* 偉大的事業,需要決心,能力,組織和責任感。 ——戴爾·卡耐基(Great causes require determination, ability, organization, and responsibility.)
* 企業的成功靠團隊,而不是靠個人。 ——羅伯特·凱利(The success of a business depends on teamwork, not individual efforts.)
* 商界成功的秘訣就是永遠比對手準備得更充分。 ——李嘉誠(The secret to business success is always being better prepared than your competitors.)
* 企業的使命是發展自己的長處,做好自己的工作,幫助客戶成功。 ——張瑞敏(The mission of a business is to develop its own strengths, do its job well, and help customers succeed.)
* 不要問你的企業能為你做什麼,而要問你能為你的企業做什麼。 ——阿爾伯特·哈伯德(Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company.)
* 企業的生存之道就是不斷創新,超越自我。 ——陳志列(The survival of a business lies in continuous innovation and self-advancement.)
* 成功的企業靠的是領導者的決策和團隊的合作。 ——傑克·韋爾奇(Successful businesses rely on the decision-making of leaders and teamwork.)