

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who built houses. There was Big Pig, Middle Pig, and Little Pig. They had different ideas on how to build a house.

Big Pig decided to build a house of straw because it was easy and fast. But it was not strong enough to withstand the wind and rain. Middle Pig, on the other hand, decided to build a house of sticks because they were sturdier and could last longer. He chose a safer location and worked hard to build a strong house.

Little Pig, who was the most curious, decided to build a house of bricks. He knew that bricks were strong and would last for a long time. Little Pig worked hard and built a beautiful house that was safe and strong.

One day, a big bad wolf came knocking on their doors. Big Pig and Middle Pig's houses were easily blown down by the wind. But Little Pig's house was strong and safe, and he was able to save himself and his family from the wolf.

In this story, children can learn about building a strong foundation, working hard, and being smart in choosing the right path. It also teaches them that safety is always the top priority.

