate.

Strengthen reproductive health education, improve self-protection awareness of people of childbearing age, gradually reduce the rate of artificial abortion, and reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Fourth, do a good job in planning and reproductive technology services

Strengthen the management of family planning technical services for medical and health care institutions, increase supervision, conduct special inspections from time to time, and standardize service behaviors.

Carry out the "Common Practices for Common Planned Fertility", strictly control the indications and contraindications of common plan reproductive surgery, and prohibit the supernormal induction of labor due to non-medical needs. Ensure the quality of surgery and ensure the safety and health of the subject.

Strengthen the supervision of medical abortion.

5. Do a good job in health care for kindergartens and schools.

Regularly conduct business knowledge training for health care personnel in the kindergartens of the town, organize academic exchanges, and improve the business level of health care personnel in the kindergartens.

Strengthen the guidance on children's disease prevention, dietary nutrition, canteen hygiene, disinfection and safety in kindergartens, and improve the health care level of kindergartens.

Carry out children's mental health education, and gradually promote the mental health assessment of children entering the school and entering school.

6. Vigorously carry out maternal and child health education and promotion

Formulate a development plan for maternal and child health education and promote the health education for maternal and child health.

Systematize and standardize training for maternal and child health workers in each village, and gradually cultivate a health education team for maternal and child health in our town.

Strengthen health education during pregnancy, promote standard and standardized health education models, and create a number of qualified health education positions in the health care institutions in the town.

In short, the maternal and child work in 2011 is large and the expected target is high. We need to summarize the 11 years of work to consolidate the strengths and improve the weaknesses. We believe that through the joint efforts of various departments, the maternal and child health care work of our hospital will be able to meet the standards.

The following contents are related to the 2019 maternal and child health work plan. For reference, the new rural cooperative medical publicity work plan 2019 hospital publicity work plan The head nurse's work plan Operating room teaching work plan hospital health promotion work plan Hospital Marketing Department Annual Work Plan Township Health Center Work Ideas and Work Initiatives 2019 Township Health Center Work Plan
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The new year, the new improvement, and new highlights. Once we worked hard, in the future, we must follow the guidance of the Dean's work report and follow the guiding ideology of the Ministry of Nursing. Do a good job in every job, and do a good job for the former and serve the hospital.

Care goals:

In 2019, we must improve the quality of service, determine the ability of quality, and better serve the former. Turn the former passive service into an active service. Strive to do the initiative to send and receive items with enthusiasm, no mistakes. Sterilization is accurate and complete without delay. Improve quality, strengthen learning, and strive for succession. The year-end job satisfaction rate is 100%, and the project completion rate is 95%.

Care plan:

One. Accept the latest knowledge and improve the quality of business.

Formulate a standardized learning plan, apply to study at a higher level hospital , check the latest disinfection infection knowledge online, and comprehensively train department nurses. Graded training is conducted once a quarter, and all training is conducted four times a month. Improve the quality of the business in an all-round way and do a better job of disinfection and sterilization.

two. Active and enthusiastic service to enhance the service concept.

Send and receive sterilized items to the door, timely and accurate. Carry out nursing operations according to the specifications, establish a good service image, strengthen communication skills with the former and diligently, and close the cooperation distance. Be more thoughtful and good service.

three. Strengthen department management and improve safety awareness.

Safety operations, work in accordance with the rules, and develop with quality. Strengthen the awareness of quality management in departments, strengthen the awareness of safety services for each nurse, and conscientiously do a good job in disinfection and sterilization. Strict aseptic technique operation, enhance the new concept of disinfection and isolation knowledge. Make the greatest contribution to the prevention and control of the hospital.

Different division of labor, different values. As long as we work hard, we will also reflect the style of our work. In order to achieve 90% of the completion rate of nursing work in the hospital, all nurses in the supply room will make unremitting efforts to achieve their work goals.

