Inspirational quotes

Inspirational good words and good words

1. If you are not united, any strength is weak. - La Fontaine

2. Winners with the same desires. ——Sun Wu

3. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything. --Ostrovsky

4. People are in harmony and Taishan moves. --Chinese Sayings

5. If you can use the power, you will be invincible in the world; if you can use the wisdom, you will be fearless of the saints. - Three Kingdoms. Sun Quan

6. Five people unite one tiger, ten people unite one dragon, and 100 people unite like Taishan. - Deng Zhongxia

7. People can make a career that a single person can't do; wisdom + hands + strength combined, almost omnipotent. - US. Webster

8. Cooperation and win-win. As we all know, cooperation is not only a positive attitude, but also a kind of wisdom.

9. A person, even if he is talented and capable, if he is not well integrated into society and is not good at communicating and collaborating with people around him, he will not go far on the road to success, and he will not be able to achieve his own ideals and goals.

10. Others are warm because of you, and you will enjoy the sun because of others.

11. The monofilament is not in line, and the wood is not a forest. - Sayings

12. The two are united and their power is broken. - "Book of Changes"

13. Ten thousand people fucked their bows and shot a total of one stroke. - "Lv Spring and Autumn"

14. The people of the people are strong. ——荀荀

15. Only wide can accommodate people, only thick can carry things. - Xue Xuan

16. Smart people walk with friends and the pace is always the same. - French proverb

17. Consensus is strong, and disputes are easy to conquer. - Aesop

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