
三日月奧古斯(Sanji Matsusada)的經典名言如下:

1. 「無論是誰,都不可能獨自活在世上。」(No matter who you are, you cannot survive alone in this world.)

2. 「所謂武士,就是在面臨絕境時,依然敢於挑戰不公,即使無人支持,也決不放棄。」(A true warrior is one who, in the face of injustice, dares to challenge what is wrong even if there is no support, and never gives up.)

3. 「有時人需要的不是什麼天堂般的生活,而是痛快地摔一跤。」(Sometimes what people need is not a life of heaven, but to fall hard and experience the pain of it.)