2019 Hospital Publicity Work Plan | Head Nurse Work Plan | Operating Room Teaching Work Plan | Hospital Health Promotion Work Plan | Hospital Marketing Department Annual Work Plan | Township Health Center Work Ideas and Work Initiatives | Township Health in 2019 School work plan|
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Propaganda is an indispensable foundation and prerequisite for the work of the new rural cooperative medical system. The relevant policies of the new rural cooperative medical system are formulated on the basis of full investigation, which is intrinsically consistent with the needs of the majority of farmers, and its implementation should also be supported and supported by farmers. In the specific implementation process, relevant policies must be understood by all relevant personnel. Because different groups have different understandings and satisfactions with policies, they need to have a unified understanding, improve the communication and understanding of the cooperative medical supply, needs, and management. Cooperative medical promotion work is an inevitable choice. The new rural cooperative medical care is an arduous and complicated task involving many farmers and rural medical and health institutions. Its normative development and benign operation are inseparable from propaganda work. In addition, the new rural cooperative medical system also involves the evaluation of the public. Therefore, in the implementation process of the new rural cooperative medical care, it is necessary to actively inherit and differentiate from the traditional cooperative medical publicity, and adopt various measures to carry out multi-angle and multi-level three-dimensional publicity and education. To make the cadres' people's cognition and behavior tend to be consistent, the in-depth and extensive development of cooperative medical work has a reliable foundation to promote the successful implementation of cooperative medical work.

First, the main body of propaganda

The main body of the new rural cooperative medical propaganda refers to the units and personnel responsible for organizing and implementing the cooperative medical propaganda. They are obliged to carry out cooperative medical propaganda work within their own functions and powers both in theory and in practice. Propaganda subjects generally include organizations and personnel of the government and relevant departments, cooperative medical management and supervision institutions, designated service agencies, and the majority of farmers themselves. Among them, the health department and the joint medical office are the most important and play the most important role. All the personnel related to the new rural cooperative medical care are the propagandists of the new rural cooperative medical care. They are also the target of publicity. The propaganda objects can be classified into four categories, namely, the leading cadres, farmers, and designated service agencies of counties, towns, villages and related departments. And co-management staff. Farmers, especially farmers in the joint management organization, are not only propaganda objects, but the propaganda of cooperative medical care should involve all those involved in cooperative medical care. Referring to the field practice, the following work content plan is proposed.

Second, the promotion of content arrangements

In order to achieve consensus, we aim to achieve consensus and support. Identify the content of the promotion for the focus of work in different periods so that the promotion can achieve the best results.

The first half of the year: mainly promote the good work experience of local and fixed medical units and promote the relevant practices of fixed-point medical institutions that have done well in service standards, service levels and farmers' convenience. Find and summarize the experience of well-established medical institutions that have done well in the following aspects: First, reduce medical expenses, prevent excessive medical services, adhere to basic medical principles and basic drug catalogues, adhere to rational use of drugs, reasonable inspection, and reasonable Into the hospital and other systems, the farmers' life-saving money is really used. The second is to in-depth publicize the cooperative medical rules and regulations related to the designated service agencies, ensure the implementation of the drug and treatment catalogue, referral and other systems, provide the specifications of the charging documents and fee lists, and promote the cooperation and coordination between the service agencies and the joint management agencies. The internal management of the organization is doing well. Thirdly, it has achieved remarkable results in the informationization of the new rural cooperative medical system. In the medical expenses control and the new rural cooperative medical system, the medical units that have done a good job in patient service are compensated. The fourth is to carry out the new rural cooperative outpatient service at the village health station.

In the second half of the year, it is mainly to summarize the effectiveness of the implementation of the propaganda policy, exchange the practices and experiences of new ideas and promotional values; timely inform the progress of the annual publicity and mobilization work, inform the progress of the participation, and accelerate the completion of the annual participation tasks. Improve the awareness of personnel in cooperative medical management institutions, accept opinions and suggestions humbly, patiently receive the people, promote the supervision of all parties, especially the public to supervise the openness of government affairs; conduct in-depth investigation and research, timely improve the system, and timely adjust the implementation of cooperative medical care In the case of incompatibility, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance and supervision of the propaganda of the township management office; it is necessary to focus on the promotion of local characteristics and practices in the field.

