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The 90th Anniversary Celebration Plan for the Founding of the School

XX is the 90th anniversary of the founding of Wenxi Middle School. This is an important milestone in the history of school development. This program is specially formulated for the grand, warm, simple, and pragmatic 90-year celebration.

First, the guiding ideology

Grasp the great historical opportunity of Wenxi Middle School's 90th anniversary, review the history of brilliant school, discover profound humanistic heritage, inherit the fine traditions of predecessors, inspire future generations, and promote development; show realistic achievements, highlight school characteristics, strengthen foreign exchanges, and tap educational resources Optimize the educational environment, expand the social impact; contact the alumni feelings, strive for support from all walks of life, plan the development blueprint, accelerate the development of the school, and create the glory of the century; enhance the development potential of the school, promote the development of education in the county, and promote the construction of a strong county.

Second, the celebration leadership group

Third, the theme of the event

Exhibition nine ranks graceful, brilliant century.

Fourth, the celebration time

October 5th - 7th, XX

V. The practical significance and historical significance of organizing the celebration

Wenxi Middle School is the first batch of county middle schools in Shanxi Province. It has opened a precedent for modern education and led the education of Hedong. It is the window of Wenxi Education, and it is also a banner of Wenxi Education. Since its establishment 90 years ago, its performance has been brilliant. In the 1950s, he became one of the top five in Hedong, and in the 1960s he was ranked in the top eight in Jinnan. He was named as the key middle school of Shanxi Province by the provincial government. As the cradle of the democratic revolution and thought, Wenzhong has made great contributions to the independence and liberation of the nation. There are as many as 40,000 graduates from Wenxi Middle School. A large number of early-stage graduates have gone to the anti-Japanese and liberation battlefields, and have established outstanding achievements for the birth of the Republic. After the birth of New China, talents came forth in large numbers. Some of them took the leadership positions of the party and the state and became provincial-level and local-level cadres. Some have made great achievements in science education, and some have achieved fruitful results. Some have invested in economic construction for the country. A lot of wealth has been created; some are aiming at the military and police field, silently casting brilliance for the peace of the country, and thousands of students are sweating in obscurity on all fronts of agriculture, industry, and business. And wisdom. In short, there are Wenxi middle school students in all walks of life in the motherland, and the brilliant career achievements of the students also make Wenxi Middle School proud. This is not only a strong resource of Wenxi Middle School, but also a valuable asset for us to enjoy. Attracting accomplished alumni to participate in the 90th anniversary of Wenxi Middle School, fully demonstrating the alumni's style, communicating the alumni and alumni and alma mater's feelings, giving full play to the alumni resources and seeking greater development of Wenxi Middle School. At the same time, through the opportunity of celebration, it provides a broad platform and opportunity for the exchange of alumni and the exchanges between alumni and people from all walks of life to find opportunities and broaden channels for Wenxi education and economic development.

After 90 years of experience, Wenxi Middle School has made remarkable achievements, especially in recent years. 90th birthday is only a station in the march. For the future development, we should take this opportunity to expand our influence and add to the creation of the provincial demonstration high school. Due to historical reasons, the archives of Wenxi Middle School were destroyed in the war before the liberation. From the post-liberation to the “Cultural Revolution”, the archives were ravaged and lost, and only the information of recent years existed. It is very important and urgent to use history as a mirror to understand the gains and losses, sum up the lessons of history, and provide valuable historical lessons for Wenzhong’s future development. If you don't make up for the celebration, you will make a huge loss and lose the possibility of reorganization of historical materials. Therefore, the preparation of the 90th anniversary of Wenxi Middle School has important historical significance.

Sixth, the school preparatory committee

Director: Liu Chenlong

Executive Deputy Director: Liu Zhiwei Wang Xinmin

Deputy Director: Wang Xiuju Ren Xishun Zhang Jiaji Song Dengke Yang Zhongtang Yang Xiaoshang

Member: Yan Guohan Han Rongyan Wang Zhangjun Guo Hongyan Lei Zhou Yang Qing Sun Xiaogang Yang Jixiang

Gu Q: Guo Shenglin Wang Jiangkun Zhao Liguang Zhang Xuekuan Qu Kaimin

The preparatory committee has the following offices to be specifically responsible for the special work.

Contact reception group

Team leader: Wang Xiuju Deputy leader: Yan Guomin

Member: Yang Hongjuan Li Menghua Cui Suyun Liu Yuncai Zhao Xiaoming He Suzhe

Temporary transfer according to actual conditions

Campaign group

Team leader: Song Dengke Deputy leader: Han Rongyan Wang Zhangjun

Members: directors of all grades, heads of teaching and research, "Shenzhong" and all staff of the teaching and teaching center

Conference performance group

Team leader: Wang Xinmin Deputy leader: Lei Zhou

Member: Yang Jianbin Fan Haigui Li Pingxiao Li Shujuan Li Suqin Shi Yanxia Yang Cuiyan

