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Work goals and ideas

The overall idea: Under the direct leadership of the county party committee and the county government, under the strong guidance of the provincial and municipal bureaus, with the regional central city construction as the core, fully implement the scientific development concept, to build a large market, invigorate large circulation, and develop large business. For the strategic goal, we will conscientiously implement the policies and measures of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government on promoting the accelerated development of the service industry, highlighting the expansion of domestic demand and guiding consumption, highlighting and optimizing the structure of foreign trade, and highlighting the introduction of well-known international and domestic enterprises and brands in Qinghe to expand Domestic demand stimulates consumption as the core, project construction as the carrier, and leading enterprises as the starting point, and strives to build a prosperous and harmonious trade and circulation environment, and strive to improve the contribution rate of the business service industry in the county's economic development.
First, expand domestic demand and stimulate consumption.
1. Grasp the basic construction of trade and commerce.
The first is the principle of convenience. We will do a good job in supporting the construction of commercial outlets in new and renovated residential communities, and speed up the construction of a food street. The second is the pillar principle. Do a good job in the construction of the cashmere products market reception center, Mei Park.
2. Focus on the construction and function of the professional wholesale market.
According to the support of the industry in our county, we will do a good job in the planning and construction of the automobile and motorcycle parts market, the construction and opening of the alloy market, and the functional improvement of the cashmere products market.
3. Promote the upgrading of the farmer's market.
Continue to declare, Qiujia that vegetable and fruit wholesale market, the Confucian department store market is "double-hunt market project", and at the same time accelerate the transformation planning of rural market.
4. Continue to carry out the work of “Wancun Qianxiang Market Project” and “Home Appliances Going to the Countryside”.
The "home appliances to the countryside" work as an important means of serving farmers and expanding consumption, strengthen supervision, establish a sound sales and service network; increase efforts on the "Wancun Qianxiang Market Project", and further expand the business scope of farm stores And service functions, strengthen the online docking of rural commercial networks and agricultural products, promote the construction of the rural market system, and effectively solve the problem of farmers buying and selling difficulties.
Second, do a good job in the production service industry and break through the development of modern logistics industry.
The first is to fully start the construction of the logistics project library. Increase investment promotion, introduce well-known domestic and foreign logistics enterprises to settle in, and enhance the competitiveness of our county logistics industry. The second is to accelerate the pace of construction of logistics projects. Focus on accelerating the construction of Longfei Logistics Park, improving the supporting facilities of Longfei Logistics Park, and actively supporting the integration and merger of Longfei Logistics. The third is to vigorously cultivate the science and technology service industry. Actively support the technical service industry such as independent research and development, design, technical consultation, brand promotion, etc., which is mainly based on the cashmere product market research and development center, and build a scientific and technological service system such as enterprise, technology innovation, intermediary service, technology investment, talent development, etc. The development of the industry provides strong support. The fourth is to develop the information service industry, accelerate e-commerce, information value-added services, online media, etc., and improve the economic and social informationization process of our county.
Third, take effective measures to maintain steady growth in exports.
1. Use foreign investment support policies. Actively study the national macro-control policies, strengthen the collection and arrangement of policies, make good use of the international market development funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech industrial R&D and technological subsidies and other national financial subsidies, encourage and support enterprises to adjust product mix and expand export scale. .
2. Increase the training of enterprises. Continue to strengthen cooperation with Alibaba, and work together to conduct e-commerce training for export-oriented enterprises in our county, improve the efficiency of external business communication and contact, reduce business costs, increase policy training for enterprises, and help enterprises to better use them. Policies respond to crises, overcome difficulties, and enhance competitiveness.
3. Make full use of foreign exhibition platforms. Increase foreign exchange and promotion, increase encouragement and support for the efforts of our county enterprises to explore the international market, actively explore emerging markets, and further expand exports.
Fourth, strengthen industry supervision and service work.
1. Strengthen the supervision of pig slaughter. The first is to strengthen the management and training of pig slaughtering sites. The second is to strengthen the supervision and management of all aspects of pig inspection, and to kill the disease and inject water into the market. The third is to strengthen the supervision and inspection of white striped pigs. The fourth is to strengthen cooperation with relevant departments of industry and commerce, animal husbandry, food and medicine, and ensure the stable and healthy development of the meat market in our county.
2. Strengthen the supervision of alcohol circulation. First, strict supervision of the market accompanying orders. The second is the supervision of sales on the account. The third is to strengthen law enforcement and crack down on the production and sale of fake and shoddy alcohol.
3. Strengthen supervision of other industries. The first is to strengthen the supervision of renewable resources. Focus on strengthening the industry guidance and standardization management of ferroalloy and automobile dismantling. The second is to strengthen the supervision of retailers' promotional activities. Prevent malicious competition and maintain market stability. The third is to strengthen the supervision of the refined oil market, vigorously rectify the refined oil market in our county, regulate the purchase channels of refined oil products, and severely crack down on unlicensed operations and out-of-scope operations.

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