Third, form and method

The carrier of the promotion content is based on the cooperative medical work briefing. Achieve and complete the annual publicity work briefing for more than 10 issues. All localities are required to use propaganda carriers such as brochures, leaflets, TV public service advertisements, and feature films. "New Rural Cooperative Medical Knowledge Question and Answer", "New Rural Cooperative Medical Knowledge Brief", "New Rural Cooperative Medical Knowledge Leaflet", Cooperative Medical TV Feature Film, and publicity in newspapers and periodicals. The forms that can be adopted include verbal, conference, radio, television, newspaper, consultation, lecture, contract, publicity column, publicity column, health to the countryside, slogan slogan, internet, and entering the village. According to the actual situation of the cooperative medical work, various forms and methods of publicity are flexibly applied to the needs of different publicity targets. The theory is linked to reality, constantly reforming working methods, constantly overcoming difficulties, and promoting the in-depth development of propaganda work.

In addition, the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical propaganda needs financial support. According to the guiding ideology for alleviating the burden on farmers and the relevant policies and regulations of the higher authorities, the propaganda funds should be borne by the financial departments at all levels. In practice, it can also be supplemented by the form of self-raising and accepting social contributions from the unit to expand the source of funding. It is necessary to determine the scientific use plan for publicity funds, strengthen the management and supervision of the funds and expenditures, and ensure that the maximum publicity effect is achieved with the least amount of funds.

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2019 is a year of leaping development in our hospital, and it is also a year to promote the realization of the first-class modern comprehensive Chinese medicine hospital in the province. The start of the relocation of the Chinese medicine hospital , the reform of the national medical system, and the adjustment of the internal mechanism of the hospital are about to Implementation, the hospital 's propaganda work should also keep pace with the times, for which the following publicity plan is formulated:

First, the guiding ideology;

Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Academy, earnestly implement the principles, lines, and policies since the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, hold high the great banner of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory, and understand propaganda, publicity, and propaganda from the height of the important thinking of the 'Three Represents.' In practice, strengthen the political and ideological education of employees, fully mobilize the positive thinking of employees, and create a good public opinion atmosphere in line with the central work of the Party Committee in the ideological concepts and practical actions. Increase the intensity of advertising and publicity based on the advantages of Chinese medicine in this hospital, based on the Daqing medical market, based on the Daqing propaganda media. According to local conditions, focus on highlighting the promotion of key departments and key personnel, paying attention to the promotion of hospital image, and focusing on guiding and promoting the publicity of control departments and personnel.

Second, the background analysis

1 Advantages: Our hospital has achieved a good situation in which economic benefits have been rising for many years. The relocation of hospitals will surely achieve the sustainable development of this situation. At the same time, our hospital is the only comprehensive Chinese medicine hospital in the city with relatively complete equipment. The historical origins and traditions of traditional Chinese medicine are our characteristics and strengths. The non-toxic side effects of traditional Chinese medicine are extremely small. It can be called green therapy. It highlights the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and the public image of the hospital . It will have a greater influence in the market.

2 Difficulties: The competition in the Chinese medicine medical market in Daqing City is more intense than that in Western medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine clinics account for more than 70% of individual clinics. At the same time, individual Chinese medicine clinics have invested a lot of publicity funds. Their advertising campaigns are rapid, and the patient groups have opposite advertisements. Acceptability, at the same time, the relative funding of our hospital has brought certain challenges to the external publicity work.

3 measures

From point to area. In view of the current situation of our hospital, the medical level of the staff of the department is uneven. The publicity of public advertisement planning should change the mentality of seeking perfection and balance. It is inclined to the departments and personnel with outstanding performance, and does not invest in all departments, with a small amount of funds. Win this card of Chinese medicine characteristics.

Leveraged. After completing the prescribed project input, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of each department, no matter which department wants to advertise the hospital , it is encouraged. The condition is that the department first advances the advertising funds, and the hospital encourages the advertising expenses. The purpose is to use small funds to incite greater publicity and make up for the lack of hospital funding.

Third, propaganda ideas:

Internal promotion:

1. Continue to promote the process of hospital culture construction; deepen the content of the "two for" love hospital education and "communication service" system.

2. Advertising collects information on medical activities in the first line of clinical practice, and plays the role of “light cavalry” in briefings, timely publicizes good people and good things and advanced typical cases in the hospital, vigorously promotes superb medical and typical medical cases, and cultivates the ideas of employees.