Zhao Yongbin Dong Gaosheng Wang Ying

School history material group

Team leader: Ren Xishun Deputy leader: Yang Jixiang

Member: Lu Qiyin Xie Xingjia Cui Shuyun Guo Hongyan

Data donation group

Team Leader: Yang Zhongtang Deputy Team Leader: Yang Qing

Member: Zhang Bingrui Zeng Hongchuan, Wen Xinxia, ​​Fan Qingjiao, Li Pingyuan, Zhu Weihua, Xu Ruikun

Guo Chen Zhao Hongju Dong Shaojun Fan Honghui Yang Guoxia

Logistics support group

Team leader: Zhang Jiaji Deputy leader: Guo Hongyan

Member: All staff of the General Affairs Office, temporarily transferred according to temporary needs

Security team

Team Leader: Yang Xiaoshang Deputy Team Leader: Sun Xiaogang

Member: Zhang Yingping Cheng Xiuzhong Zhang Junhui Liu Zhe Chen Guoshi Xu Mengjuan Zhang Wei

Chen Rui Chai Junhui Zhang Yingjun Wang Weijin Xie Jianqi

Seven, working principles

The basic principles of the preparations for the celebration are: grand and warm, simple and decent, highlighting the characteristics, stressing practical results, comprehensively launching, participating together, implementing responsibilities, and working together.


The main part of the infrastructure project for the second phase of the expansion project is basically completed, and the supporting facilities of the teaching building and the experimental building are in place to green and beautify the school environment, creating a good atmosphere and welcoming the 90th anniversary.

Apply to the provincial demonstration high school to strengthen the construction of school software, improve the quality of teaching, and improve the quality of running a school.

The college entrance examination prepares for excitement, goes all out, carefully deploys, and grasps the XX session of the college entrance examination preparation work, creating new achievements and offering gifts to the 90th anniversary.

The publicity and liaison of the school will be announced through the media of the provincial and municipal newspapers, websites and other media. Extensively contact previous alumni and invite relevant people to support and participate in the celebration activities. At the same time, with the 90-year celebration as an opportunity, we will issue a donation proposal that supports the construction and development of the school as the main content, and send it to relevant government agencies, key enterprises, social organizations, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, alumni, parents, etc. Material and financial resources support the development of Wenxi Middle School. The main projects funded by the initiative are: building, plaza, road, library title, campus culture construction, student fund, and other project investment.

The materials and activities were published in the "Wenxi Middle School History", and the "Wenxi Middle School 90th Anniversary Exhibition Hall" was opened, and the "Wenxi Middle School 90th Anniversary Commemorative Album" was compiled and printed, "Wen Xizhong School Friends Directory", Produced "Wenxi Middle School 90th Anniversary VCD Special Feature Film", held "Wenxi Middle School 90th Anniversary Grand Ceremony", held "Wenxi Middle School 90th Anniversary Special Art Performance", and held alumni of "Meng Xing Wen Dao, Zhen Wen Zhong Xiong Feng" The symposium, held the “Wenzhong Famous Alumni Experts Reporting Meeting”, prepared “Wenzhong Famous Alumni Monument Gallery”, established “Wenxi Middle School 90 Years Celebration Website”, held “Campus Culture Week” and “Academic Activity Month” activities, and produced Celebration souvenirs, school badges and other items, opened a "Today's Wenzhong" school celebration column, published "Tongxiang Literature" Wenzhong school anniversary, edited the "Love is in the middle", "There is no smell of half-life" series of books.

IX. Activity content

The academic activities of the campus are scheduled to be held in September. The first is to invite famous school education experts and scholars to hold academic lectures on the theme of changing educational concepts and enhancing modern education awareness. Second, invite famous alumni representatives to return to the school to hold lectures to encourage students. Strive to go up. The third is to hold a school development forum, invite some education experts, executive leaders, well-known principals, etc. to conduct in-depth discussions on the future development of Wenxi Middle School through seminars and writing papers, and formulate a new blueprint for the development of the school.

The campus cultural activities week is scheduled to hold the first Science and Technology and Culture Week in the first ten days of the year. The teachers and students will create works and open the school history exhibition hall to showcase the quality education results in all aspects and in multiple layers.

Literary performances A literary performance featuring the theme of “Exhibition of the Nine Ranks and Genesis of the Century” was held to publicize the history of the school and promote the spirit of the 1990s. The program creation and performance are mainly based on the teachers and students of Wenxi Middle School.

The celebration ceremony held a celebration meeting, inviting relevant leaders and alumni to participate in about XX people. After the meeting, the organization will visit and the alumni will meet in the afternoon.

The reception hosted a reception and invited about 300 people including leaders, guests and famous alumni.

The symposium held a symposium on "Achieving the General Situation of the News, and Stimulating the Chinese Heroes".

The report will hold a "Reporting Meeting of Famous Alumni Experts in Wenzhong"

X. Main work and requirements

Celebration preparatory committee

Fully responsible for the preparation and implementation of the whole process of the celebration, organize research, solve difficulties and problems in the preparation and implementation process, and regularly and irregularly receive reports on the progress of the work of the working organization.

Contact reception group

1. Convene all staff meetings and departmental meetings to coordinate the work of each group.

2. Report the liaison status of the alumni to the Preparatory Committee and be responsible for investigating the alumni situation. Complete the survey of important alumni before August 15 and determine the contact with key alumni.

