

1. 中秋快樂,萬事如意!

Mid-Autumn Greetings! May all your wishes come true!

2. 祝中秋佳節愉快,月圓人圓事事圓滿。

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May all your dreams come true and all your wishes be granted.

3. 祝你在這箇中秋團圓,美好美夢成真。

Wishing you a wonderful mid-autumn festival, where you share the happiness and all your dreams come true.

4. 月圓人團圓,祝你中秋快樂,幸福滿滿。

The moon is round and full, let's share the happiness of a family reunion, may you have a happy and fulfilling mid-autumn festival!

5. 月到中秋分外明,人到佳節倍思親。

The moon is particularly bright during the mid-autumn festival, and I miss all my loved ones during this special time. Wishing you a wonderful festival filled with joy and happiness!
