Work summary > class guide work summary

Summary of the work of the third grade class in 2019

This year, I mainly served as a third-grade class guide , implementing quality education, establishing a good class and cultivating students' complete personality. This is the responsibility of the class leader . I believe that in the process of effective class management, class guidance cannot be strictly managed by one or several teachers. The key is to educate and guide students to learn to manage themselves so that each country's students can be managed. It is also the main body of management, achieving the goal of "management, for the sake of no matter." Paying attention to the all-round development of people, attaching importance to the cultivation of students' complete personality and full development of personality is an important part of education in the 21st century. It is also an important goal and common trend of education modernization in all countries of the world.

Create a good class atmosphere: In the class concept, I actively advocate the idea that a positive person is like the sun, where it shines; a negative person like the moon, the first fifteen is not the same. And since the first day of the military training of the students to Doumen Middle School, I have taught such a concept to the whole class. This concept has been throughout the entire process of my management class. In order to cooperate with this concept, I have designed two sets of unique applause for the class. One is to encourage myself, the other is to encourage others, and to stimulate students' morale through these ideas and applause. A class must have iron discipline, and all actions can be heard and commanded in order to win. All students who violate discipline must be disciplined, and the class must adhere to their own principles. Once you have not followed your own principles, then you will become a person without principles.

Cultivate a team of highly efficient cadres: train an efficient team of cadres so that the relationship between the class leader , the class cadre and the students is like a handle, a bracket and a cloth. A better handle without a bracket. Support can not support a sky anyway. Paying attention to the all-round development of people, attaching importance to the cultivation of students' complete personality and full development of personality is an important part of education in the 21st century, and it is also an important goal and common trend of education modernization in all countries of the world. Implementing quality education, establishing a good class and cultivating students' complete personality is the responsibility of the class leader . I believe that in the process of effective class management, class guidance cannot be strictly managed by one or several teachers. The key is to educate and guide students to learn to manage themselves so that each country's students can be managed. It is also the main body of management, achieving the goal of "management, for the sake of no matter."

Guide the country's small students to self-manage: they can improve their ability to self-educate. Fundamentally speaking, children can be well educated and influenced by both internal and external factors. Guiding the country's self-management is an important way for its internal factors to play an active role, so that students can receive education in a better environment. In addition to exercising their class management skills, they should also be good at guiding the national students to self. management. . It can be said that the smooth progress of class teaching is inseparable from the self-management of the national students. A class consisting of dozens of students, relying on the power of the class leader and the number of teachers in the department, can not achieve better management results. Guide each classmate in the class to develop the spirit of ownership, and all of them become active participants in the collective management of the class. The class group may become a healthy and complete organism. On the one hand, we must educate students about the independence of life and study. In the morning meeting and the Young Pioneers activities, I promoted "doing my own things myself" and held various small competitions to stimulate and reinforce consciousness. Outside of class, I also took the initiative to contact with parents to enable students to gain more opportunities to foster independence and ensure the consistency of school, family and social impact. On the other hand, I also care for the enthusiasm of students for self-management, and often strengthen their achievements. Generally speaking, the minds of children and young people are pure and innocent. They are willing to abide by discipline, are willing to cooperate with the work of teachers, and are willing to serve the collective. As long as education is successful, each child becomes an active participant in class management. So how do you mobilize your enthusiasm? The basic approach is to give positive reinforcement. For example, I implemented the "no criticism day" system for two days a week, so that students continue to experience the joy of success and consolidate the awareness of self-management.

In summary, as a small class guide , we should conscientiously grasp the class management work, fully promote democracy, let all students actively participate in management, do everything possible to mobilize their enthusiasm and creativity, and cultivate their independent spirit and self-management ability. Gradually complete the transition from teacher management to student management, and truly play the role of a good guide and coordinator.

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