3. Participate in determining the entertainment specifications and number of representatives of the school, and contact the leaders, friendly representatives, friendly people, guests and alumni.

4. Responsible for the sending and receiving of alumni contact letters, master the basic situation of alumni, so that the leaders can make corresponding decision-making arrangements.

5. Accommodation and transportation arrangements for foreign guests and foreign alumni.

6. Vehicle loan and dispatch.

7. Reception, check-in arrangement, and related sign production.

8. Matters such as meals and meal coupons will be implemented.

9. Do a good job at the gate.

10. Production of logos at various locations.

11. Preparation for reception items.

12. Reception of important alumni.

13, VIP sign-in book, four treasures of the study, fruit, tea.

Promotional activity group

1. Publish the special issue of "Today's Wenzhong".

2. Arrangement, inspection, appraisal and arrangement of blackboard newspapers and classrooms.

3. Campus window and cultural environment layout.

4. Organization of literary association activities.

5. Responsible for the announcement of the newspaper's celebrations, the rolling of subtitles of the TV station, and the release of information.

6. Responsible for slogans, inflatable arches, balloon verticals, bunting, radio stations, etc.

7, video, photography.

8. Organize academic activity month, science and technology culture week activities.

9, the construction of the website.

10. Organize alumni networking activities.

11. Promote the results of the college entrance examination.

12. Responsible for the collection, finishing and archiving of school materials.

Conference performance group

1. Preparation of color cards for the card, conference materials, event schedule and event schedule. The 90-year anniversary vcd special CD was broadcasted in advance.

2. Responsible for the conference spokesperson.

3. Responsible for congratulations and congratulatory collection.

4. Organize drum band performances.

5. Placement of the venue.

6. Meeting, report venue arrangement, seating arrangement.

7. Celebration of cultural performances.

8, "Wen Xi Middle School 90 years of celebration vcd feature film" production.

9. The production and broadcast of the "Shenzhong Time" album.

School history material group

1. Drafting the overall planning plan for the celebration.

2. Arrange the school history exhibition hall and be responsible for the visit.

3. Invitation letters, congratulations, congratulatory messages, and drafting of speeches.

4, school history, catalogue compilation, souvenirs, information kits, activity emblem design, school songs confirmed.

5. The monument is built.

6, alumni address book finishing and printing.

7, "Love is in the middle" alumni essays printed

Data donation group

1. Books, gifts, and bags are in place.

2. Plan diagram production of the celebration activities.

3. Drafting and formulation of donation notices, foundation articles, announcements, etc.

4. Contact the donor unit and individual.

5. Accept donations and other matters.

6. Donor souvenirs.

7. Donation monuments and book preparations.

Logistics support group

1. Tea and equipment supply.

2. Campus greening, beautification and fragrance.

3. The campus health environment has improved.

4, water, heating, electricity security and supply.

5. Support for campus facilities

6, canteen diet, store management and supply.

7, campus lighting facilities.

Security team

1. Formulation and implementation of the activity safety plan.

2. Troubleshooting and rectification of safety hazards.

3. Education and rectification of fire safety, transportation, and environmental safety.

4. Vehicle parking arrangement management.

5. Safety inspections inside and outside the school.

6, medical management and security.

7. Warning line planning and implementation.

XI. Event arrangement

The 90th Anniversary of Wenxi Middle School in Shanxi Province, the arrangement of time activities, the organization of the site, September 1st - 30th

Campus Academic Activity Month

Ladder classroom

Campaign group

October 2 - 8

Campus Science and Technology Week

School hall and related places

Campaign group

October 5th

Outside leaders, guests, alumni report

17:00 reception reception

Kaidehua Hotel

Contact reception group

October 6

9:00 celebration

11:00 performance

2:00 Celebration Exhibition

3:00 "Thinking about the general trend, sensation of the glory" symposium

Alumni associations

School hall

School History Exhibition Hall

Ladder classroom


Conference performance group

School history material group

Conference performance group

Campaign group

October 7

Well-known alumni expert report meeting

Ladder classroom

Conference performance group

Twelve, instructions

XIII. Work steps and schedule

Thought launching and developing a sound plan

The school administrative meeting collectively perfected the preparation plan for the school celebration, and reported it to the county education bureau and the county government for approval. According to the instructions of the higher authorities, the organization of each work organization to formulate detailed work plans, implementation rules and work schedules, and communicate the plans and rules to relevant The department started its work in a timely manner, and the school informed the teachers and students of the school in an appropriate manner.

Ready to work

The working groups work to complete related tasks. Determine some of the activities of the time simulation celebrations to ensure the smooth progress of the celebration work. In September, the “School Academic Activity Month” and the “Technology and Culture Week” in early October were held as scheduled.


The teachers and students of the school will participate in the celebration activities as required to ensure the successful completion of the celebration activities.

Summary commendation

All departments write summary reports, study of school administrative meetings, hold a general meeting of the school to summarize, and will report to the County Education Bureau and the county party committee and county government.

The outstanding issues are subject to research.

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