2. Grasp the first-line clinical medical materials and conduct publicity reports through the media.

3. Use the hospital website, electronic big screen, publicity column, etc. to carry out Chinese medicine publicity.

4. Assist the relevant departments of the government to carry out relevant employee activities and competitions, and teach and educate in the music, without losing the opportunity to carry out political and ideological propaganda.

5. Use camera and camera to record the contents of hospital medical activities and save them in time, and archive the film and television materials at the end of the year.


1 Print media: Daqing Evening News and Daqing Science Life News mainly selected media and key capital investment.

1 Regular expert tips;

2 report on hospital medical activities news;

3Professional group of experts to promote the special edition;

The director of the 4 departments and the key personnel of the experts publicized the report;

5 collecting the classic medical records and telling them.

6 made love card: the background is the photo of the hospital medical activities, the telephone number of the department, the warm reminder after discharge and the language of care.

2. Stereoscopic media: Daqing TV Station: Others are selected according to specific daily medical work and columns.

3. Set up large outdoor signage advertisements in public places with large traffic flow or dense population.

4. Produce poker, small crafts, color pages, and vcd hospital's overall propaganda film with obvious advertising intentions of the hospital , and jointly present with the publicity activities within a certain scope.

6. Cooperate with relevant departments to use the summer leisure plaza to hold a large-scale clinic consultation, in the form: Chinese medicine experts, small simple equipment, mobile vehicles, and conditional square broadcasting hospital vcd propaganda film.

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New year, a new starting point. In order to further implement the "patient-centered" service tenet, realize the service goal of "providing high-quality and safe care for surgical patients, and matching surgery with excellence", according to the spirit of the Ministry of Nursing, combined with the reality of our department, this plan is formulated.

First, improve service attitude and improve the quality of care

1. The target of nursing work is extended from the simple surgery patient to the patient's family, medical, logistics, and equipment personnel. The head nurse should go to the relevant department at least once a week to strengthen communication with the doctor, collect patient information, and gain understanding, trust and support to better cooperate with the operation.

2. The nature of the nursing work extends from the care for surgical treatment to the overall care of the patient's body and mind. Always consider the patient, the main action is good for the patient's psychological care. Strict implementation of the protective medical system, the patient's condition, surgical results, surgical complications, etc., will not be discussed during the operation. Improve service attitude, ensure that patients are served with the best nursing work status, meet all reasonable needs of patients, create a warm and comfortable operating environment for patients, and achieve satisfaction of more than 95%.

3, the scope of nursing work from the surgery with surgery to the overall care of the whole period of surgery. Use morning meetings, nurses' regular meetings, nursing rounds and other forms to enhance the nurse's service awareness, take the initiative to serve, warmly welcome, and take the initiative to introduce the situation. To achieve four light, all treatments and treatments should greet the patients, using encouraging language, gentle movements, so that patients feel the warmth of our loved ones. Perioperative health education coverage reached 100%.

4. Formulate strict departmental rules and regulations and reward and punishment measures. Departments and nursing staff sign the quality of care and care safety responsibility. Organize an analysis of the error accidents every month, and put forward rectification opinions on the problems that arise repeatedly to prevent the occurrence of mistakes.

5, strict disinfection and isolation, disinfection and isolation rate of 100%. It is planned to apply for the purchase of UV disinfection machine, smoker box and autoclave to ensure the disinfection effect and timely supply of intraoperative items. And from once a month of bacterial culture to half a month. Further improve the work system of the middle class and strictly control the flow of personnel. Strict implementation of aseptic technique, timely correction of people and things that violate the principle of sterility, prevention of nosocomial infections, and ensuring a sterile incision infection rate of 0.5%.

6, the first-aid medical equipment integrity rate of 100%, carefully check when handing over the class, receiving emergency patients, can quickly start surgery in the shortest time, the rescue can be agile, flexible and skilled.

7. Reasonable fees, timely verification and handling of doubts and disputes, regular collection of medical and office supplies, reducing waste and loss. The person in charge is responsible for the maintenance of the medical equipment, so that the performance and use of the equipment are well known and the clinical operation is guaranteed.

8. Establish a sound nursing quality monitoring system, carry out quantitative and quality nursing evaluation, and improve and promote nursing work through statistical operation schedules, satisfaction surveys, errors and negligence and complaints, team spirit, and inspection of health districts. Select outstanding talents, care backbones, and select the most satisfactory nurses.

Second, strengthen nurses' cultivation and establish an "angel" image

1. Basic skills training combined with specialist technical training. The basic training content includes political thought, professional quality, medical ethics, clinical operation skills and so on. Specialist technical training requires continuous learning of new theories and techniques, deepening the understanding of nursing theory, and strengthening technical training in operating rooms.

2. The head nurse improves the ideological and political quality, delve into cultural science, professional practice and management scientific knowledge, strengthen the scientific and standardized nursing management work, and effectively improve the level of nursing management and quality of nursing management.

3. Change service concepts and improve service attitudes. No one can push a surgery under any circumstances. Promote "one-on-one full-service", a nurse is responsible for a surgical patient's preoperative visit, shuttle patient, intraoperative care, postoperative follow-up and other surgical-related physical and mental care.

4. Create learning opportunities for each nurse. Through nurses' lectures, self-study, online search and other means, nurses will continue to accept new ideas, new knowledge, new methods, master the development of nursing science, improve nursing ability and Level.

Third, study nursing research, do a good job in nursing teaching

1. Seriously organize small lectures, "three basics" theory, and operational training. Before starting a new operation or new business, ask a specialist to explain the relevant anatomy and surgical procedures in order to skillfully cooperate with the development of new technologies. Mobilize the enthusiasm of nurses, encourage new technologies and new methods, and make tvlc and tvrp projects more mature this year, alleviate the suffering of patients and continuously improve the quality of care.

First, the training of nursing students

1. The purpose of the training is to make a four-week internship, deepen the understanding of the theory, familiar with the duties and general rules of the staff at all levels in the operating room, and the requirements of aseptic technique, and complete the four-week internship according to the syllabus.

2. Training method

The lecture is given by the head nurse or the teacher. The content ranges from the operating system, environment and requirements to specific operational specifications.

Follow the teaching teacher as a tour and hand washing nurse, familiar with the environment, and master the operating procedures.

Under the guidance of the teacher, participate in the cooperation of small and medium-sized surgery.

3. Theoretical examination and operational assessment

The theoretical examination is prepared by the head nurse to test the basic theory of the operating room such as aseptic concept, disinfection and sterilization.

Appraisal basic skills such as washing hands, wearing sterile clothes, wearing sterile gloves, and delivering instruments.

The theoretical examination and skill assessment time are conducted in the last week of the internship, and the opinions of the teachers are sought to improve the teaching methods and improve the teaching level.

Second, the training of new graduate nurses

1. The post training is one year; the purpose of the training is to enable the new nurse to comprehensively improve the ideological quality, psychological quality and professional quality within one year, and to study the theory while working.

2. The training content is theoretical study, the specific study is spare time; the designated senior nurse is the instructor, responsible for the comprehensive teaching of business technology. The second is practice, mainly participating in surgery to work as a hand washing nurse and a roving nurse.

3. The head nurse regularly checks the completion of work indicators, such as regular assessment operations and theory, not less than three times a year. Regularly check the notes, go to the stage to wash hands and the number of rounds of surgery, and check the deductions in the monthly nursing work summary, as a summary of the work performance and various work standards in the past year, and report to the nursing department.

Third, the training of nurses

1. The training requirements for nurses are 1 to 5 years after graduation. They have high enthusiasm for work and strong ability to accept. They should create conditions as soon as possible to reach the level of promotion to the higher level.

2. Examinations and assessments are not less than 2 theoretical examinations and operational assessments per year, and the head nurse sets standards and prepares papers. Before the promotion of the nurses, the performance of the basic skills management of each nursing should be up to standard.

Fourth, the training of nurses

1. Responsible for the management of undergraduate business quality and guide and help nurses to learn undergraduate business knowledge.

2. Responsible for the use and guidance of specialist equipment.

3. The senior nursing teacher is responsible for teaching and guiding the work of the intern nurse.

4. Write an academic paper and write a specialist summary to the department at the end of the year.

V. Training of supervisors

1. Serve as a mentor or teaching leader.

2. Part-time quality control nurses work.

3. Write a specialist paper and write a special summary every year, including the development of new specialist business, new technology, and research on new topics.

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